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Trump signs executive orders on coronavirus economic relief (1 Viewer)

Gun control is not illegal.... Perhaps a federal assault weapons ban via executive order...

It's illegal for a president to create law.
But reducing benefits for Labor as the least wealthy to coerce them to work is ok? Only the right wing believes in that form of inequality.

Why should anyone be paid to not work?
We think it's the political acceptability of $1.9+ trillion and it's a bit unclear as of yet what dollar figure makes what party negotiators say no, and it's more than a bit hazy whether the administration was able to negotiate without worrying about the Senate Republican flank. Dems said no less than $2 trillion, Republicans said no more than $2 trillion...but they couldn't get Republicans to seal the deal with $2 trillion. So that means there's fighting about what 1.9 means to who.

Quite honestly, I wouldn't doubt if Meadows' job was to be in the negotiations to not let them go anywhere. They never budged an inch. If not planned, Trump may have been sold down the river by the ultimate Tea-Partier.
This is a fascistic and authoritarian seizure of powers that the Constitution DOES NOT give to the President and solely gives those powers to Congress.

Trump should be impeached within the next 72 hours.

Any Republican in Congress who does not scream about this power grab is enabling the fascistic siezure of power and aiding and abetting the criminal Trump.

President Trump is simply following the trail blazed by President Obama when that president issued his DACA EO.
Kindly direct me to your posts demanding Mr. Obama's impeachment.
Thank you.
The liberal reactions in this thread are beyond comical. It was only a few short years ago this same weenie brigade was defending their guy for doing the same exact thing.

Remember this?

If Congress Won't act I will.

Obama: 'I won't twiddle my thumbs' if Congress won't act - BBC News

And the runnup.

It's one thing to push the limits of prosecutorial discretion, which is within the purview of executive authority.

It's another to look at the Constitution, rip it up, and say **** it, I am just going to issue edicts like some sort of emperor, and attempt to acquire for yourself, the powers reserved to Congress.

What Trump is doing is fascism pure and simple, and his supporters are too stupid and too uneducated to understand it as fascism.

Right now...at this very moment...the Trump administration is trying to figure out ways to prevent people from voting.

I mean, guys...WAKE UP!

Nothing he is doing is okay. Not a single thing.

This isn't Nazi Germany.

This is the United States of America and I expected more from you all.
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Perhaps, instead of forking over the $100/wk for everyone on unemployment, the states will do things to get them back to work.
How do you get them back to work, without addressing the raging Covid. Address the Covid (effectively), is how you get everyone back to work.
Actually, he's letting Bucky keep his money...lol

Until April 15th of 2021... It's a deferment... the taxes are still due next April without legislation...
it's funny watching Constitutionalists scramble.

Fakes to the core.
Actually, he's letting Bucky keep his money...lol

no, he's taking the money Bucky paid in taxes and using it to buy votes.

you guys literally have zero integrity.
Until April 15th of 2021... It's a deferment... the taxes are still due next April without legislation...

Well, i guess that blows the **** out of every Leftist argument in this thread. Huh?
What would that be beyond what most Republican states have been doing already? They don't want to overload their hospitals, but even if they didn't have those worries, they aren't exactly restricting businesses right now. So what do they do to juice them up some more?

I suppose my Governor could come out with a rap video talking about how cool it is to go to work every day. I'm sure that will get the Youtube clicks.

He can hire Kanye for it! :thumbs:
This is nothing like the executive orders signed by previous Presidents.

None of you Trump supporters have any idea what you're talking about. This is a consequence of most of you not graduating from high school.

The power to collect taxes, spend money, and write laws rests with Congress, not the President.

And if you don't believe me....READ THE CONSTITUTION.

This is true.
Unfortunately, there is no good reason why the Democratic presidents should be permitted to write law via an EO (DACA) without the melodrama, but a Republican president cannot.
You reap what you sow.
no, he's taking the money Bucky paid in taxes and using it to buy votes.

you guys literally have zero integrity.

Do you even know what payroll taxes are? :lamo
How do you get them back to work, without addressing the raging Covid. Address the Covid (effectively), is how you get everyone back to work.

How should I know?

That's for the governors and their health departments to figure out.
He is simply following the trail blazed by President Obama with DACA.

DACA was a prosecutorial discretion executive order. Now one could certainly argue that it went beyond the president's prosecutorial discretion purview, and that would certainly be a reasonable argument, but that is what it fell under.

In contrast, this is a president decreeing on his own additional spending amounting to around 2% of GDP, and that is just for the additional unemployment benefits. It is not even in the same ballpark of any other president's EOs.
Anybody thinking that this is a huge political coup for Trump should remember that in a few weeks most of America will be back in school and it will be an utter ****show.
WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump signed executive orders Saturday for coronavirus economic relief, upending negotiations with Congress after lawmakers failed to reach a deal on Friday.

The executive orders establish a payroll tax holiday through the end of the year for Americans earning less than $100,000 a year.

They also defer student loan payments through the end of the year; continue eviction moratoriums; and extend enhanced unemployment benefits that expired last week, but at a reduced level of $400 instead of the prior $600.

"If I'm victorious on November 3rd, I plan to forgive these taxes and make permanent cuts to the payroll tax," Trump said. "Joe Biden and the Democrats may not want that, they don't want that."
Trump signs executive orders on coronavirus economic relief

Looks like Trump got tired of Congress not getting anything done....he bypassed them

"If I'm victorious on November 3rd, I plan to forgive these taxes and make permanent cuts to the payroll tax," Trump said.

Of course he did. What an absolute piece of ****.
Anybody thinking that this is a huge political coup for Trump should remember that in a few weeks most of America will be back in school and it will be an utter ****show.

And when this goes to court, I expect a ruling declaring it unconstitutional by mid-October...
This is nothing like the executive orders signed by previous Presidents.

None of you Trump supporters have any idea what you're talking about. This is a consequence of most of you not graduating from high school.

The power to collect taxes, spend money, and write laws rests with Congress, not the President.

And if you don't believe me....READ THE CONSTITUTION.

Graduated from:
Duh Kollidge of Hawd Knoks - Unuhversity of Life

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