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U.S. Soldier Waterboards 6 Year Old Foster Child For Wetting His Bed! (1 Viewer)


John Schnatter 2012
Sep 11, 2009
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Political Leaning
Ah jeez, I hate to see children get abused. But gee whiz, I wonder where the soldiers got the idea to waterboard, let alone waterboard children? Any guesses?
Ah jeez, I hate to see children get abused. But gee whiz, I wonder where the soldiers got the idea to waterboard, let alone waterboard children? Any guesses?

Well gee whiz, from his vast experience of evil military duty no doubt, huh? Or perhaps he's just another Army idiot behaving badly and making all the other military branches look bad. Or just making the Army look bad like Jessica Lynch, or Abu-Ghraib, or Mai Lai, etc. Or perhaps because the CIA had a few cases of waterboarding, Army soldiers now logically have instilled in them a sense that abusing their chidren is appropriate. You know, because soldiers are robots and stuff. Gee whiz, who knows. Or perhaps he is just proned to do things while looking for the latest video game or a hollywood movie to explain his bad behavior. Hating on the military is far more delicious though, I know.

I wonder where civilians get the idea to punch their children or to drive them off into lakes. Certainly Susan Smith represents you.

Some probable terrorist gets his ass waterboarded by the CIA and the depravity of individual soldiers, who have nothing to do with nothing, gets explained? Perhaps a cook in the Army can murder his child and people like you can attribute that to other soldiers who killed in combat. Idiocy.

By the way, do you even have any idea as to how many were waterboarded? Got names? You'd be suprised at how few have ever been proven. Or are you still clinging to the politicial Democratic tool to exaggerate the issue? Notice since Obama took the White House the ongoing existence of GITMO and whatever goes on has become a non-factor in the politics of those who chose to seek extreme depravity? Perhaps this is because the whole thing was exaggerated to begin with. But hey, a few cases heard on television are surely enough to send an insignificant soldier off to abuse his kid right?
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Well gee whiz, from his vast experience of evil military duty no doubt, huh? Or perhaps he's just another Army idiot behaving badly and making all the other military branches look bad. Or just making the Army look bad like Jessica Lynch, or Abu-Ghraib, or Mai Lai, etc. Or perhaps because the CIA had a few cases of waterboarding, Army soldiers now logically have instilled in them a sense that abusing their chidren is appropriate. You know, because soldiers are robots and stuff. Gee whiz, who knows. Or perhaps he is just proned to do things while looking for the latest video game or a hollywood movie to explain his bad behavior. Hating on the military is far more delicious though, I know.

I wonder where civilians get the idea to punch their children or to drive them off into lakes. Certainly Susan Smith represents you.

Some probable terrorist gets his ass waterboarded by the CIA and the depravity of individual soldiers, who have nothing to do with nothing, gets explained? Perhaps a cook in the Army can murder his child and people like you can attribute that to other soldiers who killed in combat. Idiocy.

By the way, do you even have any idea as to how many were waterboarded? Got names? You'd be suprised at how few have ever been proven. Or are you still clinging to the politicial Democratic tool to exaggerate the issue? Notice since Obama took the White House the ongoing existence of GITMO and whatever goes on has become a non-factor in the politics of those who chose to seek extreme depravity? Perhaps this is because the whole thing was exaggerated to begin with. But hey, a few cases heard on television are surely enough to send an insignificant soldier off to abuse his kid right?

What was the deal with Jessica Lynch anyway? I forgot.
Did it turn out she was lying or something?
I remember she was plastered all over every magazine cover for awhile, lauded as a Real American Hero™, a sort of anti-Lynndie England.
Then she just vanished. I heard vague rumors, but basically she just dropped out of sight, and the media never referred to her again.
What was the story, anyway?

If I were a judge, these cretins would be in jail for a minimum of 20 years.
What was the deal with Jessica Lynch anyway? I forgot.
Did it turn out she was lying or something? I remember she was plastered all over every magazine cover for awhile, lauded as a Real American Hero™, a sort of anti-Lynndie England.
Then she just vanished. I heard vague rumors, but basically she just dropped out of sight, and the media never referred to her again.
What was the story, anyway?


Marines haven't forgotten and surely the Army hasn't either. She was just another dumbass soldier making her branch look bad. She was a part of a supply convoy that got turned around in Iraq during the 2003 invasion and in the end couldn't defend herself because her weapon was dirty. She was captured, along with others, and had to be rescued. She was rescued via a "joint effort" and with a highly publicized media focus, while the rest were eventually rescued out of Tikrit by 3/4 (3rd battalion, 4th Marines) unit of 7th Marines Regiment (my unit). The story told by the Army was that she wasn't a combatant and the desert sand prevented her (and others) weapon from firing. Of course, the desert sand didn't prevent others (other soldiers and Marines) from firing their weapons.

