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Tucker Carlson's "The End of Men" (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Dec 12, 2016
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I have only seen the trailer's for the film, but I have this question: I don't like Tucker at all. His borderline racist anti-immigrant posture is disgusting and ahistorical. He gives wealthy, entitled jerks a bad name. Still, this is not a dumb guy. For those of you who have seen the trailers or the full film, didn't he have to know that the images and statements in the piece would open him to merciless satire? Tanning your testicles, really? He could have made the case without the weird clips of muscular guys, which made it look like soft core gay porn. Anybody, left or right, have an answer to "what was he thinking?"
Anybody, left or right, have an answer to "what was he thinking?"

Trying to move the conversation away from his Putin cheerleading?
Is this the one where he tells you to put your testicles on the hibachi?
Anybody, left or right, have an answer to "what was he thinking?"

Shock value, perhaps a bit of a backfire, but in the end Tucker Carlson knows he will make even more money in the business of taking a group and making them increasingly angry at everyone else.

It is only a matter of time before Carlson incites someone to kill someone else, assuming he has not already.
I have only seen the trailer's for the film, but I have this question: I don't like Tucker at all. His borderline racist anti-immigrant posture is disgusting and ahistorical. He gives wealthy, entitled jerks a bad name. Still, this is not a dumb guy. For those of you who have seen the trailers or the full film, didn't he have to know that the images and statements in the piece would open him to merciless satire? Tanning your testicles, really? He could have made the case without the weird clips of muscular guys, which made it look like soft core gay porn. Anybody, left or right, have an answer to "what was he thinking?"
Tucker ia gearing up for a run

Up for a Run
I have only seen the trailer's for the film, but I have this question: I don't like Tucker at all. His borderline racist anti-immigrant posture is disgusting and ahistorical. He gives wealthy, entitled jerks a bad name. Still, this is not a dumb guy. For those of you who have seen the trailers or the full film, didn't he have to know that the images and statements in the piece would open him to merciless satire? Tanning your testicles, really? He could have made the case without the weird clips of muscular guys, which made it look like soft core gay porn. Anybody, left or right, have an answer to "what was he thinking?"
Tucker is gearing up for a run
Shock value, perhaps a bit of a backfire, but in the end Tucker Carlson knows he will make even more money in the business of taking a group and making them increasingly angry at everyone else.

It is only a matter of time before Carlson incites someone to kill someone else, assuming he has not already.
He probably alreadY knew Guys might die with the vacccine sfuff...(His Stuff against the vacccine) if they followd Trump (even if Trump is pro vacccine)...yet He sowed doubts (don't know why Tuck does that)

This anti vacc Stuff made Tuck aware He could trick dumb far right wingers. (Maybe)

Thus this Guy, WHO used to be a sharp analyser...turned into a far right arse....(cos replacment theory works with them too)

He constantly pushes "replacment" nonsense...

He is a disagrace
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Shock value, perhaps a bit of a backfire, but in the end Tucker Carlson knows he will make even more money in the business of taking a group and making them increasingly angry at everyone else.

It is only a matter of time before Carlson incites someone to kill someone else, assuming he has not already.
Sadly, while ther is no direct connection I am aware of, one of Tucker's screeds against immigration was frightenly similar to the El Paso shooter's manifesto. I don't know if he has said so explicitly, but Carlson seems to rhetorically subscribe to the great replacement theory.

Years ago in the 1970s, Time Magazine, I believe, featured a pic on its cover suggesting that the brown skin woman shown was what America would look like in the future. My question is, who cares, unless one finds it too boring, if generations from now all Americans look like Beyoncé or like Bridgerton actor Rege-Jean Page? We should be so lucky. Lenny Bruce said it decades ago, satirizing people opposed to interracial marriage, "which guy would ladies want to cuddle up to, Charles Laughton or Harry Belafonte?" (Ask your parents.) Warren Beatty said it more crudely in one film, "Let's **** one another til we're all the same color."

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