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UN Human Rights Council says Syria gas attack videos, photos fake [W:44] (1 Viewer)

Re: UN Human Rights Council says Syria gas attack videos, photos fake

UN evidence of massacres with definite blame puts Assad at ~7:1, let's say 60k civilians killed, do the math.
And what then?
Re: UN Human Rights Council says Syria gas attack videos, photos fake

Well I said we (meaning the collective here that is) not you.
Oh. I apologize. I think we're largely in agreement on this issue.
Re: UN Human Rights Council says Syria gas attack videos, photos fake

And what then?

It becomes clear who is causing the civilian deaths. Assad, at about 7:1.

Or do you reject the UN report.
Re: UN Human Rights Council says Syria gas attack videos, photos fake

RT is rarely somewhat realistic. PressTV is crap.

You're just a racist that hates Russians and Iranians.
Re: UN Human Rights Council says Syria gas attack videos, photos fake


Hillary Clinton was defending her department budget in front of the U.S. Foreign Policy Priorities committee this morning on C-Span.

"we are in an information war and we are losing that war."

Meanwhile she says Al-Jazeera, CCTV and Russia Today are killing it: "Al Jazeera is winning. The Chinese have opened up a global English language and multi-language television network, the Russians have opened up an English language network. I've seen it in a couple of countries and it's quite instructive."

Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/hillary-clinton-al-jazeera-2011-3#ixzz2ecqIJGGg

Read more: Hillary Clinton Says Al Jazeera Is Putting American Media To Shame - Business Insider
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Re: UN Human Rights Council says Syria gas attack videos, photos fake

Hillary Clinton was defending her department budget in front of the U.S. Foreign Policy Priorities committee this morning on C-Span.

Meanwhile she says Al-Jazeera, CCTV and Russia Today are killing it: "Al Jazeera is winning. The Chinese have opened up a global English language and multi-language television network, the Russians have opened up an English language network. I've seen it in a couple of countries and it's quite instructive."

Read more: Hillary Clinton Says Al Jazeera Is Putting American Media To Shame - Business Insider

Business Insider (haha) is, not surprisingly or cleverly, misrepresenting her statement. She is referring to State media as a means of disseminating propaganda.

Business Insider is a blog with writers of such names as Godzilla and SmokeyJoe.
Re: UN Human Rights Council says Syria gas attack videos, photos fake

RT is rarely somewhat realistic. PressTV is crap.

Like I said. They tend to make propaganda with a new. Because they are Russians.
Even US media does, everyone does. Like the White House which tried to take credit for Assadd accept Russian's proposal to surrender chemicals.

If you remember, I came up once with the "Iranian coup"
When Iran media accused CIA for that coup many years ago, many did not believed it, called it conspiracy theory, crap, bull**** etc just because iranians or russians said so.
And now in 2013 (after 60 years), that CIA admitted itself, it suddenly become a truth.

Even about Syria, when Assad was accusing at the beginning the CIA for supporting and US for aiding rebels, everyone laughed at first. Now the picture is different.

You can find on both sides, lies and truth.
Re: UN Human Rights Council says Syria gas attack videos, photos fake

Business Insider (haha) is, not surprisingly or cleverly, misrepresenting her statement. She is referring to State media as a means of disseminating propaganda.

Business Insider is a blog with writers of such names as Godzilla and SmokeyJoe.

Your full of it. Why don't you go look at the video footage of her saying it. You'll also hear her say that the government needs to establish its own news service and disseminate PROPAGANDA. So quit acting like the US is above the fray.
Re: UN Human Rights Council says Syria gas attack videos, photos fake

Like I said. They tend to make propaganda with a new. Because they are Russians.
Even US media does, everyone does. Like the White House which tried to take credit for Assadd accept Russian's proposal to surrender chemicals.

If you remember, I came up once with the "Iranian coup"
When Iran media accused CIA for that coup many years ago, many did not believed it, called it conspiracy theory, crap, bull**** etc just because iranians or russians said so.
And now in 2013 (after 60 years), that CIA admitted itself, it suddenly become a truth.

Even about Syria, when Assad was accusing at the beginning the CIA for supporting and US for aiding rebels, everyone laughed at first. Now the picture is different.

You can find on both sides, lies and truth.

Yep, check out post 81 Coin.
Re: UN Human Rights Council says Syria gas attack videos, photos fake

It becomes clear who is causing the civilian deaths. Assad, at about 7:1.

Or do you reject the UN report.
I'm not rejecting or accepting anything. We already know Assad is a bad guy. We also know the rebels are bad guys, in part. Civilians die in rebellions and war. I can't stop that, and neither can this country. We can stand on principle all day long, and not have a substantial effect on civilian deaths, except by a particular means - and truly not even that. Do you really think that at least a few of these munitions won't end up on the warhead of a Hezbolla missle?
Re: UN Human Rights Council says Syria gas attack videos, photos fake

I'm not rejecting or accepting anything. We already know Assad is a bad guy. We also know the rebels are bad guys, in part. Civilians die in rebellions and war. I can't stop that, and neither can this country. We can stand on principle all day long, and not have a substantial effect on civilian deaths, except by a particular means - and truly not even that. Do you really think that at least a few of these munitions won't end up on the warhead of a Hezbolla missle?