It was embarrassing. I know where I was at, but couldn't point it out on a map exactly. I remember the big joke was that they were taken alive and that their weapons couldn't fire. The big bad American military came down to a few soldiers and their dirty weapons.
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More than a failure of the army in particular or the United States military in general, I'd call this a failure of Child Protective Services and of the foster care system of whatever state these people reside in.
I want to explore more about how we can attribute this soldiers idiocy to the institution of military. Certainly, with the vast majority of "soldiers" in existence, we should see more massacring across the American region. Certainly, the "horrors" of combat, that Hollywood has glorified for the entertainment of the typical civilian, we should have produced far more Rambos than the one fictional character. Certainly the dropper of nuclear bombs over Japan should have come back to society to torment and destroy our capital. With so many Iraq and Afghanistan war veterans, where are the abusive and murderous maniacs? Where are the great majority of internal victims of our government? Why can't we dismiss such inconvenient truths as we seek the exceptional one or two that define the experience?

Some are too stupid to figure out the differences between media, hollywood, and political fiction and real life.
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With so many Iraq and Afghanistan war veterans, where are the abusive and muderous maniacs?

They're out there.
But a lot of them were probably a few tacos short of a fiesta platter even before they enlisted.
They're out there.
But a lot of them were probably a few tacos short of a fiesta platter even before they enlisted.

Who? Where? Where are the Rambos awaiting to take over an American town? Where are the souls too tormented to hold a job (I mean the actual ones not seeking an excuse for personal failure). Where are the tortured souls incapable of living life because of a few months across the ocean? It's a joke. 4 months in Somalia, 1 month in Haiti, 14 months in Iraq and I'm doing fine. And that's with "experiences." Most people are full of ****.
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Who? Where? Where are the Rambos awaiting to take over an American town? Where are the souls too tormented to hold a job (I mean the actual ones not seeking an excuse for personal failure). Where are the tortured souls incapable of living life because of a few months across the ocean? It's a joke.

There are plenty of active duty soldiers as well as veterans who abuse their wives and children, and anyone else who is so misfortunate as to cross paths with them when they're in a snit.
You asked where the abusive maniacs are. I'd suggest you're being disingenuous, or perhaps you're just not looking all that hard.
There's an entire subculture of folks my age and older who call themselves "Veterans of veterans".
They were raised by crazy-ass dads who fought in Vietnam, and brought the war home.
Like I said, though, these guys were in all likelihood a few McNuggets short of a happy meal even before they went in.
Well gee whiz, from his vast experience of evil military duty no doubt, huh? Or perhaps he's just another Army idiot behaving badly and making all the other military branches look bad. Or just making the Army look bad like Jessica Lynch, or Abu-Ghraib, or Mai Lai, etc. Or perhaps because the CIA had a few cases of waterboarding, Army soldiers now logically have instilled in them a sense that abusing their chidren is appropriate. You know, because soldiers are robots and stuff. Gee whiz, who knows. Or perhaps he is just proned to do things while looking for the latest video game or a hollywood movie to explain his bad behavior. Hating on the military is far more delicious though, I know.

I wonder where civilians get the idea to punch their children or to drive them off into lakes. Certainly Susan Smith represents you.

Some probable terrorist gets his ass waterboarded by the CIA and the depravity of individual soldiers, who have nothing to do with nothing, gets explained? Perhaps a cook in the Army can murder his child and people like you can attribute that to other soldiers who killed in combat. Idiocy.

By the way, do you even have any idea as to how many were waterboarded? Got names? You'd be suprised at how few have ever been proven. Or are you still clinging to the politicial Democratic tool to exaggerate the issue? Notice since Obama took the White House the ongoing existence of GITMO and whatever goes on has become a non-factor in the politics of those who chose to seek extreme depravity? Perhaps this is because the whole thing was exaggerated to begin with. But hey, a few cases heard on television are surely enough to send an insignificant soldier off to abuse his kid right?

Abu Ghraib had nothing to do with the depravity of individual soldiers. They were following orders and implementing a policy that came all the way from the top.
Abu Ghraib had nothing to do with the depravity of individual soldiers. They were following orders and implementing a policy that came all the way from the top.

