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Trump's Assault on the Constitution (1 Viewer)


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Feb 12, 2013
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The author lays it out well.

The President has installed Matthew Whitaker, an acolyte who shares his skepticism of the Mueller probe as acting attorney general. In addition, he has stoked conspiracy theories about stolen elections in the wake of Florida's latest vote counting controversy and has threatened to use the mechanisms of government to investigate Democrats if they investigate him.

And he has stepped up his assault on the press, including by confiscating the White House pass of CNN chief White House correspondent Jim Acosta, who asked multiple, challenging questions of Trump during a White House news conference.

All of this came days after Trump used his power as commander-in-chief to dispatch troops to the border to meet what he said was an imminent criminal invasion from a migrant caravan that is yet to materialize.


Each of those taken by itself would be disconcerting. Taken in sum total, it's writing on the wall. Under Trump, constitutional protections are in serious jeopardy.

Most of us who railed against the clowned prince warned about this.

What stops him?

Free press

House majority

Yes, this clearly violates the Constitution's call for 4 separate but equal branches of government: President, Congress, Supreme Court & Robert Mueller.
Yes, this clearly violates the Constitution's call for 4 separate but equal branches of government: President, Congress, Supreme Court & Robert Mueller.

He's officially executive branch. The constitutional argument will be if the president can use his power to obstruct justice.

Chances are it comes down to a political battle, winner take all in 2020. That's not exactly a good thing. But, it is probably the the likely thing.
He’s assaulting The Constititution again this morning in his usual big mouth way by demanding the recounts be stopped in Florida and a new senate election in Arizona. It is a blessing the federal executive is legally out of this.
He’s assaulting The Constititution again this morning in his usual big mouth way by demanding the recounts be stopped in Florida and a new senate election in Arizona. It is a blessing the federal executive is legally out of this.

There should be some deadline over how long Democrats in Florida are allowed to create more ballots. Florida at least should pass some kind of law that Democratic Party county election officials have no more than 3 days to create more cast ballots after election day. It take a minute or two to mark another ballot and they have limited staff they can trust, so this would limit the total probably to no more than fraudulent 20,000 votes per Democratic county.
He’s assaulting The Constititution again this morning in his usual big mouth way by demanding the recounts be stopped in Florida and a new senate election in Arizona. It is a blessing the federal executive is legally out of this.

The Clown in Chief.
More politics of fear. It's what liberals do.
There should be some deadline over how long Democrats in Florida are allowed to create more ballots. Florida at least should pass some kind of law that Democratic Party county election officials have no more than 3 days to create more cast ballots after election day. It take a minute or two to mark another ballot and they have limited staff they can trust, so this would limit the total probably to no more than fraudulent 20,000 votes per Democratic county.

Florida has been an election joke for a long time. "Don't be like Florida" should almost be a public service announcement.

Arizona is not even in dispute. I'm not sure what the clown show with orange face is even moaning about there. Everyone knows Phoenix gets counted last in that state.
More politics of fear. It's what liberals do.

Ironic since it's your boy Trumplethinskin who is stoking all the fake caravan and election fraud fears.
There should be some deadline over how long Democrats in Florida are allowed to create more ballots. Florida at least should pass some kind of law that Democratic Party county election officials have no more than 3 days to create more cast ballots after election day. It take a minute or two to mark another ballot and they have limited staff they can trust, so this would limit the total probably to no more than fraudulent 20,000 votes per Democratic county.

No one is creating more ballots other than in paranoid imaginations
He’s assaulting The Constititution again this morning in his usual big mouth way by demanding the recounts be stopped in Florida and a new senate election in Arizona. It is a blessing the federal executive is legally out of this.

They are not "counting" anything...They are "looking" for ballots. This is akin to adding another quarter to a football game because you are not winning..So silly.

As Florida ballot count battle rages, Democrats are recklessly violating state law

"In 2012 Snipes was criticized for absentee ballots that never arrived, balky scanners that didn’t work, slow reporting and mounds of ballots that showed up long after Election Day.

In 2014 Snipes demonstrated such incompetence that even fellow Democrats complained her office made it difficult for people to vote.

In 2016 Snipes allowed her employees to campaign on county time, violated state law by posting election results half an hour before the polls closed and was sued for leaving amendments off the ballots.

A judge also ruled that Snipes’ office violated state and federal laws by illegally destroying ballots. But the ruling regarding her action illegally obliterating evidence two years ago did not come down until this year."
They are not "counting" anything...They are "looking" for ballots. This is akin to adding another quarter to a football game because you are not winning..So silly.

