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Ukraine says more than 11,000 Russian troops killed since invasion began (1 Viewer)


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Jun 20, 2018
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Miami, FL
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Ukraine says more than 11,000 Russian troops killed since invasion began

This kind of casualty numbers are going to have a negative effect in Russia. How many more Russian soldiers need to die before Putin realizes that even though he is gaining ground (cities captured) he is actually losing the war.

Another good question. How many soldiers will continue to support Putin with these numbers and the reasons given by Putin for the invasion?
If that is true, it is disgusting and sickening that 11,000 Russian mothers are grieving because of the insanity of that brutal, heartless, genuine coward who is hiding in the Kremlin instead of personally leading the charge in Ukraine.
I'm all for Ukraine but truth is the first casualty of war. I'm thinking 5,500 killed. And the number of wounded is usually at least twice the number of dead so Russia is biting it big time.
I'd like to think Russia is getting stomped, but that number is a bit hard to believe.
I'm surprised they didn't say 50,000.
Up to 4,000 Russian troops may have died since President Vladimir Putin launched Russia’s invasion of Ukraine on Feb. 24, a senior U.S. military officer said Tuesday, as the Kremlin’s military forces continued to face fierce resistance.

Lt. Gen. Scott D. Berrier, director the Defense Intelligence Agency, told House lawmakers that the best estimate is between 2,000 and 4,000 Russian fatalities.

I would have guessed 1,000 or less. That's pretty bad considering the worst of the fighting has yet to begin. If it goes above 10,000 Putin will lose support.

At 4,000 isn't that what we lost in Iraq over m any years?

Ukraine says more than 11,000 Russian troops killed since invasion began

This kind of casualty numbers are going to have a negative effect in Russia. How many more Russian soldiers need to die before Putin realizes that even though he is gaining ground (cities captured) he is actually losing the war.

Another good question. How many soldiers will continue to support Putin with these numbers and the reasons given by Putin for the invasion?
That sounds like someone is fudging the numbers.
Anyone remember how transphobes on this site were posting threads with videos of “manly” Russian soldiers and talking about how they’d beat our “woke effeminate” military?

Well those “manly” soldiers have taken more casualties in 10 days than the “woke effeminate” soldiers did in 20 years.

To quote of my least favorite characters on Letterkenny: “****ing embarrassing!” *kicks trashcan*
I agree with those skeptical of that number. I know this is not a traditional war/battle but not as if Russia has retreated and left all their dead behind to be counted. In short, Ukraine has no way to accurately predict how many have been killed or wounded.

I do agree with those who know that the casualty lists, no matter how severe, are going to have serious negative repercussions back on the Russian homefront.

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