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Trump's Disconnect (1 Viewer)


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Feb 12, 2013
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He might still retain the cult. And, his instincts may give him the ability to continue manipulating those who support him the most. But, this statement should tell us how far removed he is from the reality of what these people are truly going through. He's only lucky that they don't know it yet themselves.

"I can relate, and I'm sure that the people that are on the receiving end will make adjustments, they always do, and they'll make adjustments. People understand exactly what's going on. But many of those people that won't be receiving a paycheck, many of those people agree 100% with what I'm doing."


One does wonder though. How long can the blinders remain on? How long before those white working class folks wake up to know he is not one of them and only used them as pawns? Is their hate for the Left so strong that they not only will him to burn the place to the ground but will take bullets for him as well?

Time will tell.
He might still retain the cult. And, his instincts may give him the ability to continue manipulating those who support him the most. But, this statement should tell us how far removed he is from the reality of what these people are truly going through. He's only lucky that they don't know it yet themselves.

One does wonder though. How long can the blinders remain on? How long before those white working class folks wake up to know he is not one of them and only used them as pawns? Is their hate for the Left so strong that they not only will him to burn the place to the ground but will take bullets for him as well?

Time will tell.

Excellent post.

Trump is a mentally ill narcissist who cannot connect with people other than to manipulate them and use them for his own selfish ends. You identified that quality about him and it is key and central to understanding who Trump is.

As your article states as its premise, the greatest trick Trump ever pulled off was to convince white working class people that he has their interests and is working for them. Nothing in his policies has ever borne that out. Its a pure lie.
Walt Kelly is more on point than ever..........

View attachment 67247485

This doesn’t reflect well on the entire country.

Something is brewing, can’t put my finger on it just yet; not going to end well....
Walt Kelly is more on point than ever..........

View attachment 67247485

This doesn’t reflect well on the entire country.

Something is brewing, can’t put my finger on it just yet; not going to end well....

I can. We will be in need of detention camps when this is all said and done. But, they won't be to house illegal immigrants.
He might still retain the cult. And, his instincts may give him the ability to continue manipulating those who support him the most. But, this statement should tell us how far removed he is from the reality of what these people are truly going through. He's only lucky that they don't know it yet themselves.

One does wonder though. How long can the blinders remain on? How long before those white working class folks wake up to know he is not one of them and only used them as pawns? Is their hate for the Left so strong that they not only will him to burn the place to the ground but will take bullets for him as well?

Time will tell.

Trump is a business owner. Business owners operate on a balance sheet. Trump very much knows what is like to be an average joe. In the 90s he was nearly broke.
Trump is a business owner. Business owners operate on a balance sheet. Trump very much knows what is like to be an average joe. In the 90s he was nearly broke.

Yes, we know what drove him to start laundering money for the Russian mob.
Trump is a business owner. Business owners operate on a balance sheet. Trump very much knows what is like to be an average joe. In the 90s he was nearly broke.

And he knows about people not making money, as he stiffed quite a few contractors in his past.
Something is brewing, can’t put my finger on it just yet; not going to end well....

Oh ****, Rexedgar is going Hawkeye10 on us!! Rex...wait....noooooo!!
Oh ****, Rexedgar is going Hawkeye10 on us!! Rex...wait....noooooo!!

Dam, we used to tight..........comparing me to another stalwart DP poster.......sheez!
Trump is a business owner. Business owners operate on a balance sheet. Trump very much knows what is like to be an average joe. In the 90s he was nearly broke.

You're right. Bankrupting a casino takes skill.
Trump is a business owner. Business owners operate on a balance sheet. Trump very much knows what is like to be an average joe. In the 90s he was nearly broke.

No he doesn't - he always had rich daddy nearby get him started, provide loans and guarantees, cushy jobs, and to bail him out, which he did, many times, and more importantly daddy was the backstop to make sure Donny never wanted for anything, not even for an hour, even as an adult. The final bailout was selling daddy's real estate empire after daddy died to bail Donny out one more time.

He's not lived a minute like an average Joe.
Trump is a business owner. Business owners operate on a balance sheet. Trump very much knows what is like to be an average joe. In the 90s he was nearly broke.

Trump could bankrupt a whore house inside a casino next to a liquor store.
He might still retain the cult. And, his instincts may give him the ability to continue manipulating those who support him the most. But, this statement should tell us how far removed he is from the reality of what these people are truly going through. He's only lucky that they don't know it yet themselves.

One does wonder though. How long can the blinders remain on? How long before those white working class folks wake up to know he is not one of them and only used them as pawns? Is their hate for the Left so strong that they not only will him to burn the place to the ground but will take bullets for him as well?

Time will tell.

