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Trump's National Golf Club in Bedminster hired undocumented immigrants (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 3, 2018
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This is just one more example of 'do as I say, not as I do'. Undocumented workers at Bedminster Golf Club were hired at this property to do the housekeeping and other tasks.


The Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster, N.J., hired "many" undocumented immigrants, according to a new report outlining a claim that could create political problems for President Trump given his push to curb illegal immigration.

The New York Times reported Thursday that among the illegal immigrants hired there were Victorina Morales of Guatemala and Sandra Diaz of Costa Rica. Housekeepers at the golf resort, the women said that many other housekeeping, maintenance, and landscaping employees are also undocumented immigrants.
This is just one more example of 'do as I say, not as I do'. Undocumented workers at Bedminster Golf Club were hired at this property to do the housekeeping and other tasks.


The Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster, N.J., hired "many" undocumented immigrants, according to a new report outlining a claim that could create political problems for President Trump given his push to curb illegal immigration.

The New York Times reported Thursday that among the illegal immigrants hired there were Victorina Morales of Guatemala and Sandra Diaz of Costa Rica. Housekeepers at the golf resort, the women said that many other housekeeping, maintenance, and landscaping employees are also undocumented immigrants.

Bedminster, NJ is one of the wealthiest places in the country. I guess Trump couldn't find any of those young white boys and girls that abound there to come clean the toilets in the club. Or maybe he could, but he didn't want to pay them the wage they would demand, so he goes to the next best thing...cheap foreign labor. You know...the kind that his devoted fans tinkle in their panties 24/7 about.
This is just one more example of 'do as I say, not as I do'. Undocumented workers at Bedminster Golf Club were hired at this property to do the housekeeping and other tasks.


The Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster, N.J., hired "many" undocumented immigrants, according to a new report outlining a claim that could create political problems for President Trump given his push to curb illegal immigration.

The New York Times reported Thursday that among the illegal immigrants hired there were Victorina Morales of Guatemala and Sandra Diaz of Costa Rica. Housekeepers at the golf resort, the women said that many other housekeeping, maintenance, and landscaping employees are also undocumented immigrants.

"... Morales first crossed the border illegally in 1999 and used falsified documents so she could be employed by the golf club. ..."

"... Although there is no evidence to suggest that Trump or the Trump Organization were aware of their immigration status, ..."

"... The women contacted the New York Times through their attorney. ..."

So, let me get this straight: illegal falsifies documents in order to get a job = 2 strikes
Somehow gets US legal resident status, hires a lawyer to drag her former employer through the mud?!?


I think these people get sought out and paid by ... whoever ... to create "damaging" stories on Trump & Co.
Another nothingburger in the long list of daily BS printed by the NYT.
"... Morales first crossed the border illegally in 1999 and used falsified documents so she could be employed by the golf club. ..."

"... Although there is no evidence to suggest that Trump or the Trump Organization were aware of their immigration status, ..."

"... The women contacted the New York Times through their attorney. ..."

So, let me get this straight: illegal falsifies documents in order to get a job = 2 strikes
Somehow gets US legal resident status, hires a lawyer to drag her former employer through the mud?!?


I think these people get sought out and paid by ... whoever ... to create "damaging" stories on Trump & Co.
Another nothingburger in the long list of daily BS printed by the NYT.

"Ms. Morales said the maintenance worker drove her to a house in Plainfield, N.J., where she waited in his car while he met with someone inside. Ms. Morales said that she had no record or recollection of the address.

The next day, she said, the maintenance worker brought her a new Social Security card and a realistic-looking green card to replace the one that had “expired.” She said the manager made copies of them for files kept at the club’s administrative headquarters."


Knowingly hiring and harboring undocumented workers is a Federal Crime. This needs to be investigated to see if there was a wide scale pattern of exploitation and criminality on the part of Trump's staff. If the worker's story is true, it sounds like the maintenance worker knew exactly how to provide her forged paperwork. In other words, this doesn't sound like a one-off.

I see this going two ways: investigators do in fact find a pattern of criminality on the party of Trump's staff, or in the next few days you're going to see a remarkable purging of workers from the golf club.
"... Morales first crossed the border illegally in 1999 and used falsified documents so she could be employed by the golf club. ..."

"... Although there is no evidence to suggest that Trump or the Trump Organization were aware of their immigration status, ..."

"... The women contacted the New York Times through their attorney. ..."

So, let me get this straight: illegal falsifies documents in order to get a job = 2 strikes
Somehow gets US legal resident status, hires a lawyer to drag her former employer through the mud?!?


I think these people get sought out and paid by ... whoever ... to create "damaging" stories on Trump & Co.
Another nothingburger in the long list of daily BS printed by the NYT.

It must be tiring to have to constantly come up with more creative deflections, evasions, and soulless bull.
"Ms. Morales said the maintenance worker drove her to a house in Plainfield, N.J., where she waited in his car while he met with someone inside. Ms. Morales said that she had no record or recollection of the address.

