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Trump v. Cruz's Wife: This may do in the Donald (1 Viewer)

Trump does make policy statements that worry many on both sides. For instance, when Trump talked about solving the the israel/palistinean issue, he pretty much pointed out that his approach would be "let's make a deal". His approach would consider both sides as equals. The problem is that they are not equals. Israel merely wants to survive and live in peace. The palistineans want to exterminate Israel. It cannot simply be a case of "let's make a deal.

Both sides are NOT equal.
Quite right.
I believe he was saying that if he was President and he was to negotiate an agreement between the Palestinians and Israel, he'd have to go into it appearing balanced.
I doubt he was suggesting that he'd do a John Kerry and fold himself into a tiny package to get a deal that Israel would never agree to.

But Trump's lousy policy positions wasn't the point.
Cruz indulges in some bad campaign practices that make him suspect when things like the family thing come up.
Both sides are NOT equal.
Quite right.
I believe he was saying that if he was President and he was to negotiate an agreement between the Palestinians and Israel, he'd have to go into it appearing balanced.
I doubt he was suggesting that he'd do a John Kerry and fold himself into a tiny package to get a deal that Israel would never agree to.

But Trump's lousy policy positions wasn't the point.
Cruz indulges in some bad campaign practices that make him suspect when things like the family thing come up.

Balance approaches have been tried from the beginning. The problem is that the palistineans do not want an agreement. They never did. they want the nation of Israel exterminated and they do not intend to stop until they reach that goal. Even when the Israelis have given up land for peace, the palistineans simply move the rockets forward and keep attacking Israel. The one and only thing they understand is force. trump cannot treat it as a business arrangement and expect success.
Both sides are NOT equal.
Quite right.
I believe he was saying that if he was President and he was to negotiate an agreement between the Palestinians and Israel, he'd have to go into it appearing balanced.
I doubt he was suggesting that he'd do a John Kerry and fold himself into a tiny package to get a deal that Israel would never agree to.

But Trump's lousy policy positions wasn't the point.
Cruz indulges in some bad campaign practices that make him suspect when things like the family thing come up.

they are not equal
one side possesses the greatest military arsenal in the middle east
while the other side has little more than bottle rockets and sling shots

they are not equal, just as the colonies were not on equal footing with a well armed nation that occupied its lands

to that degree only are you correct: they are NOT equal
Cruz did not do anything to Carson or Rubio. Carson has only himself to blame for what happened when he announced he was going home for a change of clothes despite primaries coming up the next day. The way he announce it certainly led many including the press to speculate that he was about to suspend his campaign. And I say that despite And it was CNN that jumped the gun....not Cruz. And no, Cruz did not start it with Trump. Trump started it when he jumped on the birther bandwagon over Cruz being born in Canada and even threatened a lawsuit to make him prove he was eligible to run. He tried to run that into the ground. Then when Cruz made a campaign ad on the issues, using video of Trump in his own words, Trump employed the "lyin ted" rant. Trump is like an adolescent bully. If anyone threatens him politically, he goes into insult mode.

Glad you reminded me , Ted is Canadian so we should not even be having this debate
Glad you reminded me , Ted is Canadian so we should not even be having this debate

Ted is a Canadian born US citizen. And according to the law, he has the same rights as someone born in this country, based on his mother. If you do not make that distinction, you are attempting to mislead.
I have to agree with James, here: I'm not sure there's anything left that would dissuade Trump's base from supporting him.

It is not so much what TRUMP says or does. It is ATTITUDES like these posted attacking us that make us want to keep voting for TRUMP.

Quit INSULTING US, and we might listen to your point.

Call us all Trump-tards, and we will discount your entire point out of hand.

I do not discuss anything with anyone after they just slapped me in the face.

THAT, dear friends, is the TRUMP PHENOMENON in a nutshell.
It is not so much what TRUMP says or does. It is ATTITUDES like these posted attacking us that make us want to keep voting for TRUMP.

Quit INSULTING US, and we might listen to your point.

Call us all Trump-tards, and we will discount your entire point out of hand.

