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Undecided Voter (1 Viewer)

Do you really believe there are undecided voters out there?

  • yes

    Votes: 24 55.8%
  • no

    Votes: 18 41.9%
  • other

    Votes: 1 2.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


DP Veteran
Jul 30, 2018
Reaction score
I will be glad when this election is over. Debate on this forum has reached the point of ridiculousness. More name calling and outlandish lies than anything else. What will it be In two more months. I think you could vote today and have the same result that you will after 2 months of campaigning. Anybody undecided now probably won't vote anyway. I don't believe the campaigns will change any minds.

Do you really believe there are undecided voters out there?
If there are undecideds out there, they're few & far between!
If there are undecideds out there, they're few & far between!
The thing that opened the election to Trump last time was a large number of undecided voter existing after the convention, who swung to Trump at the Comey debacle.

Such a climate doesn't exist this time around, at least in polling. If that doesn't change then that's the ball game and Trump is going to be defeated handily.

I will be glad when this election is over. Debate on this forum has reached the point of ridiculousness. More name calling and outlandish lies than anything else. What will it be In two more months. I think you could vote today and have the same result that you will after 2 months of campaigning. Anybody undecided now probably won't vote anyway. I don't believe the campaigns will change any minds.

Do you really believe there are undecided voters out there?

From my perspective, there are well-informed voters, low-informed voters and those that don't vote. Completely subjective, but I wouldn't hesitate to believe low-informed voters make up a majority of the electorate.
I will be glad when this election is over. Debate on this forum has reached the point of ridiculousness. More name calling and outlandish lies than anything else. What will it be In two more months. I think you could vote today and have the same result that you will after 2 months of campaigning. Anybody undecided now probably won't vote anyway. I don't believe the campaigns will change any minds.

Do you really believe there are undecided voters out there?

There aren't many, but I think there's some.
I will be glad when this election is over. Debate on this forum has reached the point of ridiculousness. More name calling and outlandish lies than anything else. What will it be In two more months. I think you could vote today and have the same result that you will after 2 months of campaigning. Anybody undecided now probably won't vote anyway. I don't believe the campaigns will change any minds.

Do you really believe there are undecided voters out there?

If there are live, face to face, one on one debates with a live audience it is going to reveal a lot. People should be insisting on these debates. Joe made it clear he didn't want to do that and used covid science as an excuse.
I will be glad when this election is over. Debate on this forum has reached the point of ridiculousness. More name calling and outlandish lies than anything else. What will it be In two more months. I think you could vote today and have the same result that you will after 2 months of campaigning. Anybody undecided now probably won't vote anyway. I don't believe the campaigns will change any minds.

Do you really believe there are undecided voters out there?

Of course there are.

There are a lot of Americans out there who, even this close to the election, haven't given a thought about it. But one day, they'll either get a ballot (hopefully it has their name on it) in the mail or on Nov. 2nd, someone will ask them if they are going to vote and suddenly they'll think, "Who the hell is running for President?"

That'll be when they decide. (If they don't just pop open another beer or light up another doobie...and forget about the whole thing.)
I really, really hate this, but I'm in agreement with Mycroft.
I haven't decided...

....whether I'm going to bother, given the fact that my vote doesn't count where I live.
The thing that opened the election to Trump last time was a large number of undecided voter existing after the convention, who swung to Trump at the Comey debacle.

Such a climate doesn't exist this time around, at least in polling. If that doesn't change then that's the ball game and Trump is going to be defeated handily.

I'm a cautious guy, but you know I agree with you. Everyone - especially the Dems - are going to be nervous to vote Indie. Well, except for the hardcore Indie believers. But those overly idealistic 2016 Lefty Dems, that eschewed voting Dem after Bernie got knocked-off, likely learned a lesson after four years of Trump!
I voted yes, because I think there are still some people who are undecided, but like others already said here, their numbers are few.
Not sure whether to stay home or vote third. How about everyone else? Lockstep?
I will be glad when this election is over. Debate on this forum has reached the point of ridiculousness. More name calling and outlandish lies than anything else. What will it be In two more months. I think you could vote today and have the same result that you will after 2 months of campaigning. Anybody undecided now probably won't vote anyway. I don't believe the campaigns will change any minds.

Do you really believe there are undecided voters out there?