The next day, she said, the maintenance worker brought her a new Social Security card and a realistic-looking green card to replace the one that had “expired.” She said the manager made copies of them for files kept at the club’s administrative headquarters."


Knowingly hiring and harboring undocumented workers is a Federal Crime. This needs to be investigated to see if there was a wide scale pattern of exploitation and criminality on the part of Trump's staff. If the worker's story is true, it sounds like the maintenance worker knew exactly how to provide her forged paperwork. In other words, this doesn't sound like a one-off.

I see this going two ways: investigators do in fact find a pattern of criminality on the party of Trump's staff, or in the next few days you're going to see a remarkable purging of workers from the golf club.

Don't get your knickers in a twist, Cardinal, but neither is going to happen.
It must be tiring to have to constantly come up with more creative deflections, evasions, and soulless bull.

Not half as tiring as the efforts of liberals to spin new BS stories on a daily basis.
Don't get your knickers in a twist, Cardinal, but neither is going to happen.

You're probably thinking of option 3: there are no panicky layoffs, investigators investigate and no criminality is found. That is certainly a third option. However, I'm not including that option as especially likely because...

1)Everybody involved with Trump's businesses is a criminal
2)Everybody involved with Trump's businesses is a liar
3)Trump has a widely documented habit of employing foreign workers
4)Trump likes to place his factories in countries with the lowest salaries and the fewest worker protection laws.

When you put all that together, would you like to make a friendly wager?

Let's say an investigation is begun. If there is a sudden spate of worker dismissals soon, or if widespread evidence is found that staff knowingly employed undocumented workers, I win. If the former doesn't happen, and if an investigation doesn't find widespread evidence that staff knowingly employed undocumented workers, you win.

What do you say? It would just be a signature change for a month. No monetary bets.
"... Morales first crossed the border illegally in 1999 and used falsified documents so she could be employed by the golf club. ..."

"... Although there is no evidence to suggest that Trump or the Trump Organization were aware of their immigration status, ..."

"... The women contacted the New York Times through their attorney. ..."

So, let me get this straight: illegal falsifies documents in order to get a job = 2 strikes
Somehow gets US legal resident status, hires a lawyer to drag her former employer through the mud?!?


I think these people get sought out and paid by ... whoever ... to create "damaging" stories on Trump & Co.
Another nothingburger in the long list of daily BS printed by the NYT.

Aahhh ... found it ... LOL

"... Morales told The Times she is applying for asylum and is exploring a lawsuit claiming workplace abuse and discrimination. ..."
This is just one more example of 'do as I say, not as I do'. Undocumented workers at Bedminster Golf Club were hired at this property to do the housekeeping and other tasks.


The Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster, N.J., hired "many" undocumented immigrants, according to a new report outlining a claim that could create political problems for President Trump given his push to curb illegal immigration.

The New York Times reported Thursday that among the illegal immigrants hired there were Victorina Morales of Guatemala and Sandra Diaz of Costa Rica. Housekeepers at the golf resort, the women said that many other housekeeping, maintenance, and landscaping employees are also undocumented immigrants.

The NYY's also reported in their story;

"There is no evidence that Mr. Trump or Trump Organization executives knew of their immigration status."
I’m no trump supporter, but considering the Bedminster story from an objective viewpoint, there is no reason to suspect management violated any laws. The illegal immigrants, themselves, acknowledged that they lied and presented false documentation. “Should they” have hired the immigrants over locals is really another discussion.

Mar a lago has been hiring H-2 visa holders for years. Nothing new or illegal there. Visit Disney World during the summer months and you’ll find a good portion of the kids running various concessions are German or even Russian.

All these stories are good for is reminding the public of Trump’s hypocrisy (nothing new there especially).
This is just one more example of 'do as I say, not as I do'. Undocumented workers at Bedminster Golf Club were hired at this property to do the housekeeping and other tasks.


The Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster, N.J., hired "many" undocumented immigrants, according to a new report outlining a claim that could create political problems for President Trump given his push to curb illegal immigration.

The New York Times reported Thursday that among the illegal immigrants hired there were Victorina Morales of Guatemala and Sandra Diaz of Costa Rica. Housekeepers at the golf resort, the women said that many other housekeeping, maintenance, and landscaping employees are also undocumented immigrants.

From your article, "there is no evidence to suggest that Trump or the Trump Organization were aware of their immigration status"

When you get some hard evidence be sure and alert me.
"... Morales first crossed the border illegally in 1999 and used falsified documents so she could be employed by the golf club. ..."

"... Although there is no evidence to suggest that Trump or the Trump Organization were aware of their immigration status, ..."

"... The women contacted the New York Times through their attorney. ..."

So, let me get this straight: illegal falsifies documents in order to get a job = 2 strikes
Somehow gets US legal resident status, hires a lawyer to drag her former employer through the mud?!?


