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U.S. warns Iran of 'painful consequences' (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 17, 2005
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"Painful consequences"?

What the hell does that mean?

Does it mean that Tehran is going to be "shocked and awed" soon? Is Tehran the next Baghdad? Could it be that Bush is considering attacking Iran as he withdraws our troops from Iraq? You know, just shifting the troops?

"The Iran regime must be made aware that if it continues down the path of international isolation, there will be tangible and painful consequences," he told 4,500 delegates to the annual convention of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, the leading pro-Israel U.S. lobbying group.

Good Lord, deja vu all over again!


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States on Sunday warned that Iran faced "painful consequences" if it continued sensitive nuclear activities and said the problem would become increasingly difficult to resolve if the international community did not confront it.

Ahead of what could be a crucial international meeting on Iran on Monday, U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations John Bolton reaffirmed that the United States will use "all tools at our disposal" to thwart Iran's nuclear program and is already "beefing up defensive measures" to do so.

"The Iran regime must be made aware that if it continues down the path of international isolation, there will be tangible and painful consequences," he told 4,500 delegates to the annual convention of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, the leading pro-Israel U.S. lobbying group.

Monday's meeting of the 35-nation International Atomic Energy Agency governing board is expected to take stock of Iran's continued defiance of U.S. and European demands to end sensitive weapons-related uranium enrichment activity and then hand the case over to the UN Security Council.

The United States is discussing a 30- to 60-day deadline for Tehran to halt its nuclear program and cooperate with international inspectors or face intensified pressure in the security council, a U.S. official told Reuters.

Iran on Sunday again threatened to begin large-scale nuclear enrichment if the case is taken up by the security council.

Bolton said Iran poses a "comprehensive threat" as a state-sponsor of terrorism and a nuclear aspirant, and so "we must be prepared to ... use all the tools at our disposal to stop the threat."


"The longer we wait to confront the threat Iran poses, the harder and more intractable it will become to solve," he warned...
KidRocks said:
"Painful consequences"?

What the hell does that mean?

Does it mean that Tehran is going to be "shocked and awed" soon? Is Tehran the next Baghdad? Could it be that Bush is considering attacking Iran as he withdraws our troops from Iraq? You know, just shifting the troops?

Good Lord, deja vu all over again!
Tell us why you approve of Iran's behavior, kid.
KCConservative said:
Tell us why you approve of Iran's behavior, kid.

Good Lord KC...

Leave Iran alone will ya, personally I don't care what they are doing and neither should you nor Bush, they aren't a threat to no one just all mouth that's all.

If Bush leaves them alone he, and the rest of the world will see Iran manifest into a democracy a lot sooner then Iraq ever could. The Iranians are just about ready to oust their Mullah extremists and probably turn to the West for relations. The Iranian youth like America, just give them time to conform their elders.

Let's hope that idiot President of ours doesn't do something stupid and mess things up thus driving the people of Iran back to the extremist conservative r-wing Mullahs!
You are right Kid. The constant threats are a problem but any concrete action toward Iran will only serve to drive the many moderates back into the arms of the Mullahs. We should be quietly supporting the opposition inside of Iran.
kid said:
they aren't a threat to no one just all mouth that's all.

Frankly, kid, your opinion as to the veracity of the Iranians is not something the rest of the world should rely on.
I think if the rest of the world says Iran needs a spanking, we should participate. I don't think we should lead the charge however....

I, for one, am tired of playing the role of the world's policeman on our tax dollars. If Iran is a serious threat they are more than likely as much of a threat to anyone else as they are to us I would imagine. We need to back away from the "war mongering" image we have made for ourselves. Let Isreal or Europe take the lead for once. I'm sure Europe has about had their fill of Islamic extremists.

This time, we should take a back seat and let somebody else step forward. But that doesn't mean we should chicken out of a confrontation if that is the global concensus. This cannot be done like we did in Iraq. These "symbolic" coalition forces don't really fool anyone anymore.
KidRocks said:
Good Lord KC...

Leave Iran alone will ya, personally I don't care what they are doing and neither should you nor Bush, they aren't a threat to no one just all mouth that's all.

If Bush leaves them alone he, and the rest of the world will see Iran manifest into a democracy a lot sooner then Iraq ever could. The Iranians are just about ready to oust their Mullah extremists and probably turn to the West for relations. The Iranian youth like America, just give them time to conform their elders.

Let's hope that idiot President of ours doesn't do something stupid and mess things up thus driving the people of Iran back to the extremist conservative r-wing Mullahs!

Once again, you prove my signature true. Good job, patriot.
KCConservative said:
Once again, you prove my signature true. Good job, patriot.

As for your sig...

If you repeat a lie often enough, you must be a (KC)Conservative!
The U N is handling things Iran has nothing to worry about.Iran isnt stupid she knows the U S won't invade. There is no support for another, foreign adventure.

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