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UK scrambles to keep 'dozen eggs' in EU battle (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jun 1, 2006
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BBC News - UK scrambles to keep 'dozen eggs' in EU battle

Quote(UK officials say they will defend food producers' right to label groceries by number, amid fears that the EU may consign "a dozen" eggs to history.

Efforts to standardise food labels across the 27-nation EU have gained momentum with new draft legislation going through the European Parliament.

MEPs backed labels indicating weight or volume, but rejected labels that just show the number of items in a pack.)

This type of beaurocratic nonsense is what will eventually cause the demise of the EU.

It is patently ridiculous that unelected morons have the right to change how people traditionally live in individual Nations and cultures.
Humanity cannot be treated as a single unit, humanity gains by it's diversity.
Labels showing both weight and number would be the best solution, she told the BBC.

In the US we price according to most convenient thing - if it's something like eggs or rolls - we price according to number because that's the easiest thing to *see*. If it's something like a box of wheat or grain we price in the best way to calculate it (volume, weight, etc) . . . the industry should choose - not legislation. . .and simply make it known what the pricing is with a label "this unit is priced according to volume" :shrug:

Why is this complicated?
a non story.. more English fearmongering when it comes to the EU.
The stinking corpse of the bendy banana legislation will not be forgotten, plus more sinister news that the EC wants to control reports by bunging friendly journalists is emerging.

Bent Bananas

'Heil! I'm Helmut Pierre of ze EC and I vant eazier zings to stick up mein botum': Bloggers4UKIP: EU ban on bendy bananas looks set to return

They have to show themselves worthy of something to do somehow:

Government wasted £71million to comply with 'bizarre' EU metric rule, report reveals | Mail Online

First light bulbs, now EU set to ban plasma televisions - TECH.BLORGE.com

Paying for propaganda: how the European Commission plans to buy journalists - Mail Online - Euroseptic: Mary Ellen Synon in Brussels

Gavin Corder's Blog: EU laws threaten Earl Grey tea

Just a stay of execution: Victory for Britain's metric martyrs as Eurocrats give up the fight | Mail Online

Everything bad the EU ever does is a 'non-story'. Technically then, the EU's very existence is a non-story. Except when it's time to glory in it with state-funded poltical-paedophilia propaganda like 'Captain Europe'.


The EU is there to establish itself, for its own sake, as an ultimate tier of government. Supreme executive command passes to the EU, emasculating the component states as the GLC-on-acid Eurocrats manufacture their own dummy accoutrements of state, such as the fake constitution with actually steals power, 'Monopoly'-board money and phoney national anthem. And all without permission or by virtue of ignored plebiscite.

The EU's toxic to everything but itself. Pete EU's right, it's not a non-story but a damn scandal, even in the trivia. Not in our name.

52 REASONS TO LEAVE THE EU: http://www.debatepolitics.com/europ...-eu.html?highlight=52+reasons+to+leave+the+eu


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those poor bananas!

How many physically deformed yet perfectly edible otherwise bananas and other fruit go to waste due to a desire to have food looking a certain way?
I find it worse that, in the name of dogma, British farmers and fishermen must face ruin to protect stupid foreign concessions. That and shopkeepers facing court for selling things in measurements the customers better understand.

We should ignore them or just stop their money until we have a net gain from the EU, including sovereigntal. They'll punish us (unlike with the likes of the French who wisely ignore EU rules all day), but at least we'll see the mask slip further in their spite.


It takes 20 years for the EU to punish the French. Let's follow their lead then: http://www.nesa.co.uk/forums/shore-fishing/8119-eu-fine-france-40-million-quid-over-fishing.html
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those poor bananas!

How many physically deformed yet perfectly edible otherwise bananas and other fruit go to waste due to a desire to have food looking a certain way?

The truthful answer? None whatsoever. The international regulation agreed with the industry standardises the minimum diameter at which a banana is mature enough to be edible.
Then they're obviously doing a crap job because bananas at my supermarket are all green and hard at point of sale due to being so young.

And what's more, you try telling a banana if it needs to straighten up a bit more to be selected for picking. It's not about maturity, it's about leaving them back if they're the natural shape.

No wonder the EU's famous for its food mountains when it's so needlessly meddling in all it does.
those poor bananas!

How many physically deformed yet perfectly edible otherwise bananas and other fruit go to waste due to a desire to have food looking a certain way?

They have always gone to waste. Consumers did not want to buy them when the rules were not in place, but lots of energy and money was wasted by transporting them. With the rules that waste was cut. Funny how the English articles never mention the reasoning for the rules..
So it's not happening, yes?

Never say never, but considering that this has to go through a lot more steps than the Parliament, then it is doubtful. For one it has to get the approval of the Brits.. and every other country. As I said.. more fear mongering.
Then they're obviously doing a crap job because bananas at my supermarket are all green and hard at point of sale due to being so young.

And what's more, you try telling a banana if it needs to straighten up a bit more to be selected for picking. It's not about maturity, it's about leaving them back if they're the natural shape.

No wonder the EU's famous for its food mountains when it's so needlessly meddling in all it does.

No it is because you have no clue on what you are talking about.

You do know where bananas come from right? South America and Africa.. not Kent. The reason they are green is that they are picked before they are fully ripe so that they can be transported to your supermarket. The more bent and dis-formed they are, the less bananas can be in the boxes.. that is basic logistics theory.

And on top of that, the chances a bent and deformed banana is sold is slim to non, since the consumer will not touch them.. so why on earth should they transport them?

So in the future.. green bananas means .. give it a few days or even a week before you can eat them.. go figure it was so easy!

And what on earth does this have to do with the EU's food mountains... absolutely NOTHING....
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The truthful answer? None whatsoever. The international regulation agreed with the industry standardises the minimum diameter at which a banana is mature enough to be edible.

That international regulation was agreed after the EU implemented the bent banana regulation as far as I remember.. :) but hey.
Wow, having no idea what you're talking about its seriously hilarious!

Wilful ignorance and sneer strikes again... I linked to it, if you could be bothered to look!!
Im just saying out of context its funny of crap. And Im a statist, unionist, socialist, leftie government loving communist. So you can live without your bendy bananas, sir!
I suspect this bit of EU nonsense is nothing more than an attempt to slip some more Socialist control over the EU, has absolutely nothing to do with eggs.
I fully expect to see a proposed adjustment to regulatory rules by which the EU is expected to live, emerge from wherever in the next few months.
The more bent and dis-formed they are, the less bananas can be in the boxes..

Bananas are MEANT to be bent! hence the daffiness of the EU rule.

(And they were never green and hard when I used to buy them. When I buy a banana I expect to eat it not incubate the ruddy thing! They just can't wait nowadays.)

For one it has to get the approval of the Brits.. and every other country. As I said.. more fear mongering.

All that democracy (and 85% of our laws now coming from Brussels) is probably the reason why we got no referendum on the Lisbon Treaty.... and why the Irish had a second one because the first carried the 'wrong' result!
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