As Florida ballot count battle rages, Democrats are recklessly violating state law

"In 2012 Snipes was criticized for absentee ballots that never arrived, balky scanners that didn’t work, slow reporting and mounds of ballots that showed up long after Election Day.

In 2014 Snipes demonstrated such incompetence that even fellow Democrats complained her office made it difficult for people to vote.

In 2016 Snipes allowed her employees to campaign on county time, violated state law by posting election results half an hour before the polls closed and was sued for leaving amendments off the ballots.

A judge also ruled that Snipes’ office violated state and federal laws by illegally destroying ballots. But the ruling regarding her action illegally obliterating evidence two years ago did not come down until this year."

Why didn't Rick Scott the Governor do something about her in 2014 or 2016?
He shouldn't be Governor based on incompetence.
No one is creating more ballots other than in paranoid imaginations

No. But, there is clear evidence that the Republicans cheated Democrats out of votes in those counties.


She sent the request Oct. 16 but it didn’t arrive in her mailbox until Monday, the day before the election. Too late to mail it back in time for her vote to count.


State elections data indicate hundreds of thousands of absentee ballots mailed out were not returned...data show that played to the benefit of Republican candidates, especially in heavily Democratic Palm Beach, Broward and Miami-Dade counties.

In those South Florida counties, 174,649 ballots sent to Democrats weren’t returned. That’s 91,038 more than those not returned by Republicans. The three counties accounted for 86 percent of the statewide gap of 105,283 between Democratic and Republican vote-by-mail ballots not returned.

In thousands of cases, the data show, county election supervisors didn’t send out requested ballots until after the legal cut-off, Oct. 31.
The author lays it out well.

Each of those taken by itself would be disconcerting. Taken in sum total, it's writing on the wall. Under Trump, constitutional protections are in serious jeopardy.

Most of us who railed against the clowned prince warned about this.

What stops him?

Free press

House majority


The author lays it out poorly:

1. Trump denies he colluded with Russia. He would probably know, one would think. Nothing wrong with appointing a Mueller skeptic on a temporary basis. Because despite all the paranoia and hysteria, Trump has nit stopped the investigation, nor has he interfered with it.

2. He should probably shut up about Florida. But in his defense, clearly there are electoral problems there. When people like Abrans or Gillum yell about making every vote count, there is nothing with echoing that call.

3. If the actions of the Democrats, then so be it.

4. Trumps characterization of Acosta was correct.

5. The caravan is on its way. Perhaps the author should read the news. If Trump does nothing, there will be even more massive problem on the border in a couple of months.
Moreover, Trump has said repeatedly that he would love to have those folks working in the country. But he has also said they will have to come LEGALLY. It remains mysterious the controversial nature of his view here.
Why didn't Rick Scott the Governor do something about her in 2014 or 2016?
He shouldn't be Governor based on incompetence.

He shouldn’t be anything in public life based on the massive fraud he oversaw in private life.
Yes, this clearly violates the Constitution's call for 4 separate but equal branches of government: President, Congress, Supreme Court & Robert Mueller.

The author lays it out poorly:

1. Trump denies he colluded with Russia. He would probably know, one would think. Nothing wrong with appointing a Mueller skeptic on a temporary basis. Because despite all the paranoia and hysteria, Trump has nit stopped the investigation, nor has he interfered with it.

2. He should probably shut up about Florida. But in his defense, clearly there are electoral problems there. When people like Abrans or Gillum yell about making every vote count, there is nothing with echoing that call.

3. If the actions of the Democrats, then so be it.

4. Trumps characterization of Acosta was correct.

5. The caravan is on its way. Perhaps the author should read the news. If Trump does nothing, there will be even more massive problem on the border in a couple of months.
Moreover, Trump has said repeatedly that he would love to have those folks working in the country. But he has also said they will have to come LEGALLY. It remains mysterious the controversial nature of his view here.

Bottom line is that we have never had as much fear, hate, distrust, and dissension as we now have under Trump.

With the exception of the economy and unemployment, nothing is better than it was before and the economy and unemployment were already recovering nicely before Trump came aboard and a good part of the economy being better is because of the Fed.