According to the polls there are undecided and third party voters out there. Depending on the poll, they range from 6% up to 16%. But if one averages them out, they come out to be 4% third party, 4% undecided.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2020 - General Election: Trump vs. Biden

What we don't know among those who state who'll they vote for is the strength of their commitment or even if they'll vote. Looking at RCP averages, half the polls are of likely voters, half of registered voters. History shows that on average, polls which include all adults, only 55% of them will vote. RCP doesn't have this type of poll. Registered voters average 65% going to the polls and likely voters 80%. This is why polls of likely voters are much more accurate than polls of just registered voters or of all adults. But each type have their uses.

Most of the third party voters and undecided's are independents. Party breakdown, Democrats, 1% third party, 1% undecided. Republicans 1% third party, 3% undecided's and independents 9% third party, 9% undecided. I like to refer to independents as swing voters. So it's swing voters that are mostly undecided or third party voters. They also usually decide elections, not the party faithful.
I will be glad when this election is over. Debate on this forum has reached the point of ridiculousness. More name calling and outlandish lies than anything else. What will it be In two more months. I think you could vote today and have the same result that you will after 2 months of campaigning. Anybody undecided now probably won't vote anyway. I don't believe the campaigns will change any minds.

Do you really believe there are undecided voters out there?

Of course there are undecided voters. Many people will be voting in their first election for eligibility reasons, especially high school seniors. Others paid no attention to politics before this year.
I'm a cautious guy, but you know I agree with you. Everyone - especially the Dems - are going to be nervous to vote Indie. Well, except for the hardcore Indie believers. But those overly idealistic 2016 Lefty Dems, that eschewed voting Dem after Bernie got knocked-off, likely learned a lesson after four years of Trump!

there are people who are torn between 2 or more issues

example-a high earning gay or feminist. They like Trump on taxes, but they like Biden's likely judicial picks on abortion or gay rights. Union guys who like gun rights are in the same position. Their union supports Biden but Biden wants to ban their guns
there are people who are torn between 2 or more issues

example-a high earning gay or feminist. They like Trump on taxes, but they like Biden's likely judicial picks on abortion or gay rights. Union guys who like gun rights are in the same position. Their union supports Biden but Biden wants to ban their guns
I think I could see that.
I think I could see that.

The Heller decision really helped Obama in 08. It gave lots of union gun owners a reason to vote with their union because they figured the supreme court decision would prevent an obama regime from banning guns. If Heller had gone the other way, McCain might have won
The Heller decision really helped Obama in 08. It gave lots of union gun owners a reason to vote with their union because they figured the supreme court decision would prevent an obama regime from banning guns. If Heller had gone the other way, McCain might have won

delusional. McCain would have lost regardless because Dubya was bad president who made Republicans unelectable in 2008.

ironically, you guys are going down the same path right now with Trump.
Not sure whether to stay home or vote third. How about everyone else? Lockstep?

i can give you some forum member names not to bother to ask to drive you to the poll
delusional. McCain would have lost regardless because Dubya was bad president who made Republicans unelectable in 2008.

ironically, you guys are going down the same path right now with Trump.

given your obvious bias, I don't think your argument is based on reality but rather on what you hope happens
The Heller decision really helped Obama in 08. It gave lots of union gun owners a reason to vote with their union because they figured the supreme court decision would prevent an obama regime from banning guns. If Heller had gone the other way, McCain might have won
I'm willing to buy your underlying premise. But it would've taken a pretty seismic shift for McCain to prevail.
I will be glad when this election is over. Debate on this forum has reached the point of ridiculousness. More name calling and outlandish lies than anything else. What will it be In two more months. I think you could vote today and have the same result that you will after 2 months of campaigning. Anybody undecided now probably won't vote anyway. I don't believe the campaigns will change any minds.

Do you really believe there are undecided voters out there?

Yes, there are undecideds, but not enough to make a difference. As long as Biden is polling north of 50%, Trump's unfavorables are over 50%, all the Dems need to win is a decent (not even a great) turnout. Trump can't win...
Yes. There are those who don't really follow politics, who may not watch CNN or Fox and might have missed the vitriol as well as not watching presidential briefings and political rallies and stump speeches, haven't seen how 'dumb' Trump comes across or how 'old' Biden sounds. They treat elections as optional or like a kind of lottery and depending on their jobs and family finances and other circumstances will gauge whether the incumbent or challenger has the better offer.

But like Chomsky said there must be precious few of them by now. Few can have missed this craziness or failed to choose their poison.
given your obvious bias, I don't think your argument is based on reality but rather on what you hope happens

You're trolling, you have to be. Bush made Republicans unelectable in 2008, how can you deny this?
You're trolling, you have to be. Bush made Republicans unelectable in 2008, how can you deny this?

really? so the Democrats swept the congressional races and governor's races as well

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