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Um, can we stop saying "Um,"? (1 Viewer)

Ummmm, I suppose we CAN, but I like the term. Kudos for freedom of expression, yes? ;)
The moment you start misspelling slang words, well umm...it's big trouble. You left out an "m". Just sayin':)
I prefer nothing similar to "Um, ". It's annoying and makes you sound like a dumb valley girl.
recalcitrant;bt2829 said:
I prefer nothing similar to "Um, ". It's annoying and makes you sound like a dumb valley girl.

Anybody got a good example of what going on a rant about the word "um" makes someone sound like? I can't decide between a neurotic Grammar Nazi or an OCD lit teacher.
Well, that's like, when, like, one doesn't think before speaking, nome sane?
Well the jerk is ummm gone.

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