As far as the "invading army" that is coming our way, I believe that lollipops, diapers and humanity will do a better job of controlling it than guns and military. How sending 15,000 troops in addition to the over 10,000 border people already there is going to help is beyond my ability to understand. By the time the caravan reaches our borders, it will likely be less than 1500 people and the border patrol has many times in the past been successful in holding back those kind of numbers.

Last but not least, I do agree with you that Trump has not colluded with Russia. He does not have enough intelligence or ability to collude with anyone. As it is, he believes that "he can do it all and that he knows more than anyone else". Such a person would not work hand in hand with anyone. It is below his ego to do that. By the same token, I have absolutely no doubts that Russia has him by the balls economically given that it was them that loaned him the money when he was on the verge of total Bankruptcy. If there is one thing that Trump respects is power, especially when he knows that Russia could "break him" totally.

I have not been able to understand the inability of the Trump supporters to see what to me is glaringly evident. Then again, I have been accustomed to using my brain throughout my life and not to listen to people that are trying to "sell me a bill of goods".

One thing I have found out in my 73 years of life is that "nothing is as good or as bad as it can be", though I must admit that Trump could be the exception and I don't mean on the good side but on the bad side.
Bottom line is that we have never had as much fear, hate, distrust, and dissension as we now have under Trump.

,,,and it's almost all coming from the left.

"SQUAWKK...Trump's getting rid the Constitution!!!'

"SQUAWWWWWWWWWK wants to get rid of the First Amendement"

"SWUAAAWK Tump hates Muslims"
"SQUAAAAAAWK Trump's Hitler"
,,,and it's almost all coming from the left.

"SQUAWKK...Trump's getting rid the Constitution!!!'

"SQUAWWWWWWWWWK wants to get rid of the First Amendement"

"SWUAAAWK Tump hates Muslims"
"SQUAAAAAAWK Trump's Hitler"

What a ridiculous statement, regarding all coming from the left. First of all, everything the left is saying is true. Whatever hate is coming if from the fear that Trump is trampling on the Constitution,wants to get rid of the First Amendment, hates Muslims and Russia has control over Trump. Trump being Hitler may be an extreme as he has not yet killed any Jews but his tactics certainly mimic Hitler.

The other side though is worse, because Trump's lies are not true. We are not having an invasion, the Free Press is not enemy of the "people" and the Democrats are not going to riot and kill if elected.

So there you have the answer to your post, which is much like what Trump has been doing all along. You are a good student of his. By the way, were you one of the lackeys that purchased classes at his college?
Bottom line is that we have never had as much fear, hate, distrust, and dissension as we now have under Trump.

With the exception of the economy and unemployment, nothing is better than it was before and the economy and unemployment were already recovering nicely before Trump came aboard and a good part of the economy being better is because of the Fed.

As far as the "invading army" that is coming our way, I believe that lollipops, diapers and humanity will do a better job of controlling it than guns and military. How sending 15,000 troops in addition to the over 10,000 border people already there is going to help is beyond my ability to understand. By the time the caravan reaches our borders, it will likely be less than 1500 people and the border patrol has many times in the past been successful in holding back those kind of numbers.

Last but not least, I do agree with you that Trump has not colluded with Russia. He does not have enough intelligence or ability to collude with anyone. As it is, he believes that "he can do it all and that he knows more than anyone else". Such a person would not work hand in hand with anyone. It is below his ego to do that. By the same token, I have absolutely no doubts that Russia has him by the balls economically given that it was them that loaned him the money when he was on the verge of total Bankruptcy. If there is one thing that Trump respects is power, especially when he knows that Russia could "break him" totally.

I have not been able to understand the inability of the Trump supporters to see what to me is glaringly evident. Then again, I have been accustomed to using my brain throughout my life and not to listen to people that are trying to "sell me a bill of goods".

One thing I have found out in my 73 years of life is that "nothing is as good or as bad as it can be", though I must admit that Trump could be the exception and I don't mean on the good side but on the bad side.

You think this is bad. Wait until 2020, when every state Trump loses will be accused of voter fraud.


California 2016

Florida and Arizona 2018

The dude is laying it out for all to see, except of course his not sees. They will believe anything he says.
,,,and it's almost all coming from the left.

"SQUAWKK...Trump's getting rid the Constitution!!!'

"SQUAWWWWWWWWWK wants to get rid of the First Amendement"

"SWUAAAWK Tump hates Muslims"
"SQUAAAAAAWK Trump's Hitler"

Were you squawking after 6 years straight years of hearing about Obama's secret Kenyan birth certificate?

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