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Trump Town Hall (1 Viewer)


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Dec 4, 2018
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Can't believe a Trumpster didn't start a live thread...

Wait, I can. This thing is a dumpster fire. Not watching, I never watch Trump live, too much bull****. But the quotes and clips...yikes.

Here Trump lies about healthcare, gets called out, and claims he already has a plan (that he's promised on multiple occasions).


Seriously, Trumpsters, how do you believe in this bull****?
Quote from video above:


Manu Raju@mkraju

“We are going to be doing a health care plan very strongly and protect people with pre-existing conditions,” Trump says of a plan that he has been promising since taking office but never unveiled as his admin has fought to kill ACA in Congress and the courts. “I have it already.”
Lied right to a voter's face about preserving the ACA pre-existing condition protections he's been waging war on for almost four years.
Two party back and forth matching bs. How can anyone fall for it, time and time again?
I am seriously watching this **** show... it is amazing that Trump has the support he does.
Watched 2 minutes, told a lady he wears a mask when he has to and waiters hate them. Gold
I can't believe what he's said....................:doh
Why hasn't Biden implemented the mask mandate?!?

Why hasn't Biden implemented the mask mandate?!?


Point taken. However, enforcing a mask mandate, given the anti cop mentality, might be a bit difficult. No?
Point taken. However, enforcing a mask mandate, given the anti cop mentality, might be a bit difficult. No?

Many states have a mandate, but I don't think there is much law enforcement. A national mandate would be useless, imo.
Surely some Trumspters will be along soon to Trumpsplain this performance.
I am seriously watching this **** show... it is amazing that Trump has the support he does.

They wanted white nationalism and he gave them that. They wanted him to destroy Washington and he gave them that. They wanted right wing life time judges to eliminate abortion and he gave them that. They wanted tax cuts for the rich and he gave them that. They wanted him to troll liberals and he gave them that.

They're not conned.
Credit to Trump for the best Freudian slip regarding his supporters ever.

Trump knows his supporters are lemmings. He basically said as much during the 2016 campaign, and has reportedly told his underlings that he can't believe he's getting away with this.
Has he answered a question yet? That rambling about Churchill on rooftops telling people everything would be ok while bombers were dropping bombs was just plain weird. He just keeps going around and around without answering anything. I'm too dizzy to keep watching.
Can't believe a Trumpster didn't start a live thread...

Wait, I can. This thing is a dumpster fire. Not watching, I never watch Trump live, too much bull****. But the quotes and clips...yikes.

Here Trump lies about healthcare, gets called out, and claims he already has a plan (that he's promised on multiple occasions).


Seriously, Trumpsters, how do you believe in this bull****?
Do you think Trumpster's watch ABC?
Credit to Trump for the best Freudian slip regarding his supporters ever.

Trump knows his supporters are lemmings. He basically said as much during the 2016 campaign, and has reportedly told his underlings that he can't believe he's getting away with this
I remember that revelation, and believe it!
I love this.

At one point, as he faulted “Democrat states” for mounting crises, Stephanopulos had to remind him that they are “American states.” At another instance, Trump criticized Joe Biden for not implementing a national mask mandate even though he said he would. “To be clear: I am not currently president,” Biden tweeted later in the evening.

I watched some of it on youtube.

The Biden campaign will have some new ads tomorrow. The Lincoln Project already had some during the town hall.

Also, kudos to that older black lady who put that orange loser in his place when he attempted to interrupt her.

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