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Trump's "bone spurs": daughters of doctor say diagnosis was a favor for Fred Trump (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Nov 18, 2016
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Donald Trump trashed John McCain's history as a POW, to the delight of his followers, because he says he didn't think soldiers who are caught as POWs deserve any respect. He likes soldiers who don't get caught, he told us.

Well, it seems that he, or at least his dad, followed that advice. The two daughters of a foot doctor in Queens have reported that their dad sent in that report on young Donald having bone spurs at the request of, and as a favor to, Fred Trump. In return, he apparently got express and premium service for any repairs he needed for his unit.

"If there was anything wrong in the building, my dad would call and (Fred) Trump would take care of it immediately," she told The Times.

Elysa Braunstein also told the newspaper that her father implied that Trump did not have a foot ailment.

In 1968, after receiving four deferments due to education, Donald Trump was diagnosed with bone spurs in his heels at the age of 22, seven years before the Vietnam War ended.

In a 2016 interview with The Times, Trump claimed that a doctor "gave me a letter -- a very strong letter -- on the heels" to provided to draft officials. In the interview, Trump "couldn't recall" the name of the doctor. "

The open and deplorable hypocrisy of Trump cultists knows no bounds.
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So humans behave.

Yes, plenty of cowardice and hypocrisy to go around in the Trump camp.
And just as much in the Dem camp, or maybe more.

I may be biased, but it seems to me that it's not even in the same league.

For example, Republicans were screaming themselves hoarse with outrage, with red faces and eyeballs and neck veins and forehead veins all bulging out, because Obama was a "liar". What was his "lie"? In attempting to improve healthcare coverage for all Americans, he once said that under the new plan, he anticipated that "if you like your doctor, you can keep you doctor". Then, there were a few people who they saw on Fox News who said their doctor dropped their particular insurance plan.

And that was outrageous. But a total of over 7000 documented lies so far by Trump, most of them meant to incite hatred, fear, and anger, and demonizing entire ethnic groups, religious groups, racial groups, in our country, and they still cheer it on.

It's not the same.
And you would be wrong, again.
I may be biased, but it seems to me that it's not even in the same league.

For example, Republicans were screaming themselves hoarse with outrage, with red faces and eyeballs and neck veins and forehead veins all bulging out, because Obama was a "liar". What was his "lie"? In attempting to improve healthcare coverage for all Americans, he once said that under the new plan, he anticipated that "if you like your doctor, you can keep you doctor". Then, there were a few people who they saw on Fox News who said their doctor dropped their particular insurance plan.

And that was outrageous. But a total of over 7000 documented lies so far by Trump, most of them meant to incite hatred, fear, and anger, and demonizing entire ethnic groups, religious groups, racial groups, in our country, and they still cheer it on.

It's not the same.
My Draft number was drawn in 1971. There are many subjects to discuss with President Trump. I am by no means an admirer, but this was common behavior for the time of the Vietnam Nam war. Many fathers took measures to keep their sons out of the line of fire.

I have more problem with Trump’s later comments about avoiding std’s as his personal Viet Nam and professing his great regard for the military, while his actions say something altogether different.

I hear from many supporters, “watch what he does, not what he says!”
I may be biased, but it seems to me that it's not even in the same league.

For example, Republicans were screaming themselves hoarse with outrage, with red faces and eyeballs and neck veins and forehead veins all bulging out, because Obama was a "liar". What was his "lie"? In attempting to improve healthcare coverage for all Americans, he once said that under the new plan, he anticipated that "if you like your doctor, you can keep you doctor". Then, there were a few people who they saw on Fox News who said their doctor dropped their particular insurance plan.

And that was outrageous. But a total of over 7000 documented lies so far by Trump, most of them meant to incite hatred, fear, and anger, and demonizing entire ethnic groups, religious groups, racial groups, in our country, and they still cheer it on.

It's not the same.

The "Doctor" thing was Politfacts top lie of the year.