I do not discuss anything with anyone after they just slapped me in the face.

THAT, dear friends, is the TRUMP PHENOMENON in a nutshell.

All right, Outraged Ollie. What would dissuade you from supporting Trump?
Ted is a Canadian born US citizen. And according to the law, he has the same rights as someone born in this country, based on his mother. If you do not make that distinction, you are attempting to mislead.

my only quibble with your assessment as to cruz' rights as one not native born within the confines of the USA, the only right he does not possess is the right to be president/vice president of our nation because his failure to be found a natural born citizen is disqualifying, per the Constitution
All right, Outraged Ollie. What would dissuade you from supporting Trump?

You STILL can't quit with the name-calling can you?

Even when I pointed it out as a major issue, you still JUST HAD to throw more insulting names.

...and yet you wonder why none of us will listen to you.

HUMAN NATURE does not work that way.
thank you for proving my point
even as late in these events as yesterday, cruz had not publicly condemned the PAC for its exploitation of melania in the use of the nudie photo
cruz' self-imposed silence about that abhorrent act implies consent
and tRump responded in kind
only then did cruz object ... while still refusing to condemn the use of that nudie pic

Why should Cruz have had any responsibility to condemn an ad that a PAC puts out - a PAC whose sole purpose is anti-Trump? Remind me when Hillary came out and condemned her supporters for starting the birther movement. Remind me when Bernie Sanders called out the people waving signs with his name on them wreaking havoc at Trump rallies. I could go on.

Cruz is blameless in this story. It isn't his PAC, he isn't the official PAC babysitter, and he didn't do or say anything about Trump's wife. Why the **** are you deciding it's his responsibility to "object" to anything he isn't responsible for, and "condemn" something that he had nothing to do with?
"Republican operative Roger Stone, who says he is no longer working for Donald Trump but continues to back his presidential campaign, is launching a super PAC to attack leading rivals, particularly Florida Sen. Marco Rubio.

Mr. Stone said he has not talked to Mr. Trump or his campaign about the Committee to Restore America’s Greatness. Mr. Trump has been an outspoken critic of super PACs and frequently claims to be self-funding his campaign, though he has received and spent millions of dollars in donations."

GOP Operative Launches Super PAC to Sully Donald Trump?s Rivals - Washington Wire - WSJ

"Ted Cruz on Friday accused “Donald Trump and his henchmen” of planting the seeds behind a “garbage” National Enquirer report alleging that the Texas senator has had extramarital affairs.

“This National Enquirer story is garbage. It is complete and utter lies,” Cruz said after a campaign event in Oshkosh, Wisconsin. “It is a tabloid smear, and it is a smear that has come from Donald Trump and his henchmen.”

Read more: Ted Cruz accuses Donald Trump of planting National Enquirer story alleging affairs - POLITICO
Follow us: @politico on Twitter | Politico on Facebook"

"The article also quoted Roger Stone, a former Trump adviser who is still close to the real-estate mogul. “These stories have been swirling about Cruz for some time,” Stone said in the National Enquirer. “I believe where there is smoke there is fire. I have to believe this will hurt him with his evangelical Christian supporters.”

Read more: Ted Cruz accuses Donald Trump of planting National Enquirer story alleging affairs - POLITICO
Follow us: @politico on Twitter | Politico on Facebook"

Ted Cruz accuses Donald Trump of planting National Enquirer story alleging affairs - POLITICO
Why should Cruz have had any responsibility to condemn an ad that a PAC puts out - a PAC whose sole purpose is anti-Trump?
thanks for asking
the PACs are set up to provide plausible deniability
there is not supposed to be any coordination with the candidate *wink* wink*
when that ad came out, tRump - who is a fool, but who is not stupid - swung back
at his primary opponent, whose wife was not attacked in that ad
by .... .... wait for it
attacking his primary opponent's wife, in kind
if cruz could not have anticipated that response, he is too oblivious to sit in the white house
all he needed to do to prevent tRump from engaging in his predictable counter punch was publicly say there is no room for ads like that in this race
but cruz does not do that. he always engages in nefarious behavior and then, when caught says 'who me' and then insists he is the victim. it's his M.O.

