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Trumpy Bear (1 Viewer)


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Feb 12, 2013
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I had my doubts that this was a real product when I saw the twitter discuss a commercial which played yesterday on Fox. So, I Googled.

A stuffed animal called "Trumpy Bear" is a real product available for purchase.

A bombastic, over-the-top commercial has left some TV viewers and internet users baffled by the authenticity of Trumpy Bear, a 22-inch stuffed animal with a striking resemblance to the 45th President of the United States.

“The fearless, super-plush American grizzly,” is how a booming male voiceover describes Trumpy Bear in a two-minute commercial first posted to YouTube in July 2017. “Even the toughest guys will love Trumpy Bear,” the voice continues, as a woman is shown carefully tending to Trumpy’s blond combover and red tie, which accompanies cuffs, collars and cuff-links to make up his immaculate corporate outfit.

We have received several enquiries from readers about whether Trumpy Bear is a real product or — as one reader described it — just “great satire.”

Trumpy Bear is real.

I have no idea what else to say. :(
This exploitation of the flag seems a bit disrespectful. No?


Did I wake up in hell this morning?
I had my doubts that this was a real product when I saw the twitter discuss a commercial which played yesterday on Fox. So, I Googled.

A stuffed animal called "Trumpy Bear" is a real product available for purchase.

I have no idea what else to say. :(

Yeah that thing has been around for a while, when I first saw it I thought it was an SNL skit, but I also looked it up and the website sure looks legit.

I'm sure several of the regulars on here have them sitting on their propaganda desks already...
I had my doubts that this was a real product when I saw the twitter discuss a commercial which played yesterday on Fox. So, I Googled.

A stuffed animal called "Trumpy Bear" is a real product available for purchase.

I have no idea what else to say. :(
The existence of the "Trumpy Bear" doesn't surprise me. Americans bought "Pet Rocks," "Mood Rings," and apparently still buy "Chia Pets."

Well, that you did Google to confirm the legitimacy of something you heard/read suggests strongly that you are not a Trumpkin for intellectual curiosity is simply not a trait they exhibit.
Double standard. No surprise.

How's that? One is free speech; the other is disrespectful appropriation for profit.
The existence of the "Trumpy Bear" doesn't surprise me. Americans bought "Pet Rocks," "Mood Rings," and apparently still buy "Chia Pets."

Well, that you did Google to confirm the legitimacy of something you heard/read suggests strongly that you are not a Trumpkin for intellectual curiosity is simply not a trait they exhibit.

lmao...you ready to go to the mat for Trumpy Bear, bud? Really? :lamo

I love you, Ap. I really do.

I oppose both. That's known as, "consistancy", Nate.

Calamity's panties are knotted up because "Truuuuuuump!!"
I oppose both. That's known as, "consistancy", Nate.

Calamity's panties are knotted up because "Truuuuuuump!!"

It's a thread about a teddy bear, Ap. If anyone is taking this seriously, you guys are beyond hope... lol...
This exploitation of the flag seems a bit disrespectful. No?

Did I wake up in hell this morning?

Will you please point to where the mean doll hurt you?
This exploitation of the flag seems a bit disrespectful. No?


Did I wake up in hell this morning?

Conservatives have been treating the flag as a fashion accessory since forever. Not proper in my opinion, but taste is out of style these days.
It's a thread about a teddy bear, Ap. If anyone is taking this seriously, you guys are beyond hope... lol...

No, it's a thread about...


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