With 4 MILLION people as of the end of 2013 losing coverage and others forced to obtain coverage for things that won't happen....

And he kept up the mantra even after it was clear it wasn't correct.
The world has known that Trump is a gutless coward and hypocrite for a very long time now. This is merely the period at the end of the sentence.

Watch carefully as the fawning Trumpkins will find reasons to overlook this serious character flaw and stay prostrated before their little god.
My Draft number was drawn in 1971. There are many subjects to discuss with President Trump. I am by no means an admirer, but this was common behavior for the time of the Vietnam Nam war. Many fathers took measures to keep their sons out of the line of fire.

I have more problem with Trump’s later comments about avoiding std’s as his personal Viet Nam and professing his great regard for the military, while his actions say something altogether different.

I hear from many supporters, “watch what he does, not what he says!”

I was 12 in 1971 and obviously the draft for Nam ended before I turned 18, but were people in 71 still being sent to Nam? I was under the impression that Nixon was cutting down the numbers over there. And you are right about what people were doing late in the war to keep family members out. It was rather evident by that time that the US government had completely screwed up that conflict
I was 12 in 1971 and obviously the draft for Nam ended before I turned 18, but were people in 71 still being sent to Nam? I was under the impression that Nixon was cutting down the numbers over there. And you are right about what people were doing late in the war to keep family members out. It was rather evident by that time that the US government had completely screwed up that conflict

I enlisted 27OCT72. Two weeks in to Basic, I got my “Greetings” letter. I went for three instead of two for a little latitude in what training I would get. We were told to be ready to ship over. Some point in 1973, Aug I think, troops were no longer sent over. There is reporting that RMN made sure to hobble the peace process until he was elected. They were still shipping when I raised my right hand....

Nixon raised his right hand in JAN73
I was 12 in 1971 and obviously the draft for Nam ended before I turned 18, but were people in 71 still being sent to Nam? I was under the impression that Nixon was cutting down the numbers over there. And you are right about what people were doing late in the war to keep family members out. It was rather evident by that time that the US government had completely screwed up that conflict

If they weren’t, why did Trump feel the need to bring up the bone spurs excuse?
Donald Trump trashed John McCain's history as a POW, to the delight of his followers, because he says he didn't think soldiers who are caught as POWs deserve any respect. He likes soldiers who don't get caught, he told us.

Well, it seems that he, or at least his dad, followed that advice. The two daughters of a foot doctor in Queens have reported that their dad sent in that report on young Donald having bone spurs at the request of, and as a favor to, Fred Trump. In return, he apparently got express and premium service for any repairs he needed for his unit.

The open and deplorable hypocrisy of Trump cultists knows no bounds.

President Trump is 72. The deferment was 50 years ago. The daughters were 3 and 6. The doctor is long gone. And yet they now have this vivid memory of something about daddy's landlord?

Are you taking over the job of the daily Trump bash post?
President Trump is 72. The deferment was 50 years ago. The daughters were 3 and 6. The doctor is long gone. And yet they now have this vivid memory of something about daddy's landlord?

Are you taking over the job of the daily Trump bash post?

Daddy’s landlord had already become a celebrity by the early 1980s. It’s not hard to think daddy wouldnt have a smile or two at the dinner table reminiscing.
I enlisted 27OCT72. Two weeks in to Basic, I got my “Greetings” letter. I went for three instead of two for a little latitude in what training I would get. We were told to be ready to ship over. Some point in 1973, Aug I think, troops were no longer sent over. There is reporting that RMN made sure to hobble the peace process until he was elected. They were still shipping when I raised my right hand....

Nixon raised his right hand in JAN73
I believe Nixon was sworn in -January 1969, that was his second election I believe you are talking about but no difference

thank you for your service. the draft had ended by the time I hit 18. (1977). I think my youngest brother (1979 he turned 18) he might have had to register-I know my son did in 2016 when he turned 18. If women don't have to register, I expect a constitutional level ruling by the USSC that would throw a monkey wrench into the draft. I have always believed it is a violation of the post civil war amendments
Daddy’s landlord had already become a celebrity by the early 1980s. It’s not hard to think daddy wouldnt have a smile or two at the dinner table reminiscing.