I think these people get sought out and paid by ... whoever ... to create "damaging" stories on Trump & Co.
Another nothingburger in the long list of daily BS printed by the NYT.

It must be tiring to have to constantly come up with more creative deflections, evasions, and soulless bull.

Not half as tiring as the efforts of liberals to spin new BS stories on a daily basis.

"I know you are but what am I?"


See, here's the thing. No matter how many Internets Victories you chalk up for yourself, I know that federal juries and judges generally take their job at least half-seriously. It won't fly for the people you constantly try to defend.

Hell, that's why so many on Team Trump have already plead guilty. If it's a witch hunt, it's the first one in history to catch actual witches.
You're probably thinking of option 3: there are no panicky layoffs, investigators investigate and no criminality is found. That is certainly a third option. However, I'm not including that option as especially likely because...

1)Everybody involved with Trump's businesses is a criminal
2)Everybody involved with Trump's businesses is a liar
3)Trump has a widely documented habit of employing foreign workers
4)Trump likes to place his factories in countries with the lowest salaries and the fewest worker protection laws.

When you put all that together, would you like to make a friendly wager?

Let's say an investigation is begun. If there is a sudden spate of worker dismissals soon, or if widespread evidence is found that staff knowingly employed undocumented workers, I win. If the former doesn't happen, and if an investigation doesn't find widespread evidence that staff knowingly employed undocumented workers, you win.

What do you say? It would just be a signature change for a month. No monetary bets.

Its entirely possible that the golf course hired a cleaning company who employed these people. You could, for example, hire a lawn care company and have no idea whether or not the people employed by that company are legal. But what is the point of outing these women? It seems likely that they will lose their jobs and possibly be deported. But I guess it doesnt matter who gets trampled so long as it generates an anti-Trump headline.
The NYY's also reported in their story;

"There is no evidence that Mr. Trump or Trump Organization executives knew of their immigration status."

Thank the Lordie that an employer has no duty to determine the immigration status of workers before hiring them. Thank 'em even more that nobody in the GOP ever suggested going after careless (intentional?) employers of illegals or suggested laws to make employers check. Phew.

I really have to wonder: what is it like to simultaneously act morally outraged about a thing and defend what you consider your team for doing that thing?

He does the same thing you pretend to rail against, but then, it has to be OK because he didn't leave a videotape of himself confessing to do it just lying around. Phew. Glad he's got that out.
The larger issue here is not whether Trump’s people knew or didn’t. It’s what we as a nation do not want to admit: our historic addiction to cheap labor to create wealth and subsidize our lifestyles, whether by slaves, indentured servants, post-abolition quasi-slavery, inmate labor, braceros, contract laborers from the Caribbean, or illegals. Raise the minimum wage, get rid of right-to-work laws, do other things that support working people, fine those who hire them, and illegals will be fewer. But the situation of a rich country that borders on a relatively poor one will persist as a problem that demagogues can exploit.
From your article, "there is no evidence to suggest that Trump or the Trump Organization were aware of their immigration status"

When you get some hard evidence be sure and alert me.

They should know by now.

What do you expect they will do? Will they fire the ones who provide shuttles for those who can't get a driver's license?
They should know by now.

What do you expect they will do? Will they fire the ones who provide shuttles for those who can't get a driver's license?

You didn't read the article either.
IF you had, you'd KNOW what they do when they find out when the hired help is lying to them.
Thank the Lordie that an employer has no duty to determine the immigration status of workers before hiring them. Thank 'em even more that nobody in the GOP ever suggested going after careless (intentional?) employers of illegals or suggested laws to make employers check. Phew.

I really have to wonder: what is it like to simultaneously act morally outraged about a thing and defend what you consider your team for doing that thing?

He does the same thing you pretend to rail against, but then, it has to be OK because he didn't leave a videotape of himself confessing to do it just lying around. Phew. Glad he's got that out.

How many businessrs does the Trump Organization own all or part of ??
You didn't read the article either.
IF you had, you'd KNOW what they do when they find out when the hired help is lying to them.

Enlighten me.
How many businessrs does the Trump Organization own all or part of ??


Like I said, you can pull the wool over your own eyes, but you won't be fooling federal judges and juries.
Enlighten me.

I confused this thread with another that posted the source listed below:
Read this article... if you can't get through the paywall, at least read this quote: That's what they do when they learn their employee's have broken the law. They fire them.

The Trump Organization, which owns the golf course, did not comment specifically on Ms. Morales or Ms. Diaz. “We have tens of thousands of employees across our properties and have very strict hiring practices,” Amanda Miller, the company’s senior vice president for marketing and corporate communications, said in a statement. “If an employee submitted false documentation in an attempt to circumvent the law, they will be terminated immediately.”

Like I said, you can pull the wool over your own eyes, but you won't be fooling federal judges and juries.

It's over 500. Do you believe the Organization runs the day to day operations of these businesses ??

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