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Trump's "panic" excuse makes no sense especially considering his actions since January (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Nov 10, 2016
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Trump knew how serious and dangerous covid was and now tells us he downplayed it not to cause a panic. That does not make sense because if he had told us how serious it was the nation would have stayed home, worn masks and socially distanced better than we have and thus reduced the spread as other nations have done. Instead by telling us, and especially his followers, that it was no more dangerous than the flu and refused to wear a mask himself he created a situation where we are the number one nation in both cases and deaths. And why tell people to lead their normal lives and have his political gatherings where neither he nor this followers social distanced or wore masks and created large covid outbreaks if he was truly worried about people. None of this points to him worrying about panic, but about getting reelected. I think he really believed that this virus would subside once it got hot and that things would return to normal. Well 200,000 deaths later I suppose we can now panic?
Trump knew how serious and dangerous covid was and now tells us he downplayed it not to cause a panic. That does not make sense because if he had told us how serious it was the nation would have stayed home, worn masks and socially distanced better than we have and thus reduced the spread as other nations have done. Instead by telling us, and especially his followers, that it was no more dangerous than the flu and refused to wear a mask himself he created a situation where we are the number one nation in both cases and deaths. And why tell people to lead their normal lives and have his political gatherings where neither he nor this followers social distanced or wore masks and created large covid outbreaks if he was truly worried about people. None of this points to him worrying about panic, but about getting reelected. I think he really believed that this virus would subside once it got hot and that things would return to normal. Well 200,000 deaths later I suppose we can now panic?

The guy who warned that Mexicans were coming in caravans to rape our women suddenly worries about causing panic. Now, that is a story only a Trumper could believe. :lamo
Continually coming back later trying to rewrite his history.

Remember when he had to come back and said he was only being "sarcastic" or the time he said grabbing them by the ***** was "just locker room talk".

Sure Donnie.
Trump knew how serious and dangerous covid was and now tells us he downplayed it not to cause a panic. That does not make sense because if he had told us how serious it was the nation would have stayed home, worn masks and socially distanced better than we have and thus reduced the spread as other nations have done. Instead by telling us, and especially his followers, that it was no more dangerous than the flu and refused to wear a mask himself he created a situation where we are the number one nation in both cases and deaths. And why tell people to lead their normal lives and have his political gatherings where neither he nor this followers social distanced or wore masks and created large covid outbreaks if he was truly worried about people. None of this points to him worrying about panic, but about getting reelected. I think he really believed that this virus would subside once it got hot and that things would return to normal. Well 200,000 deaths later I suppose we can now panic?

If you are panicking over corona virus you’re a loser.,

You seem to think the world is full of utopias that got it right (however you define that) and Trump got it wrong.

In fact Trump took far more action then most other countries and earlier.

I was in Europe for most of March and there was no concern at all about coronavirus until the 14th.

No one was wearing masks or distancing and in fact health officials around the world were saying masks were unnecessary (and they were right) until middle of March.
If you are panicking over corona virus you’re a loser.,

You seem to think the world is full of utopias that got it right (however you define that) and Trump got it wrong.

In fact Trump took far more action then most other countries and earlier.

I was in Europe for most of March and there was no concern at all about coronavirus until the 14th.

No one was wearing masks or distancing and in fact health officials around the world were saying masks were unnecessary (and they were right) until middle of March.
Trump called it a hoax even after he knew it was dangerous. Nice lie though. I’m sure someone will believe it.
Trump played up "American Carnage" and sold himself as America’s last defense against violent anarchy and all the while focused little on the coronavirus threat. In his inaugural speech, Trump referenced inner-city mothers and children “trapped in poverty,'' “rusted-out factories scattered like tombstones across the landscape,’’ “crime and gangs and drugs,’’ infrastructure "in disrepair and decay.’’ He promised: “This American carnage stops right here and stops right now.’’ It didn't.

Even tonight, on Fox with Hannity, he said that the actual American carnage of 182,000 would have been much worse, "in the millions" if he had done anything different. Think about that. "If he had done anything different". Like, what? How on earth could it have been far worse if he had done what he should have done in January? How would it have resulted in less deaths in New York if he enacted the Defense Production Act? New York would have been prepared for the assault on their city in March. There would have been test kits, which there weren't because Trump refused to accept those offered to him by the WHO. "We'll make our own". New York nurses and doctors would have had face masks and gowns and gloves. New York would have been able to save many lives if they were supported by the president, but they were not. And so it spread, to Connecticut, New Jersey, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Vermont.

Trump is incapable of running this country, this is clear. He should resign.
The guy who warned that Mexicans were coming in caravans to rape our women suddenly worries about causing panic. Now, that is a story only a Trumper could believe. :lamo
Caravans are so 2018! This year's theme is 'Antifa'. Ya' gotta' keep up!
If you are panicking over corona virus you’re a loser.,

You seem to think the world is full of utopias that got it right (however you define that) and Trump got it wrong.

In fact Trump took far more action then most other countries and earlier.

I was in Europe for most of March and there was no concern at all about coronavirus until the 14th.

No one was wearing masks or distancing and in fact health officials around the world were saying masks were unnecessary (and they were right) until middle of March.

That is right and other western democracies then went right past us like we were standing still. Guess what? WE WERE STANDING STILL. We currently strand at 20% of the worlds COVID death and destruction with only 4% if the world population.

Trump knew what this was on Feb 7th. I am actually shocked that he had enough cognitive skill to figure it out. But he did. As always with Donald it is in the execution it is in his lack judgement and in his jumbled up malignant pathologies that result in failure. "Did not want to cause a panic". King Panic did not want to cause a panic??? Donald lives to spread fear and panic. So that excuse does not wash outside of his precious stock market. That is what he did not want to panic if anything, his precious stock market which is not the economy anyway. Trump LIED about the severity of the risk, lied about the danger when he knew better. Trump LIED about its effect on children when he already knew better. Trump knew it was an airborne spread virus on Feb 7th and has done nothing but discourage and treat with scorn the wearing of masks from then all the way up till today.

So now he is truly toast. Thought he could "handle" Bob Woodward. My God, talk about gall. Stuck with this expose' including tape recordings 50 days before the Election Day and two weeks before early voting and mail-in begins. He knew Woodward's publication date before he started with the interviews. Smooth Donald real smooth. You just proved without doubt that you are after all.......AN IDIOT.

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