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Trump to Propose $4.8 Trillion Budget With More Border Wall Funding (2 Viewers)

I do agree with more wall funding, but Pelosi and him need to get to work on an infrastructure bill.

Drove over 5800 miles this past fall and there was road and bridge construction everyone. Don't believe all the left tells you as for them it is all about taking more money out of the pockets of the taxpayers and giving it to bureaucrats to buy votes and stay in power
Drove over 5800 miles this past fall and there was road and bridge construction everyone. Don't believe all the left tells you as for them it is all about taking more money out of the pockets of the taxpayers and giving it to bureaucrats to buy votes and stay in power


This nation's infrastructure is falling apart, dude. But sure. You pretend everything's fine.

This nation's infrastructure is falling apart, dude. But sure. You pretend everything's fine.

Why don't you ask your state what they are doing with their excise tax money??
Why don't you ask your state what they are doing with their excise tax money??

Is this supposed to back up your tinfoil hat bit about those liberals stealing all your money?
The dems should not be surprised if support for border security starts becoming a more bi-partisan issue if coronavirus doesn't get contained soon. They aren't apples and oranges issues.

I would be surprised, since most people coming here illegally aren't doing by crossing the border. But then, there are idiots on both sides.
[h=1]Trump to Propose $4.8 Trillion Budget With More Border Wall Funding[/h]
WASHINGTON — President Trump is expected to propose on Monday a $4.8 trillion budget that will include billions of additional dollars for his wall along the southern border and steep cuts to safety net programs like Medicaid, disability insurance and housing assistance, according to senior administration officials and documents reviewed by The New York Times.

As a candidate, Trump promised to be a different kind of Republican. Contrary to his party, he declared, he would raise taxes on the rich and wouldn’t cut programs like Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid that ordinary Americans rely on. At the same time, he would invest large sums in rebuilding America’s infrastructure.

He was lying.

Trump’s only major legislative achievement was the 2017 Tax Cut and Jobs Act. It was standard modern Republican policy: huge tax cuts for corporations, plus tax breaks that overwhelmingly benefited the wealthy and corporations. The only unconventional aspect of the legislation was the variety of new tax scams it made possible, like the benefits for investors in “opportunity zones,” which were supposed to help poor communities but have actually enriched billionaire real estate developers.

He also vowed in the campaign to make healthcare better, cheaper and cover more people but his actual plan, if passed, would have imposed savage cuts on Medicaid, eliminated protections for those with pre-existing conditions and taken away health insurance from more than 30 million Americans. Thank you Joh McCain for voting NO. Swampy is now in court trying to get the ACA declared unconstitutional.

There is no hiding the same reverse Robin-Hoodism as in previous budgets: taking from the poor and middle class while giving to the rich. In other words, Trump in practice, as opposed to Trump in pretense, has turned out to be every bit as committed to trickle-down economics as Republicans in Congress have been for decades. He's just better at being a grifter -- claiming that his actual proposals are the opposite of what they'd really do.

This has been the standard operating procedure of the gop for decades. What I don't get is how after decades of being lied to so many folks still vote republican. Election after election the southern states are the poorest and yes election after election these folks vote against their own best interests to keep those dreaded socialist democrats at bay and republicans in power. Will they ever learn?

Trump is out for trump. All you folks who think he cares about you, lol.
The dems should not be surprised if support for border security starts becoming a more bi-partisan issue if coronavirus doesn't get contained soon. They aren't apples and oranges issues.

Walls stop the coronavirus? That's good to know. Just don't put the walls near windmills, they cause cancer.
Walls stop the coronavirus? That's good to know. Just don't put the walls near windmills, they cause cancer.

Windmills stopped the bird flu by killing them off.
Is this supposed to back up your tinfoil hat bit about those liberals stealing all your money?
No it is all about your lack of understanding of the taxes you pay and their purpose. State Excise taxes fund stayed highway and bridges. Where did that money go?

Sent from my SM-G970U using Tapatalk
No it is all about your lack of understanding of the taxes you pay and their purpose. State Excise taxes fund stayed highway and bridges. Where did that money go?

Sent from my SM-G970U using Tapatalk

Does the existence of these taxes magically make all infrastructure in good condition nationwide? No? Then I don't care.
You are not factoring in the many billions that Trump is stealing from the Pentagon budget for his vanity wall.

That's the one he took money from military families and schools to build that just blew over right???
Most would consider the USMCA a major legislative achievement as well, so tax cuts are not his *only* major piece of legislation.

So you think tearing up a contract, completely ruining our credibility and then rewriting it almost word for word the same was some sort of achievement???
Does the existence of these taxes magically make all infrastructure in good condition nationwide? No? Then I don't care.

what you continue to show is your total and complete ignorance of federal, state and local responsibilities. Excise taxes are federal and state, any idea what they fund?
what you continue to show is your total and complete ignorance of federal, state and local responsibilities. Excise taxes are federal and state, any idea what they fund?

Wait, are you suggesting zero federal dollars go towards infrastructure projects? And you talk to me of ignorance!?
[h=1]Trump to Propose $4.8 Trillion Budget With More Border Wall Funding[/h]
WASHINGTON — President Trump is expected to propose on Monday a $4.8 trillion budget that will include billions of additional dollars for his wall along the southern border and steep cuts to safety net programs like Medicaid, disability insurance and housing assistance, according to senior administration officials and documents reviewed by The New York Times.

As a candidate, Trump promised to be a different kind of Republican. Contrary to his party, he declared, he would raise taxes on the rich and wouldn’t cut programs like Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid that ordinary Americans rely on. At the same time, he would invest large sums in rebuilding America’s infrastructure.