Remind me when Hillary came out and condemned her supporters for starting the birther movement.
the donald was behind the birther movement. google it

Remind me when Bernie Sanders called out the people waving signs with his name on them wreaking havoc at Trump rallies. I could go on.
please do go on
tell us why Bernie should tell his supporters not to wave Bernie placards at tRump rallies

Cruz is blameless in this story.
you are correct. given the built-in denial of plausibility provided by the PAC rules, cruz can pretend he had nothing to do with that ad. what he cannot do is show us where he took the high road and came out publicly against such ads as the one that showed melania's nudie pic

It isn't his PAC, he isn't the official PAC babysitter, and he didn't do or say anything about Trump's wife.
no he isn't. and isn't that denial of plausibility very convenient for the guy who snaked carson and rubio, telling their delegates they were no longer running - when they actually had not dropped out. cruz told us his hands were clean then, too
can't trusted brought this blight upon himself

Why the **** are you deciding it's his responsibility to "object" to anything he isn't responsible for, and "condemn" something that he had nothing to do with?
because i can see the obvious connection. seems tRump could, too
thanks for asking
the PACs are set up to provide plausible deniability
there is not supposed to be any coordination with the candidate *wink* wink*
when that ad came out, tRump - who is a fool, but who is not stupid - swung back
at his primary opponent, whose wife was not attacked in that ad
by .... .... wait for it
attacking his primary opponent's wife, in kind
if cruz could not have anticipated that response, he is too oblivious to sit in the white house
all he needed to do to prevent tRump from engaging in his predictable counter punch was publicly say there is no room for ads like that in this race
but cruz does not do that. he always engages in nefarious behavior and then, when caught says 'who me' and then insists he is the victim. it's his M.O.

the donald was behind the birther movement. google it

please do go on
tell us why Bernie should tell his supporters not to wave Bernie placards at tRump rallies

you are correct. given the built-in denial of plausibility provided by the PAC rules, cruz can pretend he had nothing to do with that ad. what he cannot do is show us where he took the high road and came out publicly against such ads as the one that showed melania's nudie pic

no he isn't. and isn't that denial of plausibility very convenient for the guy who snaked carson and rubio, telling their delegates they were no longer running - when they actually had not dropped out. cruz told us his hands were clean then, too
can't trusted brought this blight upon himself

because i can see the obvious connection. seems tRump could, too

The fact that you started out this post deciding that this PAC was set up to support Cruz means this was a waste of my time. You don't usually make ignorant posts. You did here. Everyone with a brain knows who founded this SuperPAC and why she founded it. Cruz had nothing to do with it.
The fact that you started out this post deciding that this PAC was set up to support Cruz means this was a waste of my time. You don't usually make ignorant posts. You did here. Everyone with a brain knows who founded this SuperPAC and why she founded it. Cruz had nothing to do with it.

it is possible you are right and that tRump and i are the only ones who believe otherwise
but then, why did cruz not publicly object to such ads attacking his primary opponent's wife?
i know, he did not have to - because thanks to the plausible deniability of the PAC he could insist he had nothing to do with it. but notice that cruz' spouse was then attacked because he did not object to such ads
it was OK with him when tRump's wife was the target ... but not his own

and notice how tRump had nothing to do with the story of cruz' liaisons with the five women he is not married to * wink * wink *
but despite there being no such connection to tRump, cruz insists tRump was behind it
just as tRump believes cruz was behind the melania nudie ad
it is possible you are right and that tRump and i are the only ones who believe otherwise
but then, why did cruz not publicly object to such ads attacking his primary opponent's wife?
i know, he did not have to - because thanks to the plausible deniability of the PAC he could insist he had nothing to do with it. but notice that cruz' spouse was then attacked because he did not object to such ads
it was OK with him when tRump's wife was the target ... but not his own

and notice how tRump had nothing to do with the story of cruz' liaisons with the five women he is not married to * wink * wink *
but despite there being no such connection to tRump, cruz insists tRump was behind it
just as tRump believes cruz was behind the melania nudie ad

