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Tucker Carlson completely gets it! (1 Viewer)


Buttermilk Man
DP Veteran
Dec 29, 2015
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Olympia Wa
Political Leaning

He has Trump as the 70 lb overweight mailman who runs off with your wife and as a Viking who pillaged the R party......and the elite as totally unself aware failures who are transferring blame for Trump because they are completely unwilling to look at their own behavior.

So we are going to get more of the Trump Medicine, because we refuse to fix America.

Highly Recommended

He has Trump as the 70 lb overweight mailman who runs off with your wife and as a Viking who pillaged the R party......and the elite as totally unself aware failures who are transferring blame for Trump because they are completely unwilling to look at their own behavior.

So we are going to get more of the Trump Medicine, because we refuse to fix America.

Highly Recommended

You can't fix America. Everything you try will be unconstitutional.
Go ahead, just try.
I never heard of this group before but now I want to know more:
THE INDEPENDENT INSTITUTE is a non-profit, non-partisan, public-policy research and educational organization that shapes ideas into profound and lasting impact through publications, conferences, and effective multi-media programs. Our mission is to boldly advance peaceful, prosperous, and free societies grounded in a commitment to human worth and dignity.

Applying independent thinking to issues that matter, we create transformational ideas for today’s most pressing social and economic challenges. By connecting these ideas with organizations and networks, we inspire action that can unleash an era of unparalleled human flourishing at home and around the globe.
Today, the influence of partisan interests is so pervasive that public-policy debate has become too politicized and is largely confined to a narrow reconsideration of existing policies. In order to fully understand the nature of public issues and possible solutions, the Institute’s program adheres to the highest standards of independent scholarly inquiry.
Independent Institute
You can't fix America. Everything you try will be unconstitutional.
Go ahead, just try.

The breakdown of the Justice System is just that big of a problem.

You are a smart guy...if you look at this I would love to hear your opinion.
He has Trump as the 70 lb overweight mailman who runs off with your wife and as a Viking who pillaged the R party......

That's going to break Trump's heart. Tucker Carlson was one of Trump's favorite people after Putin and Kim.

Well, that's not totally out of keeping with Trump's fantasy of himself, but it's a little too hapless for how he wants Tucker to think of him.
That's going to break Trump's heart. Tucker Carlson was one of Trump's favorite people after Putin and Kim.

Well, that's not totally out of keeping with Trump's fantasy of himself, but it's a little too hapless for how he wants Tucker to think of him.

You would do yourself some good watching this video.

He has Trump as the 70 lb overweight mailman who runs off with your wife and as a Viking who pillaged the R party......and the elite as totally unself aware failures who are transferring blame for Trump because they are completely unwilling to look at their own behavior.

So we are going to get more of the Trump Medicine, because we refuse to fix America.

Highly Recommended

Sorry. I do not want to spend any evenings with Tucker Carlson.
You would do yourself some good watching this video.

Why? I took you at your word for what was in it. And Trump will not like that portrayal of himself.

I appreciated you giving us a summary, because I'm not masochistic enough to listen to Tucker. I used to like the guy. Back when he was doing Crossfire on CNN. Not anymore. But I know how much Trump enjoyed listening to Tucker even though he couldn't keep straight what Tucker was saying.
Quite incisive and amusing. Thank you for that one.
Why? I took you at your word for what was in it. And Trump will not like that portrayal of himself.

I appreciated you giving us a summary, because I'm not masochistic enough to listen to Tucker. I used to like the guy. Back when he was doing Crossfire on CNN. Not anymore. But I know how much Trump enjoyed listening to Tucker even though he couldn't keep straight what Tucker was saying.

If listening to someone you think you dont agree with is masochism to you then there is no hope for you.

You will never not be ignorant.
Sorry. I do not want to spend any evenings with Tucker Carlson.

From what I have seen here you rarely put your mind into productive spaces.

That is why you tend to be so shallow and wrong most of the time.

You could be better.
If listening to someone you think you dont agree with is masochism to you then there is no hope for you.

You will never not be ignorant.

If he said what you said he said, then Trump won't be happy about it.

Either you represented it accurately or you didn't. *shrug*
If he said what you said he said, then Trump won't be happy about it.

Either you represented it accurately or you didn't. *shrug*

You nearly complete lack of interest in expanding your understanding is noted.
Your need to insult me is noted. Be better.

Exposing ourselves to people who are different and ideas that are different is how we get to be better, a project that you are refusing.

I have little tolerance for the willful ignorance that has so infected America, nor should I.
You can't fix America. Everything you try will be unconstitutional.
Go ahead, just try.

That's nonsense.<-period

Especially since America IS GREAT and what it needs most …

… is for AmeriCANs to get along.
That's nonsense.<-period

Especially since America IS GREAT and what it needs most …

… is for AmeriCANs to get along.

It is very hard to conclude that America is great if you believe even a small portion of what Tucker believes.

We used to be great, now we are crashing.
Exposing ourselves to people who are different and ideas that are different is how we get to be better, a project that you are refusing.

I have little tolerance for the willful ignorance that has so infected America, nor should I.

I'm already quite thoroughly exposed to Tucker Carlson.

I took your word for what he said in that clip and pointed out that Trump won't like being characterized in that manner.

And you launched into your usual passive aggressive ad hominem.

Be better.
It is very hard to conclude that America is great if you believe even a small portion of what Tucker believes.

I don't.

We used to be great, now we are crashing.

IF, we are "crashing" it's because of the divisiveness between us. I think we will swing back to being AmeriCANs … FIRST!
I'm already quite thoroughly exposed to Tucker Carlson.

I took your word for what he said in that clip and pointed out that Trump won't like being characterized in that manner.

And you launched into your usual passive aggressive ad hominem.

Be better.

Nobody has provided a summery of this speech, the fact that you imagine that I did speaks to your cluelessness, and as well as the doubtfulness of your claim that you understand Tuckers positions taken in this speech and Q and A.
I don't.

IF, we are "crashing" it's because of the divisiveness between us. I think we will swing back to being AmeriCANs … FIRST!

America being at war with itself is proof that America is ill, that America is not great.
Nobody has provided a summery of this speech, the fact that you imagine that I did speaks to your cluelessness, and as well your claim that you understand Tuckers positions taken in this speech.

Ummm ... pretty sure this was a quote from you: "He has Trump as the 70 lb overweight mailman who runs off with your wife and as a Viking who pillaged the R party"

And I said Trump wouldn't like that.

And now we're talking about your usual personally insulting posting style instead of whatever topic you supposedly wanted to discuss. But you seem to prefer it that way. Otherwise, you wouldn't choose that route so often.

Be better.

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