The UN reported on who is killing the most civilians. Your question was answered by today's news.
Re: UN Human Rights Council says Syria gas attack videos, photos fake


Re: UN Human Rights Council says Syria gas attack videos, photos fake

Like I said. They tend to make propaganda with a new. Because they are Russians.
Even US media does, everyone does. Like the White House which tried to take credit for Assadd accept Russian's proposal to surrender chemicals.

If you remember, I came up once with the "Iranian coup"
When Iran media accused CIA for that coup many years ago, many did not believed it, called it conspiracy theory, crap, bull**** etc just because iranians or russians said so.
And now in 2013 (after 60 years), that CIA admitted itself, it suddenly become a truth.

Even about Syria, when Assad was accusing at the beginning the CIA for supporting and US for aiding rebels, everyone laughed at first. Now the picture is different.

You can find on both sides, lies and truth.

l never laugh because l know teh west and its allies including turkey have always supported ,armed these radicals since the begining of the so called arabian spring

l wish many americans really tried to realize the facts of this region and teh world before making interesting assumptions about world events
Re: UN Human Rights Council says Syria gas attack videos, photos fake

l never laugh because l know teh west and its allies including turkey have always supported ,armed these radicals since the begining of the so called arabian spring

l wish many americans really tried to realize the facts of this region and teh world before making interesting assumptions about world events

Actually some of us do Medusa.
Re: UN Human Rights Council says Syria gas attack videos, photos fake

The UN reported on who is killing the most civilians. Your question was answered by today's news.
I believe I already said we know Assad is a bad guy. I also know, as do you, that the only part of this wearing uniforms is the Syrian government's military. Are you telling me that the rebels don't operate among the civilian population - because you know they do. I'm not absolving Assad at all, I'm just saying that you can't measure this as if the rebels are out on an open field free of civilians, and the Syrians targeted the civilians anyway. That's not happening. You know this.
Re: UN Human Rights Council says Syria gas attack videos, photos fake

I believe I already said we know Assad is a bad guy. I also know, as do you, that the only part of this wearing uniforms is the Syrian government's military. Are you telling me that the rebels don't operate among the civilian population - because you know they do. I'm not absolving Assad at all, I'm just saying that you can't measure this as if the rebels are out on an open field free of civilians, and the Syrians targeted the civilians anyway. That's not happening. You know this.

Of course he knows it but hell never concede the point.
Re: UN Human Rights Council says Syria gas attack videos, photos fake

I believe I already said we know Assad is a bad guy. I also know, as do you, that the only part of this wearing uniforms is the Syrian government's military. Are you telling me that the rebels don't operate among the civilian population - because you know they do. I'm not absolving Assad at all, I'm just saying that you can't measure this as if the rebels are out on an open field free of civilians, and the Syrians targeted the civilians anyway. That's not happening. You know this.

Of course he knows it but hell never concede the point.

There is no point.

Here are the facts:

8 massacres by Syria regime and 1 by rebels since April 2012, U.N. war crimes report shows - CBS News
Re: UN Human Rights Council says Syria gas attack videos, photos fake

That's not the only facts. In 20-30 Syrian threads in the last couple weeks or so, there have been a dozen or so links posted to documented atrocities by the Islamic extremist rebels fighting president Assad's forces and civilians alike. There is no one for the US to support, legitimately. And YOU, you dismiss the UN as irrelevant when they say something that conflicts with your meme, and quote them when they say something you like.
Re: UN Human Rights Council says Syria gas attack videos, photos fake

And YOU, you dismiss the UN as irrelevant when they say something that conflicts with your meme, and quote them when they say something you like.

That's not true.
Re: UN Human Rights Council says Syria gas attack videos, photos fake

And YOU, you dismiss the UN as irrelevant when they say something that conflicts with your meme, and quote them when they say something you like.

You do that, not eco.

What eco posted was something that the UN has officially documented. You have news reports, not based upon published UN documentation.
Re: UN Human Rights Council says Syria gas attack videos, photos fake

Great. I'm familiar with all of it, in spite of my better intentions. You can buy into all of that or you can look at the conflict without the media and institutional overlay. I choose the latter. The opportunity to effect a positive outcome in Syria passed a couple of years ago. We lost this round, and so did Syria as a result.
Re: UN Human Rights Council says Syria gas attack videos, photos fake

I believe I already said we know Assad is a bad guy. I also know, as do you, that the only part of this wearing uniforms is the Syrian government's military. Are you telling me that the rebels don't operate among the civilian population - because you know they do. I'm not absolving Assad at all, I'm just saying that you can't measure this as if the rebels are out on an open field free of civilians, and the Syrians targeted the civilians anyway. That's not happening. You know this.

How do you know Assads forces always do that? As far as I recall some of the boys originally clothed in those uniforms refused orders to kill civilians and set up the FSA.
Re: UN Human Rights Council says Syria gas attack videos, photos fake

You do that, not eco.

What eco posted was something that the UN has officially documented. You have news reports, not based upon published UN documentation.

I haven't denied anything the UN has documented, not even the atrocities by the rebels. And whatever could you be talking about, I quote the UN regularly!
Re: UN Human Rights Council says Syria gas attack videos, photos fake

I haven't denied anything the UN has documented, not even the atrocities by the rebels. And whatever could you be talking about, I quote the UN regularly!

So you accept that 7:1 civilian massacres have been conducted by Assad and not the rebels? How do you rationalise that with the narrative that Assad is a necessary evil?

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