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Trump soars in new polls: +26 pa...+34 ct...+38 ri... (1 Viewer)


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Exclusive Data Analysis: Donald Trump Wins More Than 2 Million More Votes Than Mitt Romney in 2012 in States Voting So Far

Data compiled since the New York GOP primary shows that billionaire Donald Trump’s popular vote total in 2016 in states that have voted so far significantly exceeds the vote totals that Mitt Romney, the 2012 nominee, had in those states in total.

Exclusive Data Analysis: Donald Trump Wins More Than 2 Million More Votes Than Mitt Romney in 2012 in States Voting So Far - Breitbart
Exclusive Data Analysis: Donald Trump Wins More Than 2 Million More Votes Than Mitt Romney in 2012 in States Voting So Far

Data compiled since the New York GOP primary shows that billionaire Donald Trump’s popular vote total in 2016 in states that have voted so far significantly exceeds the vote totals that Mitt Romney, the 2012 nominee, had in those states in total.

Exclusive Data Analysis: Donald Trump Wins More Than 2 Million More Votes Than Mitt Romney in 2012 in States Voting So Far - Breitbart

And he still looses the general
Exclusive Data Analysis: Donald Trump Wins More Than 2 Million More Votes Than Mitt Romney in 2012 in States Voting So Far

Data compiled since the New York GOP primary shows that billionaire Donald Trump’s popular vote total in 2016 in states that have voted so far significantly exceeds the vote totals that Mitt Romney, the 2012 nominee, had in those states in total.

Exclusive Data Analysis: Donald Trump Wins More Than 2 Million More Votes Than Mitt Romney in 2012 in States Voting So Far - Breitbart

Yet in the general election polling against Clinton, she holds somewhere in the +8 range over Trump. Granted it is down from Clinton holding something closer to the +12 range but Trump still has much to do to catch her.

This is all assuming of course that Trump gains enough delegates to prevent GOP shenanigans at the convention. Personally, I think it would be foolish to rule out backroom deals regardless of the delegate count.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton
Exclusive Data Analysis: Donald Trump Wins More Than 2 Million More Votes Than Mitt Romney in 2012 in States Voting So Far

Data compiled since the New York GOP primary shows that billionaire Donald Trump’s popular vote total in 2016 in states that have voted so far significantly exceeds the vote totals that Mitt Romney, the 2012 nominee, had in those states in total.

One aspect that the analysis does not discuss is the timing and competitiveness of the respective primaries. According to the 2012 Republican Primary Wikipedia Page, Romney had effectively locked up the nominee status completely by April 10th when Santorum suspended his campaign (Gingrich was still in the race at that point, but faced some very significant problems) and this was shortly after Romney had earned endorsements from several prominent Republican figures who actively campaigned and fund raised on his behalf.

Votes in the primary are much more indicative of the competitiveness of that primary than they are indicative of the potential performance during the general election.
Exclusive Data Analysis: Donald Trump Wins More Than 2 Million More Votes Than Mitt Romney in 2012 in States Voting So Far

Data compiled since the New York GOP primary shows that billionaire Donald Trump’s popular vote total in 2016 in states that have voted so far significantly exceeds the vote totals that Mitt Romney, the 2012 nominee, had in those states in total.

Exclusive Data Analysis: Donald Trump Wins More Than 2 Million More Votes Than Mitt Romney in 2012 in States Voting So Far - Breitbart

I wonder how many of those votes are democrats trying rat **** the republican primary by helping a lousy candidate win the primary so he can get curb stomped in the general election by Clinton?
Exclusive Data Analysis: Donald Trump Wins More Than 2 Million More Votes Than Mitt Romney in 2012 in States Voting So Far

Data compiled since the New York GOP primary shows that billionaire Donald Trump’s popular vote total in 2016 in states that have voted so far significantly exceeds the vote totals that Mitt Romney, the 2012 nominee, had in those states in total.

