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Trump to Propose $4.8 Trillion Budget With More Border Wall Funding (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Dec 4, 2013
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[h=1]Trump to Propose $4.8 Trillion Budget With More Border Wall Funding[/h]
WASHINGTON — President Trump is expected to propose on Monday a $4.8 trillion budget that will include billions of additional dollars for his wall along the southern border and steep cuts to safety net programs like Medicaid, disability insurance and housing assistance, according to senior administration officials and documents reviewed by The New York Times.

As a candidate, Trump promised to be a different kind of Republican. Contrary to his party, he declared, he would raise taxes on the rich and wouldn’t cut programs like Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid that ordinary Americans rely on. At the same time, he would invest large sums in rebuilding America’s infrastructure.

He was lying.

Trump’s only major legislative achievement was the 2017 Tax Cut and Jobs Act. It was standard modern Republican policy: huge tax cuts for corporations, plus tax breaks that overwhelmingly benefited the wealthy and corporations. The only unconventional aspect of the legislation was the variety of new tax scams it made possible, like the benefits for investors in “opportunity zones,” which were supposed to help poor communities but have actually enriched billionaire real estate developers.

He also vowed in the campaign to make healthcare better, cheaper and cover more people but his actual plan, if passed, would have imposed savage cuts on Medicaid, eliminated protections for those with pre-existing conditions and taken away health insurance from more than 30 million Americans. Thank you Joh McCain for voting NO. Swampy is now in court trying to get the ACA declared unconstitutional.

There is no hiding the same reverse Robin-Hoodism as in previous budgets: taking from the poor and middle class while giving to the rich. In other words, Trump in practice, as opposed to Trump in pretense, has turned out to be every bit as committed to trickle-down economics as Republicans in Congress have been for decades. He's just better at being a grifter -- claiming that his actual proposals are the opposite of what they'd really do.
The impeachypeach has to rob the poor to give to himself.
[h=1]Trump to Propose $4.8 Trillion Budget With More Border Wall Funding[/h]
WASHINGTON — President Trump is expected to propose on Monday a $4.8 trillion budget that will include billions of additional dollars for his wall along the southern border and steep cuts to safety net programs like Medicaid, disability insurance and housing assistance, according to senior administration officials and documents reviewed by The New York Times.

As a candidate, Trump promised to be a different kind of Republican. Contrary to his party, he declared, he would raise taxes on the rich and wouldn’t cut programs like Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid that ordinary Americans rely on. At the same time, he would invest large sums in rebuilding America’s infrastructure.

He was lying.

Trump’s only major legislative achievement was the 2017 Tax Cut and Jobs Act. It was standard modern Republican policy: huge tax cuts for corporations, plus tax breaks that overwhelmingly benefited the wealthy and corporations. The only unconventional aspect of the legislation was the variety of new tax scams it made possible, like the benefits for investors in “opportunity zones,” which were supposed to help poor communities but have actually enriched billionaire real estate developers.

He also vowed in the campaign to make healthcare better, cheaper and cover more people but his actual plan, if passed, would have imposed savage cuts on Medicaid, eliminated protections for those with pre-existing conditions and taken away health insurance from more than 30 million Americans. Thank you Joh McCain for voting NO. Swampy is now in court trying to get the ACA declared unconstitutional.

There is no hiding the same reverse Robin-Hoodism as in previous budgets: taking from the poor and middle class while giving to the rich. In other words, Trump in practice, as opposed to Trump in pretense, has turned out to be every bit as committed to trickle-down economics as Republicans in Congress have been for decades. He's just better at being a grifter -- claiming that his actual proposals are the opposite of what they'd really do.

That is very misleading - this "budget" contains $2B for the Great Wall Of Trump which is a reduction from his last year's "budget" request for the same purpose.
As the lady Governor stated, don't listen to what they say, watch what they do.
His budget is DOA.
That is very misleading - this "budget" contains $2B for the Great Wall Of Trump which is a reduction from his last year's "budget" request for the same purpose.

You are not factoring in the many billions that Trump is stealing from the Pentagon budget for his vanity wall.
“I’m not going to cut Social Security like every other Republican and I’m not going to cut Medicare or Medicaid.” Donald Trump in Heritage Foundation speech in 2015.

“We’re going to save your Social Security and we’re going to save your Medicare." — Donald Trump on 4 April 2016.

“We will always protect your Medicare and your Social Security.” — Donald Trump in his State Of The Union address. February 4, 2020.
You are not factoring in the many billions that Trump is stealing from the Pentagon budget for his vanity wall.

Correct, I am addressing his 2021 "budget" proposal which is the thread topic. It is obviously DOA with a demorat House majority so it is hardly worth discussing.
None of this matters, at all.

All things considered Congress has never really passed a President's submitted budget as is, in the modern era Congress rarely agrees to a budget and usually falls back to Continuing Resolutions and/or last minute temp agreements to fund government, and ultimately the whole budget process is unreformed since sometime in the early 1970's showing of year after year why it is a terrible joke with a horrible cost.