No idea what the "wink wink" thing is about, and I'm sorry, but your post is totally incoherent. I think in terms of facts and the fact is, Mair is not affiliated with Cruz, and Cruz is under no obligation to babysit the anti-Trump PACs. If you are so determined to support Donald Trump in this story, then by all means do. But like the other Trump apologists, you are posting drivel, and I'm not reading it. Take care.
No idea what the "wink wink" thing is about, and I'm sorry, but your post is totally incoherent. I think in terms of facts and the fact is, Mair is not affiliated with Cruz, and Cruz is under no obligation to babysit the anti-Trump PACs. If you are so determined to support Donald Trump in this story, then by all means do. But like the other Trump apologists, you are posting drivel, and I'm not reading it. Take care.
you confirmed my suspicions
When has Trump taken the high ground? Was the tweet comparing a picture of his wife beside a picture showing Cruz's wife in an unflattering pose the high ground? Cruz is not responsible for what an anti-trump Pac does or says. Trump is a sniveling coward for attacking Cruz's wife over it.

it is disingenuous of cruz to take the high ground after one of his pac's put out this picture of trumps wife,if you can not see this it is because you choose not to,this is not the first time ted cruz has done something like this.
ted cruz is a liar and a sell out to the washington establishment ,he has been bought by the romney bush arm of the RNC,that is a fact.
i could care how pious ted cruz is he is owned by the very establishment he said he was not part of,cruz sold out,like him or not ,nobody owns donald trump.

run don run
it is disingenuous of cruz to take the high ground after one of his pac's put out this picture of trumps wife,if you can not see this it is because you choose not to,this is not the first time ted cruz has done something like this.
ted cruz is a liar and a sell out to the washington establishment ,he has been bought by the romney bush arm of the RNC,that is a fact.
i could care how pious ted cruz is he is owned by the very establishment he said he was not part of,cruz sold out,like him or not ,nobody owns donald trump.

run don run

Run don run to your supporters' lies.

I love how you say it's Cruz's pac. You Trump devotees never disappoint the rest of us with your blatant disregard for facts.
The fact that you started out this post deciding that this PAC was set up to support Cruz means this was a waste of my time. You don't usually make ignorant posts. You did here. Everyone with a brain knows who founded this SuperPAC and why she founded it. Cruz had nothing to do with it.

The part you are not responding to, is Trump says the rights to the GQ photo of his wife, were purchased by the Cruz Campaign. Cruz had not denied buying the rights to the GQ photo of Trump's wife. According to Trump, the Cruz campaign was involved in obtaining the legal rights to publish the photo of Trump's wife.

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Roger Stone says on the Video, that the Enquirer bought the story from the private detectives hired by Rubio, to check on Ted. Apparently the contract with the Private Detectives did not require privacy after Rubio dropped out of the race for President.

Bill and Hillary should realize they are on camera 24 hours a day, for replay if she wins the nomination.

The part you are not responding to, is Trump says the rights to the GQ photo of his wife, were purchased by the Cruz Campaign. Cruz had not denied buying the rights to the GQ photo of Trump's wife. According to Trump, the Cruz campaign was involved in obtaining the legal rights to publish the photo of Trump's wife.


Links would be nice but I had not heard that. This would indicate that the Cruz shop is not as careful and competent as has been advertised, and it would also indicate that the Cruz shop had considered running the type of ad that was done, but shopped it out to Liz Mair. I notice that the Corporate Class Propaganda Machine is still desperately trying to sell the story that Cruz was not responsible for slut shaming Donalds wife, but I wonder how many Americans believe that.
The part you are not responding to, is Trump says the rights to the GQ photo of his wife, were purchased by the Cruz Campaign. Cruz had not denied buying the rights to the GQ photo of Trump's wife. According to Trump, the Cruz campaign was involved in obtaining the legal rights to publish the photo of Trump's wife.


Of course you have evidence of the Cruz campaign purchasing the nude pictures of Trump's wife, yes? I'll anxiously await your evidence. And no, "according to Trump" isn't evidence.

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