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Trump Unveiling Virus ‘Breakthrough’ a Day After Hitting FDA (1 Viewer)


Social Democrat
DP Veteran
Apr 28, 2015
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Third Coast
Political Leaning
White House spokeswoman Kayleigh McEnany said late Saturday that Trump will hold a news conference at 6 p.m. EDT on Sunday on a “major therapeutic breakthrough” against Covid-19. FDA Commi ssioner Stephen Hahn and Health and Human Service Secretary Alex Azar will also attend, she said.
Source: (Bloomberg) Trump Unveiling Virus ‘Breakthrough’ a Day After Hitting FDA

I swear this guy's nuts! Here we go, Hydroxy 2.0.

I hope the media doesn't give this too much attention. Fox does enough damage, as it is.

I suspect Trump is going to be doing this crap straight-through now, into November. Lucky us.
maybe it's the Russian stuff.
How soon before he goes off script?

Send in the hyenas!
This is horrible.
New Flash
President Trump has purchased 60 million doses of CV19 vaccine from Russia. Putin says it will be available before the election. The price was not disclosed.

of course the above is Fake News. :lamo
Remember, just say no to it or else you’re a Trump supporter, even if it works!

Hey, pardon my skepticism, but all I have to go by is Trump's track record.
New Flash
President Trump has purchased 60 million doses of CV19 vaccine from Russia. Putin says it will be available before the election. The price was not disclosed.

of course the above is Fake News. :lamo

I'd want to see the test data from Russia. If they vaccinated volunteers, I'd want to see the antibody titers & side effect profiles.
Hey, pardon my skepticism, but all I have to go by is Trump's track record.

It’s Trump, so the only possible, acceptable reaction is to hate whatever it is.
I'd want to see the test data from Russia. If they vaccinated volunteers, I'd want to see the antibody titers & side effect profiles.

I was being sarcastic regarding Trump's expected "major breakthrough" announcement. .

I doubt the data you are wanting is available for the Russian vaccine.
The "convalescent plasma" treatment.

It's not a game changer.

Could be monoclonal neutralizing antibodies.

But why would Trump be making statements about private companies developing therapeutics?

Generally, if a pharma company has major breakthrough data, they would be required by law to disclose it publicly to their investors, and then follow it up with a scientific publication.

The President finding out first is not part of that scenario.
It’s Trump, so the only possible, acceptable reaction is to hate whatever it is.
Well, we can only go by his track record. And what's wrong with being anti-Trump? Again, look at his track record.
Well, we can only go by his track record. And what's wrong with being anti-Trump? Again, look at his track record.

Beginning with “biggest inauguration, evah, period!”
Could be monoclonal neutralizing antibodies.

But why would Trump be making statements about private companies developing therapeutics?

Generally, if a pharma company has major breakthrough data, they would be required by law to disclose it publicly to their investors, and then follow it up with a scientific publication.

The President finding out first is not part of that scenario.

CNN is reporting Trump is making an emergency order to allow, "convalescent plasma treatment".
Beginning with “biggest inauguration, evah, period!”
Yeah, literally right from the get-go.

It's like being treated badly on a first date. Why enter a relationship?
CNN is reporting Trump is making an emergency order to allow, "convalescent plasma treatment".

That’s been screwed up from the beginning.

People are doing it, but no controlled trials are done, so no one really knows how useful it is.

What he needs to do is fund a study like RECOVERY in the US, instead of pretending he knows plasma works.

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