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Ukraine-"Russia" sea clash: Trump may cancel G20 Putin talks (1 Viewer)


  • NO

    Votes: 8 88.9%
  • YES

    Votes: 1 11.1%

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DP Veteran
Sep 2, 2017
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Will Trump dump pirate Putler in Argentina ?

"US President Donald Trump says he may cancel a meeting with "Russian" President Vladimir Putin following a maritime clash between "Russia" and Ukraine.

Mr Trump told the Washington Post he was waiting for a "full report" after Russian ships fired on and seized three Ukrainian boats on Sunday.

Ukraine described it as an "act of aggression" but Russia said the ships had illegally entered its waters.....What did Donald Trump say?

Mr Trump and Mr Putin are due to meet on the sidelines of the G20 summit in Buenos Aires later this week.

However, Mr Trump told the Washington Post that the report coming from his national security team would be "very determinative"."


Will Trump dump pirate Putler in Argentina ?

"US President Donald Trump says he may cancel a meeting with "Russian" President Vladimir Putin following a maritime clash between "Russia" and Ukraine.

Mr Trump told the Washington Post he was waiting for a "full report" after Russian ships fired on and seized three Ukrainian boats on Sunday.

Ukraine described it as an "act of aggression" but Russia said the ships had illegally entered its waters.....What did Donald Trump say?

Mr Trump and Mr Putin are due to meet on the sidelines of the G20 summit in Buenos Aires later this week.

However, Mr Trump told the Washington Post that the report coming from his national security team would be "very determinative"."


Trump is Putin's boy toy. Trump won't cancel. At most we'll see some postering, maybe even a delay, but not a cancellation.
Censorship is an ugly word
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Trump is Putin's boy toy. Trump won't cancel. At most we'll see some postering, maybe even a delay, but not a cancellation.

is it all about his pee-tape in KGB hands or ?
I don't remember Trump condemning this.
Doesn't sound promising. Likely we'll see Pro-Russia vs. Anti-Russia become a partisan issue here in the States and nothing more...
If the G20 had any credibility, it wouldn't allow mass murdering, free speech crushing, Ukraine invading, money stealing dictators to attend.

What is the poll question even about? All it says is yes or no- to what?
is it all about his pee-tape in KGB hands or ?

No, that's just a little reminder of who's the boss. Putin is all about power and control while Trump is all about money. There is a huuuuge fortune to be made if the sanctions are dropped against Russia.


Screen grab

Russia's state TV (Channel 1) gloats about Trump's failure to condemn Russia for its escalating aggression against Ukraine: reporter mocks Nikki Haley's UN speech, says:
"She must have an unstable connection to the Captain's Bridge, since the owner of the White House didn't blame Russia."
Trump is Putin's boy toy. Trump won't cancel. At most we'll see some postering, maybe even a delay, but not a cancellation.

I don't remember Trump condemning this.

If the G20 had any credibility, it wouldn't allow mass murdering, free speech crushing, Ukraine invading, money stealing dictators to attend.


Donald J. Trump

· 41 мин

Based on the fact that the ships and sailors have not been returned to Ukraine from "Russia",
I have decided it would be best for all parties concerned to cancel my previously scheduled meeting....
Donald J. Trump

· 41 мин

Based on the fact that the ships and sailors have not been returned to Ukraine from "Russia",
I have decided it would be best for all parties concerned to cancel my previously scheduled meeting....
Awesome, but since Trump constantly lies and flip-flops, I'm content to wait and see.
Trump is Putin's boy toy. Trump won't cancel. At most we'll see some postering, maybe even a delay, but not a cancellation.

I don't remember Trump condemning this.

If the G20 had any credibility, it wouldn't allow mass murdering, free speech crushing, Ukraine invading, money stealing dictators to attend.


Awesome, but since Trump constantly lies and flip-flops, I'm content to wait and see.

Trump´s relations with this tyrant and ex KGB-man are very strange
It's all about the money. Trump worships at the altar of the Almighty Buck.

Muscovy GDP (with oil-gas, without it Muscovy is Bangladesh) is a similar to Spanish one, and much smaller than Californian . Putlerstan is a bum actually


try to find putlerstan here
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That is truly anti-American. President Trump is not anyone's toy.
Stop being silly!

Disagreed. I have no doubt he'd give Putin a handy if it would close a billion dollar trade deal that benefits only Trump.

Screen grab

Russia's state TV (Channel 1) gloats about Trump's failure to condemn Russia for its escalating aggression against Ukraine: reporter mocks Nikki Haley's UN speech, says:
"She must have an unstable connection to the Captain's Bridge, since the owner of the White House didn't blame Russia."

Disagreed. I have no doubt he'd give Putin a handy if it would close a billion dollar trade deal that benefits only Trump.

Army Chief of Staff Gen. Milley Tells Putin: "We will beat you. We will beat you harder than you've ever been beaten before."

Army Chief of Staff Gen. Milley Tells Putin: "We will beat you. We will beat you harder than you've ever been beaten before."

Ummm....your video was made before the 2016 election. What are you trying to say and what does that have to do with my comment??

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