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Trust Harris or Trump? (1 Viewer)

Who do you trust to quell the riots, Trump or Kamala Harris?

  • Harris, by far

    Votes: 42 72.4%
  • Trump is the law and order president

    Votes: 16 27.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


DP Veteran
Aug 4, 2019
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Who do you trust to quell the riots, Trump or Kamala Harris?

Kamala Harris, while service as district attorney, put a lot of criminals behind bars.

Trump hasn't put any criminals behind bars.
Who do you trust to quell the riots, Trump or Kamala Harris?

Kamala Harris, while service as district attorney, put a lot of criminals behind bars.

Trump hasn't put any criminals behind bars.

Trump has let more people out of prison than he's put in.
Trump lies for a living. Anyone is more reliable then that jerk.
The Democrats en masse have abandoned law and order. Harris wasn't any good at it when they paid her to be good at it.

That said, the economy is going to be at least as big an issue. Trump is far ahead in the polling on that specific issue.
I'm voting against the reality tv show idiot wannabe dictator. Get out of my news feed and give me back my regular level of dissatisfaction with our elected leadership.
Who do you trust to quell the riots, Trump or Kamala Harris?

Kamala Harris, while service as district attorney, put a lot of criminals behind bars.

Trump hasn't put any criminals behind bars.
Trump, mo question. Her base won't stand for any interference in "peaceful protests".
Who do you trust to quell the riots, Trump or Kamala Harris?

Kamala Harris, while service as district attorney, put a lot of criminals behind bars.

Trump hasn't put any criminals behind bars.

Lol do you understand that your candidate is BIDEN?
I would freaking hope so, given that blacks represent the largest racial group in American prisons.

To hear Democrats whining, one might get the false idea blacks do not commit crimes.
Why, Trump of course, in a heartbeat! Steady, honest POTUS, just "tellin' it like it is." MAGA !


QAnon supporter Marjorie Taylor Greene wins Georgia runoff - Roll Call
QAnon supporter Marjorie Taylor Greene wins -
Aug 11, 2020
Corrected, Aug. 12 | Marjorie Taylor Greene, a QAnon supporter who has filmed videos espousing bigoted ideas, is likely going to Congress after winning the Republican primary runoff for Georgia’s deep-red 14th District.

QAnon supporter Marjorie Taylor Greene wins Georgia runoff
QAnon supporter Marjorie Taylor Greene wins Georgia runoff
Greene’s victory, one of at least three this cycle for congressional hopefuls linked to the QAnon movement, represents a potential headache for GOP leaders who have tried to recruit a diverse class of candidates in response to criticism that the party has been too tolerant of extremism under President Donald Trump. QAnon is a ...

Remarks by President Trump | Aug 11, 2020

...So, regarding Senator Harris’s record: You had a pretty quick response to that. You had an ad out that said that she was a “phony.” And I wanted to drill down —
THE PRESIDENT: That she was a what?
Q A phony. A phony.
Q And I wanted to ask about a specific example that a lot of people thought was a phony moment. As San Francisco DA, she oversaw, according to the Mercury News, 1,900 marijuana convictions. But she was asked in an interview last year if she had smoked marijuana, and she appeared to joke and, according to some people, lie, and say that she was listening to Snoop Dogg and Tupac, while — their music hadn’t come out at the time, while she said she was smoking pot and listening to it. Why would she lie about that? Do you see that as more evidence — is her past on marijuana a liability?

THE PRESIDENT: Well, she lied. I mean, she said things that were untrue. She is a person that’s told many, many stories that weren’t true. She’s very big into raising taxes. She wants to slash funds for our military at a level that nobody has — can even believe.
She is in favor of socialized medicine, where you’re going to lose your doctors, you’re going to lose your plans. She wants to take your healthcare plans away from 180 million Americans — 180 million Americans that are very happy with their health insurance. And she wants to take that away.
So she was my number-one pick. I mean, she was — as they would say, because hopefully you’ll start college football — she was my number-one draft pick. And we’ll see how she works out.
She did very, very poorly in the primaries, as you know. She was expected to do well, and she was — she ended up at right around 2 percent, and spent a lot of money. She had a lot of things happening. And so I was a little surprised that he picked her. I’ve been watching her for a long time, and I was a little surprised.
She was extraordinarily nasty to Kavanaugh — Judge Kavanaugh, then; now Justice Kavanaugh. She was nasty to a level that was just a horrible thing. The way she was — the way she treated now-Justice Kavanaugh. And I won’t forget that soon.
So she did very poorly in the primaries, and now she’s chosen..