Civilians turned National Guard Army Reservists being unprofessional during a temporary period of playing soldier? How can it be? Of course, official orders from the professional Army to behave like a bunch of frat party morons gets them right off the hook doesn't it? All that's missing is the official written order from a regular Army general ordering them to stack prisoners into pyramids and take pictures.

Abu Ghraib had everything to to do with the depravity of civilian individuals playing soldier seeking to blame anybody but themselves. And the civilian public are all too accomodating to accept their innocence. What a joke. The Army's entire history is full of screw ups and national embarrassments. By all means, let's pretend that Abu Ghraib belongs to some government conspiracy that goes "all the way to the top."
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Civilians turned National Guard Army Reservists being unprofessional during a temporary period of playing soldier? How can it be? Of course, official orders from the professional Army to behave like a bunch of frat party morons gets them right off the hook doesn't it? Abu Ghraib had everything to to do with the depravity of civilian individuals playing soldier seeking to blame anybody but themselves. And the civilian public are all too accomodating to accept their innocence. What a joke.

No, it doesn't get them off the hook. But they were small game compared to the real criminals who devised the policies and got away with it.
No, it doesn't get them off the hook. But they were small game compared to the real criminals who devised the policies and got away with it.

Conspiracies abound. Maybe President Bush himself had webcams so he could monitor the frat party hazings. In the end, dip****s behaved like dip****s. And coincidentally, it's yet another Army problem that all the military receives a black eye for. But in this case, it wasn't even the typical Army problem. This time it was National Guard Rerservists.
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If I were a judge, these cretins would be in jail for a minimum of 20 years.

If I were a judge, their bronzed skulls would be displayed in a cabinet in the office of Child Protective Services as a reminder of what happens when they **** up.
Well gee whiz, from his vast experience of evil military duty no doubt, huh? Or perhaps he's just another Army idiot behaving badly and making all the other military branches look bad. Or just making the Army look bad like Jessica Lynch, or Abu-Ghraib, or Mai Lai, etc. Or perhaps because the CIA had a few cases of waterboarding, Army soldiers now logically have instilled in them a sense that abusing their chidren is appropriate. You know, because soldiers are robots and stuff. Gee whiz, who knows. Or perhaps he is just proned to do things while looking for the latest video game or a hollywood movie to explain his bad behavior. Hating on the military is far more delicious though, I know.

I wonder where civilians get the idea to punch their children or to drive them off into lakes. Certainly Susan Smith represents you.

Some probable terrorist gets his ass waterboarded by the CIA and the depravity of individual soldiers, who have nothing to do with nothing, gets explained? Perhaps a cook in the Army can murder his child and people like you can attribute that to other soldiers who killed in combat. Idiocy.

By the way, do you even have any idea as to how many were waterboarded? Got names? You'd be suprised at how few have ever been proven. Or are you still clinging to the politicial Democratic tool to exaggerate the issue? Notice since Obama took the White House the ongoing existence of GITMO and whatever goes on has become a non-factor in the politics of those who chose to seek extreme depravity? Perhaps this is because the whole thing was exaggerated to begin with. But hey, a few cases heard on television are surely enough to send an insignificant soldier off to abuse his kid right?

Now, now, no need to fly off the handle and get personal, Msgt. I'm guessing you didn't watch the video because that was insinuation made by the news spokesperson when she said, "Prosecutors said, neither soldier said where they got the idea to use waterboard on children" There now, don't you feel foolish?

Btw, you could use a few anger management classes yourself.
Civilians turned National Guard Army Reservists being unprofessional during a temporary period of playing soldier? How can it be? Of course, official orders from the professional Army to behave like a bunch of frat party morons gets them right off the hook doesn't it? All that's missing is the official written order from a regular Army general ordering them to stack prisoners into pyramids and take pictures.

Abu Ghraib had everything to to do with the depravity of civilian individuals playing soldier seeking to blame anybody but themselves. And the civilian public are all too accomodating to accept their innocence. What a joke. The Army's entire history is full of screw ups and national embarrassments. By all means, let's pretend that Abu Ghraib belongs to some government conspiracy that goes "all the way to the top."

Well, if it's any consolation, the guards at Abu Graib really didn't do anything that guards in US prisons haven't done. In fact, what they did was pretty mild, compared to what goes on US prisons....

Torture Inc. Americas Brutal Prisons
This sounds like a headline from The Onion.