He was lying.

Trump’s only major legislative achievement was the 2017 Tax Cut and Jobs Act. It was standard modern Republican policy: huge tax cuts for corporations, plus tax breaks that overwhelmingly benefited the wealthy and corporations. The only unconventional aspect of the legislation was the variety of new tax scams it made possible, like the benefits for investors in “opportunity zones,” which were supposed to help poor communities but have actually enriched billionaire real estate developers.

He also vowed in the campaign to make healthcare better, cheaper and cover more people but his actual plan, if passed, would have imposed savage cuts on Medicaid, eliminated protections for those with pre-existing conditions and taken away health insurance from more than 30 million Americans. Thank you Joh McCain for voting NO. Swampy is now in court trying to get the ACA declared unconstitutional.

There is no hiding the same reverse Robin-Hoodism as in previous budgets: taking from the poor and middle class while giving to the rich. In other words, Trump in practice, as opposed to Trump in pretense, has turned out to be every bit as committed to trickle-down economics as Republicans in Congress have been for decades. He's just better at being a grifter -- claiming that his actual proposals are the opposite of what they'd really do.

Trump has certainly got some nerve proposing (and in front of leftist media dogs) spending possibly tens of billions on border security while blocking socialist efforts to spend tens of trillions on feel good social projects around the world.
That's the one he took money from military families and schools to build that just blew over right???

What in the world? Where do you get your information?

A trilateral trade agreement between 3 countries that have different histories, economies and cultures, drafted and signed and praised by the opposition political party in less than 3 years is pretty tight, even if it is not the end all, be all of trade legislation.
[h=1]Trump to Propose $4.8 Trillion Budget With More Border Wall Funding[/h]
WASHINGTON — President Trump is expected to propose on Monday a $4.8 trillion budget that will include billions of additional dollars for his wall along the southern border and steep cuts to safety net programs like Medicaid, disability insurance and housing assistance, according to senior administration officials and documents reviewed by The New York Times.

As a candidate, Trump promised to be a different kind of Republican. Contrary to his party, he declared, he would raise taxes on the rich and wouldn’t cut programs like Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid that ordinary Americans rely on. At the same time, he would invest large sums in rebuilding America’s infrastructure.

He was lying.

Trump’s only major legislative achievement was the 2017 Tax Cut and Jobs Act. It was standard modern Republican policy: huge tax cuts for corporations, plus tax breaks that overwhelmingly benefited the wealthy and corporations. The only unconventional aspect of the legislation was the variety of new tax scams it made possible, like the benefits for investors in “opportunity zones,” which were supposed to help poor communities but have actually enriched billionaire real estate developers.

He also vowed in the campaign to make healthcare better, cheaper and cover more people but his actual plan, if passed, would have imposed savage cuts on Medicaid, eliminated protections for those with pre-existing conditions and taken away health insurance from more than 30 million Americans. Thank you Joh McCain for voting NO. Swampy is now in court trying to get the ACA declared unconstitutional.

There is no hiding the same reverse Robin-Hoodism as in previous budgets: taking from the poor and middle class while giving to the rich. In other words, Trump in practice, as opposed to Trump in pretense, has turned out to be every bit as committed to trickle-down economics as Republicans in Congress have been for decades. He's just better at being a grifter -- claiming that his actual proposals are the opposite of what they'd really do.

Trump is a lying sack of ****,
Trump is a lying sack of ****,

Everybody has long lied in Washington, even if you were right (You are not right) do you imagine that you'd have a point?

Besides, unlike most of the others Trump at least tries to get some work for the nation done.

As he soaks up all of that pure hate from inferior people.
Wait, are you suggesting zero federal dollars go towards infrastructure projects? And you talk to me of ignorance!?

Where did I say that? Federal funding for infrastructure come from the Excise taxes collected by the federal gov't. You again have no idea what you are talking about
Where did I say that? Federal funding for infrastructure come from the Excise taxes collected by the federal gov't. You again have no idea what you are talking about

No, I have no idea what you are talking about. You're arguing some point not remotely related to anything I've said. What I said to you was "infrastructure in our country is in bad shape." Then you started ranting about excise taxes and responsibilities. It doesn't matter whose responsibility you think that infrastructure is, it doesn't change its age or repair status. Agree?
That is very misleading - this "budget" contains $2B for the Great Wall Of Trump which is a reduction from his last year's "budget" request for the same purpose.

He's also proposed cutting 25% of Medicare and Social security
I did notice that Trump did not suggest less money for his golf game...
I did notice that Trump did not suggest less money for his golf game...
You mean the ones he said he wouldn't have time for?
he has done a LOT more golfing then Obama did
Trump vs Obama Golf Games – Trump (and other presidents) Golf Count
and that is just in 2 years and 91 days when this was posted
lets see first 100 DAYS Trump 19 Obama 1, 200 days Trump 44 Obama 12, 300 days Trump 73 Obama 24 400 days Trump 94 Obama 29 500 days Trump 110 Obama 38 600 Days Trump 144 Obama 50 700 Days Trump 154 Obama 55 and 800 days Trump 164 Obama 62
looks like there were times that Trump golfed over 3 times as much as Obama did
Yes I can see Trump is soooo busy running the country that he hasn't got time to golf like he said he wouldn't
Trump vs Obama Golf Games – Trump (and other presidents) Golf Count

Trumps golf outings vs Obama's at the same time in ofice - Google Search

have a nice day
Billions for a border wall and as soon as Decembe 2019 there are still reports of illegal immigrants working at Trump Organizations. Come on now! :lol: And people wonder why a wall won't stop people from coming here to work.

Don't give up! Get to the other side of the wall! ;)

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