'The Entire ACA Thus Must Fall,' Trump's DOJ Demands at US
Jun 26, 2020 - The Trump administration is arguing that the U.S. Supreme Court that the Affordable Care Act “must fall”

Health insurance: 1.1 million more Americans lost coverage in 2018
Health insurance: 1.1 million more Americans lost coverage in 2018
Before Covid, in 2018, in best economy ever,

Millions Have Lost Health Insurance in Pandemic-Driven Recession - The New York Times
Millions Have Lost Health Insurance in Pandemic-Driven Recession - The New York Times.
Another analysis, published Monday..., projected that by the end of 2020, 10.1 million people will no longer have employer-sponsored health insurance or coverage that was tied to a job they lost because of the pandemic.Jul 13, 2020

Millions Have Lost Health Insurance in Pandemic- ...
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The Democrats en masse have abandoned law and order. Harris wasn't any good at it when they paid her to be good at it.

That said, the economy is going to be at least as big an issue. Trump is far ahead in the polling on that specific issue.

Who do you trust to quell the riots, Trump or Kamala Harris?

Kamala Harris, while service as district attorney, put a lot of criminals behind bars.

Trump hasn't put any criminals behind bars.

Shouldn't your question be Joe Biden or Trump? My answer would have been the hopefully future President Joe Biden.....of course!
Trump, mo question. Her base won't stand for any interference in "peaceful protests".

But trumps base cannot tell the difference between peaceful protestors and rioters, but then again neither can trump.
But trumps base cannot tell the difference between peaceful protestors and rioters, but then again neither can trump.
That's just plain ****ing stupid.
Shouldn't your question be Joe Biden or Trump? My answer would have been the hopefully future President Joe Biden.....of course!

Agree, I am confused why we are talking a President verses a probable VP. Harris is not in the position to deal with riots.
Now if the question were properly asked I would pick Biden over trump, everything trump touches turns into an even bigger mess than it may or may not have been before he got his hands on it.
Oh well.
Who do you trust to quell the riots, Trump or Kamala Harris?

Kamala Harris, while service as district attorney, put a lot of criminals behind bars.

Trump hasn't put any criminals behind bars.

Trump is a moron. Harris will make Pence her bitch.
That's just plain ****ing stupid.

Wrong again, several of your comrades here have openly started that there is no difference, and trump had peaceful protestors gassed and beaten so he could have a photo shoot.

You might want to figure out where your side stands on that topic before posting any more foolish statements.
Wrong again, several of your comrades here have openly started that there is no difference, and trump had peaceful protestors gassed and beaten so he could have a photo shoot.
Oh, that right? NAME THEM.
CAsper said:
You might want to figure out where your side stands on that topic before posting any more foolish statements.
You might try tables"o solve this problem:

The Democrats en masse have abandoned law and order. Harris wasn't any good at it when they paid her to be good at it.

That said, the economy is going to be at least as big an issue. Trump is far ahead in the polling on that specific issue.

It’s the Democrats have abandoned law and order? Trump pardons and goes easy on convicted felons, as long as they do his political bidding.

Meanwhile, Republicans argue that Harris was too tough on criminals and also easy on criminals. It’s hilarious to watch.
Trump, mo question. Her base won't stand for any interference in "peaceful protests".

Trump doesn't lose any major constituencies by cracking down on rioting and looting, and will solidify his support among the groups who are most angered by democrat mayors refusing to do anything about violent rioters. Harris (interesting that Biden is already being seen as a non-entity by the Trump hating OP) has much to lose if she starts cracking down on leftwing rioters, cop killers and looters. I suspect she will try to blame most-if not all-of the violence on "right wing racists" and pretend that antifa is really the klan and BLM is really the National Alliance
It’s the Democrats have abandoned law and order? Trump pardons and goes easy on convicted felons, as long as they do his political bidding.

Meanwhile, Republicans argue that Harris was too tough on criminals and also easy on criminals. It’s hilarious to watch.

the people Trump pardoned engaged in "lying" to the government The people Obama/Biden pardoned mainly consisted of career narcotics gangsters. Democrat Mayors and Governors have let hard core VIOLENT criminals out of prison but want to jail bartenders, shopkeepers and gym owners for trying to make a living despite the lockdown orders
Agree, I am confused why we are talking a President verses a probable VP. Harris is not in the position to deal with riots.
Now if the question were properly asked I would pick Biden over trump, everything trump touches turns into an even bigger mess than it may or may not have been before he got his hands on it.
Oh well.

I think some folks are terrified of the VP choice, and have forgotten all about Joe Biden. They were afraid and threatened by Biden, but now their fears have worsened.....a strong, intellegent woman of color....holy crappoli....they don't know how to act now. :lol: All those 'nasty' women. ;)
I think some folks are terrified of the VP choice, and have forgotten all about Joe Biden. They were afraid and threatened by Biden, but now their fears have worsened.....a strong, intellegent woman of color....holy crappoli....they don't know how to act now. :lol: All those 'nasty' women. ;)

intelligent? her performance during the nomination campaign was pathetic. She flunked the bar. she gave blow jobs to get her first appointments.

Amy Klobuchar is boring and people I know well who knew her in college says she has the personality of a soap dish but she really did graduate with high honors and then did well at one of the very best law schools. She had far more experience then Harris and did better in the debates. But she wasn't black

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