The Executive Branch's efforts here to go through a process of department by department review, print enough copies of the proposal to wipe out acres and acres of trees, and present everything in some official manner with pretty little posters everywhere is largely now ceremonial and just an indication of what any President would like to see happen... thus, political showmanship.

Worse, budgets are considered... not necessarily approved, just considered... without any real thought as to where we are with the useless debt ceiling, that is often bipartisan raised without much fuss or muss anyway.

The entire system is broken, and these conversations about who wants what in a budget are political opportunism without any real interest in dealing with the underline problem. Complete budget mismanagement from the Executive Branch to the Legislative Branch and back.

My evidence, we often run a deficit no matter where we are in the economic cycle and even with this "great great, best in US history economy" we have right now it is taking Trillion dollar deficits to prop it up.

Focusing on the border wall, or cuts to this or that, all missed the point entirely... by miles.
The dems should not be surprised if support for border security starts becoming a more bi-partisan issue if coronavirus doesn't get contained soon. They aren't apples and oranges issues.
[h=1]Trump to Propose $4.8 Trillion Budget With More Border Wall Funding[/h]
WASHINGTON — President Trump is expected to propose on Monday a $4.8 trillion budget that will include billions of additional dollars for his wall along the southern border and steep cuts to safety net programs like Medicaid, disability insurance and housing assistance, according to senior administration officials and documents reviewed by The New York Times.

As a candidate, Trump promised to be a different kind of Republican. Contrary to his party, he declared, he would raise taxes on the rich and wouldn’t cut programs like Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid that ordinary Americans rely on. At the same time, he would invest large sums in rebuilding America’s infrastructure.

He was lying.

Trump’s only major legislative achievement was the 2017 Tax Cut and Jobs Act. It was standard modern Republican policy: huge tax cuts for corporations, plus tax breaks that overwhelmingly benefited the wealthy and corporations. The only unconventional aspect of the legislation was the variety of new tax scams it made possible, like the benefits for investors in “opportunity zones,” which were supposed to help poor communities but have actually enriched billionaire real estate developers.

He also vowed in the campaign to make healthcare better, cheaper and cover more people but his actual plan, if passed, would have imposed savage cuts on Medicaid, eliminated protections for those with pre-existing conditions and taken away health insurance from more than 30 million Americans. Thank you Joh McCain for voting NO. Swampy is now in court trying to get the ACA declared unconstitutional.

There is no hiding the same reverse Robin-Hoodism as in previous budgets: taking from the poor and middle class while giving to the rich. In other words, Trump in practice, as opposed to Trump in pretense, has turned out to be every bit as committed to trickle-down economics as Republicans in Congress have been for decades. He's just better at being a grifter -- claiming that his actual proposals are the opposite of what they'd really do.

Most would consider the USMCA a major legislative achievement as well, so tax cuts are not his *only* major piece of legislation.
i think Republicans are too stubborn to admit they were conned.

it's a pride thing now.
"OH NO, NOT MEDICAID AND STUDENT LOAN AGENCIES!" Yeah, like that's really a tragedy.
Congress passed a two year budget last year which means the funding is and was already in place till 2021. Why the Trump admin threw out a budget proposal when Congress has already allocated the funds for two years is odd. But what is not odd is that Trump and company did exactly what they claimed they would not do at the State of the Union address...
I can see the Trumpette's have failed to notice the difference in what he says and what ahe does.
As the lady Governor stated, don't listen to what they say, watch what they do.
His budget is DOA.

As Joe Biden said, "don't tell me what your values are, show me your budget. They'll tell me what your values are." This budget slashes social spending on Medicare and Medicaid and the ACA. I guess those tax-cuts on the rich and corporations needed to be paid for somehow. Those are consistent GOP values. So, anyone thinking that Trump is a different kind of Republican got the wool pulled over their eyes.
Congress passed a two year budget last year which means the funding is and was already in place till 2021. Why the Trump admin threw out a budget proposal when Congress has already allocated the funds for two years is odd. But what is not odd is that Trump and company did exactly what they claimed they would not do at the State of the Union address...
I can see the Trumpette's have failed to notice the difference in what he says and what ahe does.
The Trump cult is willfully ignorant of inconvenient facts. The guy who said he was going to protect preexisting conditions is trying to take that protection away. He said he was going to raise taxes on the rich but cut them. He said he wouldn't cut Medicare and Medicaid but that's what his budget does. This is typical GOP:
First, ram through huge tax cuts for corporations and the wealthy, claiming that lower taxes will actually increase revenue via the magic of supply-side economics. Then, when budget deficits soar instead, declare that the nation’s dire fiscal straits demand draconian cuts in social programs.
This can't be defended. It's an indefensible position.
As Joe Biden said, "don't tell me what your values are, show me your budget. They'll tell me what your values are." This budget slashes social spending on Medicare and Medicaid and the ACA. I guess those tax-cuts on the rich and corporations needed to be paid for somehow. Those are consistent GOP values. So, anyone thinking that Trump is a different kind of Republican got the wool pulled over their eyes.

