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Uggggghhhhhh! (1 Viewer)

Urethra Franklin

DP Veteran
Feb 4, 2005
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European Union
Political Leaning
I have just read an article in a magazine about "extreme" sexual practices. Call me naïve, but I've just read about "fisting" Gosh, is that possible? Do people really do things like that or is it just fantasy?
Urethra Franklin said:
I have just read an article in a magazine about "extreme" sexual practices. Call me naïve, but I've just read about "fisting" Gosh, is that possible? Do people really do things like that or is it just fantasy?

Dear Urethra - i dont want to talk dirty but is this same as putting your finger in the bum ?

Fried Rice wonders what fisting can do !
Fried Rice said:
Dear Urethra - i dont want to talk dirty but is this same as putting your finger in the bum ?

Fried Rice wonders what fisting can do !

Well Fried Rice, I don't think they insert the chopstick, more like the wok.
Urethra Franklin said:
I have just read an article in a magazine about "extreme" sexual practices. Call me naïve, but I've just read about "fisting" Gosh, is that possible? Do people really do things like that or is it just fantasy?

Yep, it's possible. I worked as a parole officer for 16 years, 8 of that in a sex offender unit. Confinsacting items paroled SO's had in their possession was a regular part of the job. Porno's being a oft taken item. Depending on the content of the porno, the SO could be revoked and sent back to closed custody. So we had to view the porno's and yep, that's possible. I always knew some people were sick. Until I had that job- I had no idea how sick.
To each their own, really. That's definitely not my bag and I've heard of much worse. (One of the horrors of all horrors is "tubgirl dot com", :eek: , I'm not putting that as a link as it's definitely NSFW, or home, or humans for that matter.) As long as it's between consenting adults and I don't have to see it, I don't care.
shuamort said:
To each their own, really.

Yes, it's supposed to be a free world.

But the mind boggles, really!
shuamort said:
As long as it's between consenting adults and I don't have to see it, I don't care.

I agree with the consenting adults bit, but I'd quite like to have a look.
I'm not taking any kind of moral stance on this: whatever floats your boat; I'm just simply marvelling at the possiblilty of a human being taking a fist up there.
Urethra Franklin said:
I agree with the consenting adults bit, but I'd quite like to have a look.
I'm not taking any kind of moral stance on this: whatever floats your boat; I'm just simply marvelling at the possiblilty of a human being taking a fist up there.

My mothers Wok too important to use that way ! But in China we say only thing with 4 legs we dont eat is table, not like you crazy westerners that think Ok to eat some part of animal but not the other. So sex - do it all or not at all. But i never hear of such thing in China - we too skinny it will break us in half !
Fried Rice said:
My mothers Wok too important to use that way ! But in China we say only thing with 4 legs we dont eat is table, not like you crazy westerners that think Ok to eat some part of animal but not the other. So sex - do it all or not at all. But i never hear of such thing in China - we too skinny it will break us in half !

But you have smaller fists. Everything's relative.
Urethra Franklin said:
But you have smaller fists. Everything's relative.

I never think in that way...maybe i have to try !

Fried Rice studies his hands
Yeah I've seen some horrible stuff do, more disgusting that fisting. A girl eating something that only a toliet should eat, made me almost throw up. Also I've seen women with hairy legs, not very nice either. Uretha don't French women have hairy armpits, or is that a rumour to keep us uncouth Brits from French women? lol
GarzaUK said:
Yeah I've seen some horrible stuff do, more disgusting that fisting. A girl eating something that only a toliet should eat, made me almost throw up. Also I've seen women with hairy legs, not very nice either. Uretha don't French women have hairy armpits, or is that a rumour to keep us uncouth Brits from French women? lol

Well Garza, I'm not actually French, but I've lived here some time, and I would say it's a nasty rumour put about by jealous ugly anglo-saxon bitches.
Urethra Franklin said:
Well Garza, I'm not actually French, but I've lived here some time, and I would say it's a nasty rumour put about by jealous ugly anglo-saxon bitches.