I mean it not like we have a more recent doctor’s letter..........................oh,wait...........”child is father to the man.”- Wordsworth
I believe Nixon was sworn in -January 1969, that was his second election I believe you are talking about but no difference

thank you for your service. the draft had ended by the time I hit 18. (1977). I think my youngest brother (1979 he turned 18) he might have had to register-I know my son did in 2016 when he turned 18. If women don't have to register, I expect a constitutional level ruling by the USSC that would throw a monkey wrench into the draft. I have always believed it is a violation of the post civil war amendments

You’re correct that was his second term.
President Trump is 72. The deferment was 50 years ago. The daughters were 3 and 6. The doctor is long gone. And yet they now have this vivid memory of something about daddy's landlord?

Are you taking over the job of the daily Trump bash post?

TDS continues to permeate some posters' every submission. Trump was talking out of his ass when he lampooned McCain's service but constantly whining about deferments-especially when it is doubtful he will run against someone with military record-is silly. Obviously if serving was a huge deal to the Trump haters, they never should have voted for Obama, or for that matter (assuming their age was sufficient at the time) Bill Clinton since Bill Clinton beat two bonafide war heroes and Obama, one
President Trump is 72. The deferment was 50 years ago. The daughters were 3 and 6. The doctor is long gone. And yet they now have this vivid memory of something about daddy's landlord?

Are you taking over the job of the daily Trump bash post?

He kinda has a point.
Trump has turned out to be a lie factory of epic proportion...

I expect politicians to lie. Trump was supposed to be a non politician therefore less likely to lie.

He makes Joe Isuzu look honest.

I wouldn't go that far, but I too have been disappointed by the 'outsider angle'. I was pretty sold on fresh blood. I dunno if I can maintain that idea. Maybe a different type of professional, or a professor or something. I dunno, maybe insiders are at least moderated and we can't get better. There's time, we'll see.
You’re correct that was his second term.

Not all the important-thanks for the information I was looking for: since I was only 12 at the time, and still under 18 when we finally pulled out for good, I don't have a strong memory on when Nixon stopped sending people over there. I also don't have anyone as a close friend who was a draftee-several men I knew well-all but one deceased-were guys who were rangers or SF and were there in the mid 60s-and not draftees. all of them were out of Nam by 68-one of them's first "unofficial tour" was about the time Kennedy was in his last year of life
People defending Trump are missing the main point in this story and it is NOT if Trump served in the military. The point is that Trump got out of the draft and service by dishonest and fraudulent means through his father and knew damn well he did not have painful bone spurs. Trump started his adult life in a lie and in a fraud and that has been the pattern ever since.

Lots and lots and lots and lots of men in the Viet Nam era did not serve. Some of them did it through fraud and deceit like Trump did. Others complied honestly with the system and were deferred for legitimate reasons according to the Selective Service System regulations.

The question is NOT if Trump served versus somebody else who also did not serve. The question is one of honesty rather than fraud and deceit as Trump used.
I may be biased, but it seems to me that it's not even in the same league.

For example, Republicans were screaming themselves hoarse with outrage, with red faces and eyeballs and neck veins and forehead veins all bulging out, because Obama was a "liar". What was his "lie"? In attempting to improve healthcare coverage for all Americans, he once said that under the new plan, he anticipated that "if you like your doctor, you can keep you doctor". Then, there were a few people who they saw on Fox News who said their doctor dropped their particular insurance plan.

And that was outrageous. But a total of over 7000 documented lies so far by Trump, most of them meant to incite hatred, fear, and anger, and demonizing entire ethnic groups, religious groups, racial groups, in our country, and they still cheer it on.

It's not the same.

We have discovered that the base are largely an unprincipled lot. Trump is representative of that group of people, that's why they are so loyal to him.

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