He has been selling snake oil to the gullible for four years now, you would think some of them will start to get it eventually but hey some people hate to admit the made a really bad choice.
He has been selling snake oil to the gullible for four years now, you would think some of them will start to get it eventually but hey some people hate to admit the made a really bad choice.

Overwhelming majorities of Americans say that corporations and the wealthy don’t pay their fair share of taxes. Comparably overwhelming majorities oppose cuts in spending on major social programs. So what policies does the Party of Trump give them? Tax cuts on the rich and cuts to social programs -- and the guy has a high approval rating. So the scam is working.
Correct, I am addressing his 2021 "budget" proposal which is the thread topic. It is obviously DOA with a demorat House majority so it is hardly worth discussing.

You brought up the wall spending.

However, you conveniently forgot to mention that the bulk of Trumps wall funding is siphoned from Pentagon construction projects and drug interdiction operations.
Overwhelming majorities of Americans say that corporations and the wealthy don’t pay their fair share of taxes. Comparably overwhelming majorities oppose cuts in spending on major social programs. So what policies does the Party of Trump give them? Tax cuts on the rich and cuts to social programs -- and the guy has a high approval rating. So the scam is working.

His scam is only working with the diehard fans, he has not really brought over any bites from the Dems or Indes. As the race heard up between trump and the Dem candidate I can assure you Trump's attempts to cut Medicare, SS, and kill ACA is going to be hammered home and once that sinks in trump will lose some of his base, especially since much if his base are on those programs. If there is a large turn out in November, I think there will be, trump will lose by a large margin. Which if course the right will say was rigged and maybe go so far as to attempt to remain in power, possibly by declaring a National Emergency, we shall have to wait and see.
His scam is only working with the diehard fans, he has not really brought over any bites from the Dems or Indes. As the race heard up between trump and the Dem candidate I can assure you Trump's attempts to cut Medicare, SS, and kill ACA is going to be hammered home and once that sinks in trump will lose some of his base, especially since much if his base are on those programs. If there is a large turn out in November, I think there will be, trump will lose by a large margin. Which if course the right will say was rigged and maybe go so far as to attempt to remain in power, possibly by declaring a National Emergency, we shall have to wait and see.

The overwhelming evidence is that the radical left is promoting class envy, jealousy, politics of personal destruction and have no idea what the role of the state and local government is. I can assure you that it is Congress that has the power to cut Medicare and SS NOT Trump or ANY President. Too many people like you are civics challenged and have not idea where the state and local governments get their revenue. Why don't you be the first to tell us??

Federal Tax cuts really bother people like you as if you aren't getting enough social spending from the Federal Gov't now. Reality sucks, doesn't it?
The overwhelming evidence is that the radical left is promoting class envy, jealousy, politics of personal destruction and have no idea what the role of the state and local government is. I can assure you that it is Congress that has the power to cut Medicare and SS NOT Trump or ANY President. Too many people like you are civics challenged and have not idea where the state and local governments get their revenue. Why don't you be the first to tell us??

Federal Tax cuts really bother people like you as if you aren't getting enough social spending from the Federal Gov't now. Reality sucks, doesn't it?

The first couple and of sentences, we agree.
I know exactly where all our taxes go to and how they are used.
No, Skippy, when one expands spending while reducing input they are an Idiot. I am not against lowering taxes, I believe in the free Enterprise system, thing is all expenditures should be based on a budget, accountability, common sense, and what is best for the Nation.
I have done very well in life, I made Good money and invested wisely, but thanks for inquiring.
The first couple and of sentences, we agree.
I know exactly where all our taxes go to and how they are used.
No, Skippy, when one expands spending while reducing input they are an Idiot. I am not against lowering taxes, I believe in the free Enterprise system, thing is all expenditures should be based on a budget, accountability, common sense, and what is best for the Nation.
I have done very well in life, I made Good money and invested wisely, but thanks for inquiring.

Here's the problem, we have a budget that has different parts, discretionary, mandatory, and debt service. This will explain to anyone interested what the real problem is and it has nothing to do with the tax cuts.

US Federal Budget Breakdown

Anyone that bothers to go to this site will see the following

The discretionary budget for 2020 is $1.426 trillion. More than half goes toward military spending, including the Department of Veterans Affairs and other defense-related departments. The rest must pay for all other domestic programs. The largest of these programs are Health and Human Services, Education, and Housing and Urban Development.

Discretionary Revenue from taxes that pay for discretionary spending

FIT 1.825 trillion
CIT .255 billion
Excise and TARIFFS 157 billion

Now can anyone explain to us all how FIT and CIT tax cuts caused the deficits to increase?? over 2 trillion in revenue to fund 1.426 trillion in expenses doesn't cause deficits
I do agree with more wall funding, but Pelosi and him need to get to work on an infrastructure bill.

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