Our bitches are not ugly... well the Scottish ones are.

What nationality are you urethra?
In an earlier life, I worked in an Emergency Room in a busy New York City hospital. During my year there, we pulled some pretty amazing articles out of various orafices of otherwise "normal" looking people. We collected all these items in what we lovingly referred to as the "Ass Box"... strange how no one ever returned to claim the missing items. There are no limits to peoples creativity!
I would appreciate it if ladies were not referred to as "Bitches".
If you must, that is your choice, just remember that it shows your intelligence which could prove counter productive to your position in a future post. Plus, it is degrading to females.

Where are all the bleeding heart liberals that normally stand up for such comments? :confused:
Where are all the bleeding heart liberals that normally stand up for such comments?
That's a mighty high climb out of the gutter to stand up, give it a week.
Bad manners are bad manners. Disrespect is disrespect regardless of ones political leanings, besides I doubt we would have heard any complaints from you Vauge if you were not the head honch around here! Where are the other Conservative defenders of womens virtues? I must have missed them.

Squawker, you stated: "That's a mighty high climb out of the gutter to stand up, give it a week." -- are you speaking from personal experience?
Contrarian said:
Bad manners are bad manners. Disrespect is disrespect regardless of ones political leanings, besides I doubt we would have heard any complaints from you Vauge if you were not the head honch around here! Where are the other Conservative defenders of womens virtues? I must have missed them.

If I were new, your right - I probably would say nothing and keep on truckin and mumble to myself how silly this thread is and possibly consider another forum. But, we are still very new and still creating a community. As the admin it is my job to be respectful, but nudge the direction of a thread if its heading down a destructive path. I would hope, that everyone knows that they have that ability here as well.

Again, your spot on in your reply about defenders being lib or con. Should have been irrelivant.

I meant the lib statement in jest.
I for one think you do an excellent job keep we malcontents within bounds. Despite the fact of your political and ideologial leanings I find your open minded approach (in dealing with the flock) surprisingly... I hate to say it...

Fair and balanced!

Good job Vauge... keep it up!
Hey, despite Vauge's questionable ideological beliefs, I gotta hand it to him, he is quite a good admin. And just remember that a bad ideology is better than no ideology, put another way, anything is better than being a 'moderate'!
Contrarian said:
In an earlier life, I worked in an Emergency Room in a busy New York City hospital. During my year there, we pulled some pretty amazing articles out of various orafices of otherwise "normal" looking people. We collected all these items in what we lovingly referred to as the "Ass Box"... strange how no one ever returned to claim the missing items. There are no limits to peoples creativity!

Alright, I have a homosexual friend who well, likes to put things up his :censored . He likes to tell of it as well, so if sticking a baseball ball up there is possible, I am sure that a fist is too...
vauge said:
I would appreciate it if ladies were not referred to as "Bitches".
If you must, that is your choice, just remember that it shows your intelligence which could prove counter productive to your position in a future post. Plus, it is degrading to females.

Where are all the bleeding heart liberals that normally stand up for such comments? :confused:

Oh cop on to yourself vauge. We're all grown adults and we can take it. Nympho Nurse has just called me a bitch in another thread and I'm not at all offended. Don't you Americans believe in freedom of speech? If people can't defend themselves what are they doing on a forum like this?
Urethra Franklin said:
Oh cop on to yourself vauge. We're all grown adults and we can take it. Nympho Nurse has just called me a bitch in another thread and I'm not at all offended. Don't you Americans believe in freedom of speech? If people can't defend themselves what are they doing on a forum like this?

I'm guessing vague is a southernly gentleman, with very high standards in manners. He might say "Sir, I say sir, the time is upon us sir." lol. I love that accent. A southern belle accent from the deep south, I don't know why but there is something about it that gets me turned on LOL. :D

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