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Trump signs executive orders on coronavirus economic relief (1 Viewer)

where did i say EO's are okay

i have been railing against them for decades

and saying that they will get worse and worse

case in point is NOW

this started a LONG time ago, and has gotten worse with EVERY president
Where? Post #1. You said: "Looks like Trump got tired of Congress not getting anything done....he bypassed them."

Covid induced early mail-in likely moved-up the time-frame ...

This is the GOP's legislative nuclear option that mcconnell wouldn't employ in the senate. No difference. R's will rue this day.
A Democratic President can now make legislation by executive order on anything, including sacred amendments to the constitution.
Damn! That might be quote worthy. :cheers:

I don't think it is. It doesn't make sense.

"Because, capital must circulate under capitalism not fools or horses."

What does "fools or horses" refer to? Capital or capitalism?

Is he saying capital must not circulate under fools or horses? Doesn't make sense. Or is he saying fools or horses must not circulate under capitalism? Still doesn't make sense.
I assume you can read? I don't make any assumptions on your ability to comprehend what you read though.
WTF said anything about evictions?...lol
^ not a Conservative

did i put any spin on the news one way or the other?

all i did was report the news

and say Trump bypassed Congress....is that not true?
WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump signed executive orders Saturday for coronavirus economic relief, upending negotiations with Congress after lawmakers failed to reach a deal on Friday.

The executive orders establish a payroll tax holiday through the end of the year for Americans earning less than $100,000 a year.

They also defer student loan payments through the end of the year; continue eviction moratoriums; and extend enhanced unemployment benefits that expired last week, but at a reduced level of $400 instead of the prior $600.

"If I'm victorious on November 3rd, I plan to forgive these taxes and make permanent cuts to the payroll tax," Trump said. "Joe Biden and the Democrats may not want that, they don't want that."
Trump signs executive orders on coronavirus economic relief

Looks like Trump got tired of Congress not getting anything done....he bypassed them

Funny but it looks to me like he didn't want Congress to get things done because it has to be all about him. He is not fit to be President.
did i put any spin on the news one way or the other?

all i did was report the news

and say Trump bypassed Congress....is that not true?

Trump cut Congress out is more accurate and he made sure no deal was made. He sees no reason for anyone but him to make all the decisions. He has no idea what a U.S. President is. That is news to you?
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Are those good values or bad ones in your mind?

You wouldn't know, would you?

Spoken like someone who doesnt know wtf he is talking about.

You would know, wouldn't you?

I makes perfect sense. You are bitching that people who once disagreed with you are now agreeing with you. Care to explain that?

Yes, Fletch. You makes perfect sense. Here's your bottle.

You are angry and making no sense. Why dont you take a deep breath, calm your ass down a bit and try again.

What am I upset about you? People like you are so predictable. You call every manner of disagreement a hysterical rant. You tell everyone who disagrees with you to calm down.

So now that you've wasted two posts of your miserable life insulting me personally, we can all see you never addressed any of the Republican's magically disappeared "principles" and that you can't defend all the mindless ranting for years about executive orders. I have never seen you make a post that was worth the bandwidth it wasted. Go pretend to stand for something like you did in the pre-Trump years.
I hope you would be good enough to explain something thing to me. I taught Government in High School for 34 years. I taught young people that Article I gave the power of legislation to the Congress. The Constitution specifies that the House pass and bill and the Senate pass the same bill and then it goes to the President for his action. The House passed the Heroes bill some three months ago?

When did the Senate pass their version of the bill?

Where does the Constitution give the Executive the power to write his own legislation?

Thank you.

I was simply commenting on the optics of the situation. I have no clue as to the legality of it.
When the Democrats here next receive money from the federal government..... it will only be because of President Trump’s efforts (and not the Democrats).

Are the Democrats here unhappy about receiving a stimulus? Then please by all means donate that money.
the same exact power EVERY president has been using and abusing for decades NOW

you might want to go back and just look at the EO's that Obama signed in his 8 years

Or Bush before him, and so on....

All the presidents are now using this when they can get congress to get off their ass and do their job

So since every president abuses executive power, you don't mind when Trump does it? Funny. I don't remember that being in the campaign script.

Trumpists are hypocrites to their rotten cores.
it isnt a bill UNTIL both sides can agree to terms

both sides are no where near agreeing

so he bypassed them....

as the people get there money, let them fight it in court....

The House passed the Heroes bill three months ago. The Senate has not yet passed their version. The President does not get constitutionally involved until both the House and the Senate resolve differences and send the bill that they both pass for Executive action. Trump has no business interfering before the Senate does their job.
The House passed the Heroes bill three months ago. The Senate has not yet passed their version. The President does not get constitutionally involved until both the House and the Senate resolve differences and send the bill that they both pass for Executive action. Trump has no business interfering before the Senate does their job.

It's stunning to see how quickly the Right abandoned ALL of their principles. Of course, that only proves that they never had them to begin with.
What better way to circulate capital than by people paying people to work?

Oh...wait...you think it's better for the government to take people's money and then pay people not to work, right?

When millions are out of a job because of a pandemic that closed their place of work you need to pay them so more businesses don't go under. Do you know what a depression is?
When the Democrats here next receive money from the federal government..... it will only be because of President Trump’s efforts (and not the Democrats).

Are the Democrats here unhappy about receiving a stimulus? Then please by all means donate that money.

What money will they receive? It's a payroll tax deferment..... you still owe the money...
Where? Post #1. You said: "Looks like Trump got tired of Congress not getting anything done....he bypassed them."

wow...i will change your name to "Kreskin"

you can read minds

because it isnt written anywhere on post #1 that i APPROVE of the move....

in fact over the years on this site i have railed AGAINST EO's from any and all presidents
Will you support President Biden if he gets tired a waiting on congress to pass gun control legislation and just issues an executive order?

That would be unconstitutional.

I was HOPING he would make this move. It was indeed masterful. He has learned a lot! Brilliant. Kudos.

This effs the Democrats in so many ways, I can't count them. This will ensure his re-election!
wow...i will change your name to "Kreskin"

you can read minds

because it isnt written anywhere on post #1 that i APPROVE of the move....

in fact over the years on this site i have railed AGAINST EO's from any and all presidents

But yet you did not state your opposition in the op. :roll:

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