If it hadn't been for the video, I would've giggled at the satire.
Marines haven't forgotten and surely the Army hasn't either. She was just another dumbass soldier making her branch look bad. She was a part of a supply convoy that got turned around in Iraq during the 2003 invasion and in the end couldn't defend herself because her weapon was dirty. She was captured, along with others, and had to be rescued. She was rescued via a "joint effort" and with a highly publicized media focus, while the rest were eventually rescued out of Tikrit by 3/4 (3rd battalion, 4th Marines) unit of 7th Marines Regiment (my unit). The story told by the Army was that she wasn't a combatant and the desert sand prevented her (and others) weapon from firing. Of course, the desert sand didn't prevent others (other soldiers and Marines) from firing their weapons.

It was embarrassing. I know where I was at, but couldn't point it out on a map exactly. I remember the big joke was that they were taken alive and that their weapons couldn't fire. The big bad American military came down to a few soldiers and their dirty weapons.

Hmm, it probably didn't help that Lynch couldn't defend herself because she had "a broken back, a broken arm, a broken thigh, and a crushed ankle" and was knocked unconscious, either. Wounds that are consistent with an automobile crash. She didn't ask to be used as the military's pro war propaganda anymore more than Pat Tillman did.
Conspiracies abound. Maybe President Bush himself had webcams so he could monitor the frat party hazings. In the end, dip****s behaved like dip****s. And coincidentally, it's yet another Army problem that all the military receives a black eye for. But in this case, it wasn't even the typical Army problem. This time it was National Guard Rerservists.

No, it's not just an Army problem. It's something that involved intelligence agencies, the Pentagon, and most likely the White House. Not to justify what the guards themselves did, but they were on the lowest rung of a much bigger operation.
but but, aint waterboarding not torture? Hence what is wrong with this guy doing it to his son.. just some family time!
Hmm, it probably didn't help that Lynch couldn't defend herself because she had "a broken back, a broken arm, a broken thigh, and a crushed ankle" and was knocked unconscious, either. Wounds that are consistent with an automobile crash.
Lynch was in a Humvee. Apparently, Gunny is right about the jammed gun.

On April 24, 2007 she testified in front of Congress that she had never fired her weapon; her M16 rifle jammed, as did all weapons systems assigned to her unit, and she had been knocked unconscious when her vehicle crashed.[2]
Jessica Lynch - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

She didn't ask to be used as the military's pro war propaganda anymore more than Pat Tillman did.
True dat. But it's a bit murky how the charade snowballed.

Soon after her rescue, Pentagon officials disputed a report appearing in the Washington Post that Lynch had fought back, and the first official report of Lynch's actions during her capture released by the Pentagon weeks later said that she did not appear to have fought back against her captors, in contradiction of earlier Pentagon press releases. According to one former Pentagon official, the stories of her supposed heroics that day were spread by the news media and Congressmen from West Virginia were instrumental in pushing the Pentagon to award her honors based on reports of her actions during her capture.[21][22]
Jessica Lynch - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Lynch herself did nothing to dissuade heroine status until months had passed.

Months after returning [to the US], Lynch finally began speaking to the public. Her statements tended to be sharply critical of the original story that was reported by the Washington Post. When asked about her heroine status, "That wasn't me. I'm not about to take credit for something I didn't do ... I'm just a survivor."[23]
Jessica Lynch - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In addition, she neither recalled nor supported an allegation published in her authorized biography.

The authorized biography, I Am A Soldier Too: The Jessica Lynch Story, by Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Rick Bragg states that Lynch had been raped during her captivity, based on medical records and her pattern of injuries.[17] Lynch does not recall any sexual assault and was "adamantly opposed to including the rape claim in the book", but that Bragg wore her down and told her that "people need to know that this is what can happen to women soldiers".[18]
Jessica Lynch - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

All in all, a disturbing chain of events on many levels.
but but, aint waterboarding not torture? Hence what is wrong with this guy doing it to his son.. just some family time!

Imprisonment isn't torture, but I think most people would object to a parent who locked his child in a room for 18 years.

Not a very good analogy.
Lynch was in a Humvee. Apparently, Gunny is right about the jammed gun.

On April 24, 2007 she testified in front of Congress that she had never fired her weapon; her M16 rifle jammed, as did all weapons systems assigned to her unit, and she had been knocked unconscious when her vehicle crashed.[2]
Jessica Lynch - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yes, I saw that too. But doesn't it seem odd that "all the units weapons systems were jammed" and not just Lynch's? Because that would suggest that it was something else besides not just cleaning their weapons. Unless of course the unit was never trained to clean their guns since they were just a supply unit. I dunno, you military experts would know more about that stuff than I would.

PS: your avatar is beautiful.
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