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Trump team appeals ruling about Fani (1 Viewer)

IKR? I mean, like, why do people accused of crimes keep trying to say they're innocent? Why don't they just shut the **** up and take their punishment like everyone else does? It's like these idiots think there was ever some innocent person that got put in jail. That's never happened!!! If you accuse somebody it's because they did something and you have perfectly good reason to want them locked up! The idea that government should stand in the way of us getting what we want is, like, totally lame. They work for us and if we want some mother****er in jail then government HAS to do that!!!
I do the sarcasm thing too, however, this is one of those things where a lighter touch works better. My suggestion is that you try to be more concise.
Lol here we go with the op trying to kick the football again.

Maybe some day you will learn..today wasn't it
So, the Bar cannot disbar her for something that has not been proven factually true in a court.

Not true, Attorney's are disbarred for ethics violation and for failure to act in a responsible manner as an Officer of the Court all the time.

If the Bar takes up the complaint for review instead of rejecting it. Then there will be a hearing (non-Judicial) where both sides are present, can submit "evidence", can call witnesses, and the attorney is subject to questioning.

Guilty of what exactly? For sure ethical lapses, but nothing they did compromised Trump's rights as a defendant. The problem was her hiring her lover as a member of the prosecution team. As I've said it's idiotic and reckless, but once he's not on the city's payroll, the 'conflict' ends as far as the defense is concerned.
This entire Willis matter is a politically contrived controversy.

Lead by the trump sycophants, MAGA RNC money inorder to protect a man that requires continuous protection from lawyers due to his corruption.

The average citizen on trial would not even know that a DA met and fell in love with a fellow prosecutor. Then appointed that prosecutor. Which has absolutely no bearing on this case.

Through money, press releases, Trump's mouth and Rightwing talking heads, a ridiculous narrative created against Willis. Sadly, even non trump persons buy into this nothingburger Willis narrative
She spoke truth and that’s not slander
That speech is going to cause her all sorts of problems. Another example of poor decision making.
Nah it really won’t she didn’t opine on his innocence or guilt
The question is whether she made comments having a substantial likelihood of causing or increasing public condemnation of him. The answer is yes, she did.
It has nothing to do with Fanni.

It has to do with the cheeto and his hate of dark-skinned people.
That'll go down as one of the stupidest comments in the history of the galaxy. I have no doubt you'll be able outdo yourself.
The question is whether she made comments having a substantial likelihood of causing or increasing public condemnation of him. The answer is yes, she did.
She spoke to receiving racist hate mail and attacks by his supporters
Not true, Attorney's are disbarred for ethics violation and for failure to act in a responsible manner as an Officer of the Court all the time.

If the Bar takes up the complaint for review instead of rejecting it. Then there will be a hearing (non-Judicial) where both sides are present, can submit "evidence", can call witnesses, and the attorney is subject to questioning.

Provide an example where a private relationship got an attorney disbarred
She lied under oath.

I know you don't believe that. There really isn't any point in us arguing about it. The truth will come out.

Still betting on her getting indicted for perjury?
§ 51-5-4

Try harder next time.
So what is the possible criminal penalty? None.

It's a civil violation, not a crime. She doesn't have immunity against defamation. Do you have a point?
It has nothing to do with Fanni.

It has to do with the cheeto and his hate of dark-skinned people.

It certainly has something to do with Fani's terrible decision to engage in a personal relationship with Wade.
And McAfee accepts. Now the Trump team has 10 days to submit their case to the appeals court and the appeals court has 45 days to accept or not. If they decline, Trump can take the appeal to the GA supreme court.

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