Exclusive Data Analysis: Donald Trump Wins More Than 2 Million More Votes Than Mitt Romney in 2012 in States Voting So Far - Breitbart

The 2012 primary was extraordinarily less competitive than this one. Romney had already clinched the nomination when New York voted for instance. But even before Super Tuesday it was pretty obvious Romney was going to win. Romney took a larger percentage of the popular vote than Trump has in every corresponding month so far.
Yeah, its the Electoral Votes that matter.

Trump will lose 7 of the 10 top electoral states. Easily. Which means in the general election, he's toast.
Exclusive Data Analysis: Donald Trump Wins More Than 2 Million More Votes Than Mitt Romney in 2012 in States Voting So Far

Data compiled since the New York GOP primary shows that billionaire Donald Trump’s popular vote total in 2016 in states that have voted so far significantly exceeds the vote totals that Mitt Romney, the 2012 nominee, had in those states in total.

Exclusive Data Analysis: Donald Trump Wins More Than 2 Million More Votes Than Mitt Romney in 2012 in States Voting So Far - Breitbart

What a great way to ensure Hillary gets to be President.

Uggg....this country just keeps ratcheting down each Presidential election cycle. I hate to see what's worse that Clinton v. Trump.
Yet in the general election polling against Clinton, she holds somewhere in the +8 range over Trump. Granted it is down from Clinton holding something closer to the +12 range but Trump still has much to do to catch her.

This is all assuming of course that Trump gains enough delegates to prevent GOP shenanigans at the convention. Personally, I think it would be foolish to rule out backroom deals regardless of the delegate count.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton

The more people get to know Hillary the less they like her. I wouldn't worry about the general election results at this point. Obama easily cleared the polling gap she had and Bernie Sanders did the same, even when the MSM was fighting against him. Hillary is an unlikeable candidte, Trump is just an unlikeable person. These two are not the same.
Romney took a larger percentage of the popular vote than Trump has in every corresponding month so far.
That doesn't mean anything when Romney was essentially running unopposed.
That doesn't mean anything when Romney was essentially running unopposed.

Very true. The OP seemed to be implying that Trump is somehow in a stronger position than Romney was. I'm just pointing out that isn't true.
What a great way to ensure Hillary gets to be President.

Uggg....this country just keeps ratcheting down each Presidential election cycle. I hate to see what's worse that Clinton v. Trump.

Kanye West vs Kim Kardashian?
Sarah Palin vs Debbie Wasserman-Shultz?

These would all be hilariously awful.
Yeah, its the Electoral Votes that matter.

Trump will lose 7 of the 10 top electoral states. Easily. Which means in the general election, he's toast.

We have been hearing that song and dance since Aug, when the know it alls were not laughing too hard to speak they have been saying " of course Trump cant win".

And yet he does. And he is going against Hillary, who is easy to beat.

We need to wait for the fat lady to sing, but it is time to get used to saying "President Trump".
Very true. The OP seemed to be implying that Trump is somehow in a stronger position than Romney was. I'm just pointing out that isn't true.

Trump is going to be more vetted than Romney. Romney was handed the election on a silver platter by the GOP establishment.
Exclusive Data Analysis: Donald Trump Wins More Than 2 Million More Votes Than Mitt Romney in 2012 in States Voting So Far

Data compiled since the New York GOP primary shows that billionaire Donald Trump’s popular vote total in 2016 in states that have voted so far significantly exceeds the vote totals that Mitt Romney, the 2012 nominee, had in those states in total.

Exclusive Data Analysis: Donald Trump Wins More Than 2 Million More Votes Than Mitt Romney in 2012 in States Voting So Far - Breitbart

Y'know, I've got a few very, very conservative friends - they're retired Navy like myself, and go to the same Church I do (and we hold good-natured and friendly - if somewhat heated - debates) and to a man, they will not vote for Trump. They might vote for a third party to avoid voting for Clinton, or they might not vote at all...but they'll never vote for Trump.