Trump is going on national tv tomorrow to connect with America and talk about the government shutdown. You do realize when he announces the national emergency he is thus announcing the government is re-opened.

I look forward to the prime time slot.
Trump is going on national tv tomorrow to connect with America and talk about the government shutdown. You do realize when he announces the national emergency he is thus announcing the government is re-opened.

I look forward to the prime time slot.

I'm sure you do
Trump is going on national tv tomorrow to connect with America and talk about the government shutdown. You do realize when he announces the national emergency he is thus announcing the government is re-opened.

And, if that happens, he will also be announcing the exact date of the end of republican control over the Senate and Presidency: 11/3/2020.
Trump is going on national tv tomorrow to connect with America and talk about the government shutdown. You do realize when he announces the national emergency he is thus announcing the government is re-opened.

I look forward to the prime time slot.

I'll find something better to do, like tying flies and watching football.

And declaring a national emergency won't reopen government - signing a spending bill or bills does that, which haven't been passed and aren't on his desk.
I'll find something better to do, like tying flies and watching football.

And declaring a national emergency won't reopen government - signing a spending bill or bills does that, which haven't been passed and aren't on his desk.
Obviously some people still believe in their messiah
Excellent post.

Trump is a mentally ill narcissist who cannot connect with people other than to manipulate them and use them for his own selfish ends. You identified that quality about him and it is key and central to understanding who Trump is.

As your article states as its premise, the greatest trick Trump ever pulled off was to convince white working class people that he has their interests and is working for them. Nothing in his policies has ever borne that out. Its a pure lie.

Nothing in his policies? Nothing he has ever done has ever borne that out. HE is a pure lie.
Trump is going on national tv tomorrow to connect with America and talk about the government shutdown. You do realize when he announces the national emergency he is thus announcing the government is re-opened.

look forward to the prime time slot.

He's going on air in the Oval Room. The setting has been used by many presidents to raise the aura of the event. The difference is that other presidents were already there, whereas Trump has to travel to the WH from somewhere else. He spends most of his time away. But he'll go there if it can be made about him
Trump is going on national tv tomorrow to connect with America and talk about the government shutdown. You do realize when he announces the national emergency he is thus announcing the government is re-opened.

I look forward to the prime time slot.

Yup. He'll say the shutdown, I mean strike, has created a national emergency which he will declare so as to open up the government again. Perfect Trump. He starts a fire, spits on it while others are pouring on water, then declares himself savior. That's how he's been dealing with our trading partners. Everybody loses to get to where they'd have gotten anyway only it took longer at a loss.
He might still retain the cult. And, his instincts may give him the ability to continue manipulating those who support him the most. But, this statement should tell us how far removed he is from the reality of what these people are truly going through. He's only lucky that they don't know it yet themselves.

One does wonder though. How long can the blinders remain on? How long before those white working class folks wake up to know he is not one of them and only used them as pawns? Is their hate for the Left so strong that they not only will him to burn the place to the ground but will take bullets for him as well?

Time will tell.

There’s another thread calling him the greatest con-man in history. How anyone ever supported him and why they still do is a testament to his guile and cunning. Maybe it’s as simple as how do you admit you were that ****ing wrong.
There’s another thread calling him the greatest con-man in history. How anyone ever supported him and why they still do is a testament to his guile and cunning. Maybe it’s as simple as how do you admit you were that ****ing wrong.

The problem might be that you are found not wanting to understand....it is hard to see any other explanation when you are at DP where this is explained to you every day.....and yet there never is a catch with you.
The problem might be that you are found not wanting to understand....it is hard to see any other explanation when you are at DP where this is explained to you every day.....and yet there never is a catch with you.

“Mexico is paying for the wall.” :roll:
He might still retain the cult. And, his instincts may give him the ability to continue manipulating those who support him the most. But, this statement should tell us how far removed he is from the reality of what these people are truly going through. He's only lucky that they don't know it yet themselves.

One does wonder though. How long can the blinders remain on? How long before those white working class folks wake up to know he is not one of them and only used them as pawns? Is their hate for the Left so strong that they not only will him to burn the place to the ground but will take bullets for him as well?

Time will tell.

Trump's "disconnect'? The Left has a REALITY DISCONNECT.



THINGS ARE GOING GANGBUSTERS...leaving the Fake news/Lying Left to try to FIND/HOPE FOR BAD NEWS to BITCH ABOUT.

We see who is wearing the "BLINDERS", don't we?

For example : 62% of Americans SEE BORDER SECURITY AS A MAJOR ISSUE; LESS THAN 10% SEE "CLIMATE CHANGE" as one....

Who has the "BLINDERS ON AGAIN"?
Trump is a business owner. Business owners operate on a balance sheet. Trump very much knows what is like to be an average joe. In the 90s he was nearly broke.


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