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Trump's "Landslide" Victory Lie (1 Viewer)

Good morning NIMBY - what cinched it for me was watching CNN and John King saying that the polls in inner city Philadelphia and other major cities was way down in comparison to those in 2008 and 2012 for Obama. As he was saying that, Clinton had a lead of 100,000 votes in Pennsylvania and that dropped to the low teens and that said to me that, as you say, the rural and/or suburban vote was going Trump's way and he could overtake her in the end, which he did.

And, as you say, it wasn't particularly a vote for Trump as it was a rejection of Clinton by Obama voters, the independents and Republicans who supported him as a generational candidate. Way back when, when many were claiming that the Democrats would never lose the White House again because of changing demographics, I always felt that the uniqueness of Obama skewed the reality.
It's so 'cataclysmic' to the elite class, that he's populating his administration exclusively with....wait for it.....ELITES!

Yep, it is shocking that you don't see more (only?) working class folks like plumbers, waiters/waitresses, carpenters, cashiers, assembly line workers, landscapers, farmers and community organizers put into senior executive positions. That must have been what Trump had promised when he said DC elites would no longer be running the show.
Perhaps accepting that Trump will be President would be better for everyone and focus on the 2020 election?


Carry on then.
It's so 'cataclysmic' to the elite class, that he's populating his administration exclusively with....wait for it.....ELITES!

Your term for elites must be anyone who is successful in life outside of government service, or academia?
The notion that any election in at least the past 20 years was a "landslide" is beyond laughable and devalues the term if one were to even try and seriously use it to describe any of them.

The only thing that can rightfully be said about Trumps victory, imho, is that it was a significant one given the realities of the expectations prior to the election itself. It was basically a widely held belief that Hillary would handedly win the election, and thus for Trump to win, and win with over 300 electoral votes, was a significant and surprising victory. But a landslide? Not in the least.
Oh Christ, the wingnuts have filled this forum with "I Hate Obama" threads for YEARS (at least as long as I've been here, and longer if I go digging further back). You expect liberals to be nice to Trump all of a sudden? Are you triggered?

Not triggered, mildly amused at most.


this was the last big landslide I saw. Reagan won 17m popular votes and won all but 13 EC votes.


the 1980 election was about the same. although not as bad.
"The American People"? If the American people chose anyone, they chose Hillary.

So Sorry but we are not a democracy and it has been proven to be a very poor form of government. Even our forefathers knew this hundreds of years ago. The Romans knew it thousands of years ago. Mob rule doesn't work. Of course a witch burning might be interesting for some. Fortunately our constitution protects the rights of the individual from a democratic government voting them away. Evolution is good.
that we will wait and see on. it is possible, but to be impeached requires high crimes of office.

Well speculation would be silly; the man hasn't even been sworn in.

306 to 232 is fairly close to a landslide. All you can argue is what the true definition of a landslide is.
I still like CanadaJohn's "mudslide."
The right ones, yes he is, because he is no dummy.

And by "the right ones" you mean BILLIONAIRES because they have so much empathy for the middle class. :lol: Do you even know what an oligarchy is?
And by "the right ones" you mean BILLIONAIRES because they have so much empathy for the middle class. :lol: Do you even know what an oligarchy is?

The rich dont all suck...even as a boy I was sometimes hobnobbing with the elite, there have always been good people amongst them.

I am trusting Donald J Trump.

He has earned it.
And by "the right ones" you mean BILLIONAIRES because they have so much empathy for the middle class. :lol: Do you even know what an oligarchy is?

Do you even realize that Trump never could have been elected if only millionaires and billionaires voted for him? Oh, I forgot, he won because of all of those stupid deplorables. It must have been all of those stupid deplorable Democrats in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania.
The rich dont all suck...even as a boy I was sometimes hobnobbing with the elite, there have always been good people amongst them.

I am trusting Donald J Trump.

He has earned it.

Make up your mind. Either Trump was elected to get the elite out or not. His picks say NOT. He has simply chosen different elites with no experience at governing. How is that an improvement?
I also wonder what makes you trust someone who to my knowledge has never done anything worthy of trust.
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And Hillary would have gotten the elites out?
And Hillary would have gotten the elites out?

Hillary's cabinet would not have been so slanted towards self-serving billionaires. Trumps pick are nothing but foxes left guarding henhouses.
Hillary's cabinet would not have been so slanted towards self-serving billionaires.

You may be right on that. But, they would have all been members of the Clinton Crime Syndicate.
You may be right on that. But, they would have all been members of the Clinton Crime Syndicate.

I see you are a avid follower of the fake news. I'm curious, how does one go about living a lie?
I see you are a avid follower of the fake news. I'm curious, how does one go about living a lie?

Here we go again. You guys are upset with Russian hacking and releasing information you claim shows no wrong doing by Clinton. Which way is it? You should be happy Russia tried influencing the election to get Hillary elected by releasing hacked information which shows there is no such thing as the Clinton Crime Syndicate.
Hillary's cabinet would not have been so slanted towards self-serving billionaires. Trumps pick are nothing but foxes left guarding henhouses.

Is that right? Please name the people she would have had in her cabinet...

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