Why? Because most (though certainly not all) retired military have spent a career seeing through (and standing up against) people just like Trump. To us, he's no different from the all-talk blowhards who simply don't grasp the fact that we can see right though them. I know you probably don't believe that, but since you're not retired military (or at least I really don't think you are), what I've described above is not much different from describing color to a blind man.
Kanye West vs Kim Kardashian?
Sarah Palin vs Debbie Wasserman-Shultz?

These would all be hilariously awful.

It's only hilarious because at this point it seems impossible to get those choices. But I don't know, if Trump is going to get play, why not other Reality TV personalities. With the system dumbed down so far that it's just all catch phrases and drama, anything could be possible.

President West....man, that would be horrible.
We have been hearing that song and dance since Aug, when the know it alls were not laughing too hard to speak they have been saying " of course Trump cant win".

And yet he does. And he is going against Hillary, who is easy to beat.

We need to wait for the fat lady to sing, but it is time to get used to saying "President Trump".

Trump polling at about 65% of voters who say they will never vote for him, under any circumstance.

As I pointed out many times, after the 2012 election every expert, even the ones the GOP hired said for the GOP to win in 2016 they need to make nice with women and Latinos. Trump has done neither, actually he's made it worse.

Lots of women and Latinos in the big electoral states.

Trump scares the Moderate and Indy voters. He has no chance.
We have been hearing that song and dance since Aug, when the know it alls were not laughing too hard to speak they have been saying " of course Trump cant win".

And yet he does. And he is going against Hillary, who is easy to beat.

We need to wait for the fat lady to sing, but it is time to get used to saying "President Trump".

I think there's a difference here where polls actually have been saying that Trump has a passionate plurality of voters since last July. And that's exactly what has happened with Trump winning a plurality of votes in every state he's won except New York. What people did expect that hasn't happened was for the non-Trump vote to rally around one person. But that doesn't change the fact that Trump has still only been winning with pluralities and that he is still disliked by 60-70% of all voters.
I think there's a difference here where polls actually have been saying that Trump has a passionate plurality of voters since last July. And that's exactly what has happened with Trump winning a plurality of votes in every state he's won except New York. What people did expect that hasn't happened was for the non-Trump vote to rally around one person. But that doesn't change the fact that Trump has still only been winning with pluralities and that he is still disliked by 60-70% of all voters.

THat does not matter because by Nov Hillarys unfavorables will be higher than Trumps.
Trump polling at about 65% of voters who say they will never vote for him, under any circumstance.

As I pointed out many times, after the 2012 election every expert, even the ones the GOP hired said for the GOP to win in 2016 they need to make nice with women and Latinos. Trump has done neither, actually he's made it worse.

Lots of women and Latinos in the big electoral states.

Trump scares the Moderate and Indy voters. He has no chance.

Lets take a look at what those who signed abstinence and no drugs pledges actually did shall we.

Nov is a long ways away.

And Trump is a pro.
THat does not matter because by Nov Hillarys unfavorables will be higher than Trumps.

How can you be so sure? She's being hit pretty hard now by Sanders and the GOP. She's been in the spotlight for decades. What more is going to come out that will make her less liked? Unless she's indicted, or there's some gigantic scandal that hasn't broken yet, I don't see it.
How can you be so sure? She's being hit pretty hard now by Sanders and the GOP. She's been in the spotlight for decades. What more is going to come out that will make her less liked? Unless she's indicted, or there's some gigantic scandal that hasn't broken yet, I don't see it.
Sanders has been playing nice with HIllary. And his "hard hitting" is just pointing out her self-inflicted wounds. Trump would destroy her. She will cower and hide behind Obama when it's convenient.
To assume Hillary Clinton is NOT a pro is underestimating the Clinton Political Machine.

But yeah, we'll see in November.
Hillary Clinton is quite terrible but she does have some savvy operatives around her. She's been making some really rookie mistakes but her handlers have coached her well. If she were a true pro she'd have Bill Clinton's reputation of political savvy which she clearly does not.

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