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Trump's Plan to Steal the Election and kill Democracy (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 6, 2019
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Trump's Plan to Steal the Election and kill Democracy...

We are accustomed to choosing electors by popular vote, but nothing in the Constitution says it has to be that way. Article II provides that each state shall appoint electors “in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct.” Since the late 19th century, every state has ceded the decision to its voters. Even so, the Supreme Court affirmed in Bush v. Gore that a state “can take back the power to appoint electors.” How and when a state might do so has not been tested for well over a century.

Trump may test this. According to sources in the Republican Party at the state and national levels, the Trump campaign is discussing contingency plans to bypass election results and appoint loyal electors in battleground states where Republicans hold the legislative majority. With a justification based on claims of rampant fraud, Trump would ask state legislators to set aside the popular vote and exercise their power to choose a slate of electors directly. The longer Trump succeeds in keeping the vote count in doubt, the more pressure legislators will feel to act before the safe-harbor deadline expires.

To a modern democratic sensibility, discarding the popular vote for partisan gain looks uncomfortably like a coup, whatever license may be found for it in law. Would Republicans find that position disturbing enough to resist? Would they cede the election before resorting to such a ploy? Trump’s base would exact a high price for that betrayal, and by this point party officials would be invested in a narrative of fraud.

I'm curious.

Do the Trump supporters on this forum support such a maneuver?
I got SO annoyed at this article. I’m happy it’s out there, fully warned is fully armed, yada yada but...he’s not gonna do any of this.

Trump is a loser and a baby. IF the election is close, super close, yeah he’ll pull shenanigans. It won’t work. But all of what’s described in the article? No way. He doesn’t have the stones.
Trump's Plan to Steal the Election and kill Democracy...
I'm curious.
Do the Trump supporters on this forum support such a maneuver?

:ROFLMAO: Conspiracy theories have their own forum on DP ...
If you have to put a color in front of that statement you are racist...
I got SO annoyed at this article. I’m happy it’s out there, fully warned is fully armed, yada yada but...he’s not gonna do any of this.

Trump is a loser and a baby. IF the election is close, super close, yeah he’ll pull shenanigans. It won’t work. But all of what’s described in the article? No way. He doesn’t have the stones.

Maybe, but people do a lot of crazy things to avoid going to prison. I do think Trump would prefer simply moving to Russia after losing the election rather than launching the U.S. into a civil war. A civil war is just too much work for a guy like him.
If you have to put a color in front of that statement you are racist...

I have absolutely no idea what you're trying to communicate.

This seems to be a trend in posts by Trump supporters over the past 2 days.
I got SO annoyed at this article. I’m happy it’s out there, fully warned is fully armed, yada yada but...he’s not gonna do any of this.

Trump is a loser and a baby. IF the election is close, super close, yeah he’ll pull shenanigans. It won’t work. But all of what’s described in the article? No way. He doesn’t have the stones.

I don't like the existence of this article because it could unintentionally contribute to voter demoralization. It's a pretty big dilemma: yes, it's a threat. And yes, it's something red state legislatures would do, which makes it that much more chilling. But just the public discussion of this is itself demoralizing to democratic participation.
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Trump's Plan to Steal the Election and kill Democracy...

I'm curious.

Do the Trump supporters on this forum support such a maneuver?
When Stalin was asked how he could have elections since he could not control how people vote, he said it did not matter since he controlled those that count the votes. Seems someone is trying to use more tidbits from another Despot, just has he has followed a different Despot and floods the Nation with Lies until the truth becomes blurred and start believing the lies that are repeated over and over. I find such tactics to be against the principles the Founders built the Nation upon and believe that those that would subvert our election to be Traitors and should be treated as such.
America needs to get rid of Trump and his entire family.... The best thing for them is, they should all be locked away for the rest of their lives.
When Stalin was asked how he could have elections since he could not control how people vote, he said it did not matter since he controlled those that count the votes. Seems someone is trying to use more tidbits from another Despot, just has he has followed a different Despot and floods the Nation with Lies until the truth becomes blurred and start believing the lies that are repeated over and over. I find such tactics to be against the principles the Founders built the Nation upon and believe that those that would subvert our election to be Traitors and should be treated as such.

You speak the truth.
No Man is more important that the United States and The American Democracy --- and NEVER should America allow this much madness by a man of such vile, malicious and evil..... Republican Party should be dissolved along with the Lock Up of Trump, Charge Him With Treason and The Removal of Every Republican in Congress, and Charge Them Each With Sedition and Treason.

It's Insane That America Would Allow "Republican Led Confederacy Ideologist & Trump" To Have Caused This Much Damage To The Nation and The World.
I don't like the existence of this article because it could unintentionally contribute to voter demoralization. It's a pretty big dilemma: yes, it's a threat. And yes, it's something red state legislatures would do, which makes it that much more chilling. But just the public discussion of this is itself demoralizing.

I agree on all points except red state legislatures doing this. They’re not going ot outright disenfranchise American voters like that, and if htey attempted there are so many legal avenues to end it immediately.

I have zero concerns that Donald Trump is going to retain power after he loses.
Maybe, but people do a lot of crazy things to avoid going to prison. I do think Trump would prefer simply moving to Russia after losing the election rather than launching the U.S. into a civil war. A civil war is just too much work for a guy like him.

That’s just it: what about Trump’s life convinces you he thinks he’s in any danger whatsoever of going to prison regardless of how the election turns out?
Trump's Plan to Steal the Election and kill Democracy...

I'm curious.

Do the Trump supporters on this forum support such a maneuver?

Kind of ironic that the Electoral College was conceived because the government didn't really trust the people.
Trump's Plan to Steal the Election and kill Democracy...

I'm curious.

Do the Trump supporters on this forum support such a maneuver?
We have reached a point where both sides will do whatever is possible. Therefore both sides bases will support it period.

Threatening payback if it's done then becomes moot because the other side would do it regardless
I agree on all points except red state legislatures doing this. They’re not going ot outright disenfranchise American voters like that, and if htey attempted there are so many legal avenues to end it immediately.

I have zero concerns that Donald Trump is going to retain power after he loses.

I don't really want to blow this up simply because the topic is itself so destructive. That said, you're doubting that cultists would do what the cult leader is telling them to do.

I for one am surprised that our Constitution possesses so many mechanisms for turning the country from a democracy into a dictatorship. The Founding Fathers did a pretty good job considering the challenges of the time, but honestly...they didn't do good enough.
We have reached a point where both sides will do whatever is possible. Therefore both sides bases will support it period.

Threatening payback if it's done then becomes moot because the other side would do it regardless

And the dishonest both-sidesing begins. Democrats haven't done anything like this.
If this were to be attempted it would be the end of the electoral college...
i think that i like that all the strong, independent Southern and Midwestern MEN support a baby that would be a good character on a 70s soap opera or The Real Housewives of Los Angeles.
I got SO annoyed at this article. I’m happy it’s out there, fully warned is fully armed, yada yada but...he’s not gonna do any of this.

Trump is a loser and a baby. IF the election is close, super close, yeah he’ll pull shenanigans. It won’t work. But all of what’s described in the article? No way. He doesn’t have the stones.

I wish I shared your confidence. I think Trump is more than capable of doing all of this.

Unless Trump is somehow physically in danger, he is willing to do ANYTHING. It doesn't take "stones" for him to do this, because he legitimately believes he has a right to perform these actions. The man is mentally ill and evil in every sense of the word. He literally does not understand right from wrong.

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