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Trump signs executive orders on coronavirus economic relief (1 Viewer)

WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump signed executive orders Saturday for coronavirus economic relief, upending negotiations with Congress after lawmakers failed to reach a deal on Friday.

The executive orders establish a payroll tax holiday through the end of the year for Americans earning less than $100,000 a year.

They also defer student loan payments through the end of the year; continue eviction moratoriums; and extend enhanced unemployment benefits that expired last week, but at a reduced level of $400 instead of the prior $600.

"If I'm victorious on November 3rd, I plan to forgive these taxes and make permanent cuts to the payroll tax," Trump said. "Joe Biden and the Democrats may not want that, they don't want that."
Trump signs executive orders on coronavirus economic relief

Looks like Trump got tired of Congress not getting anything done....he bypassed them

Trump has been trying on this rule by decree idea for some time.

He’s counting on no one standing up to this lastest attempt at another power grab.

This is out and out facism. As anti democratic as anything that has ever happened in US history.

If it is not stopped, democracy in the United States is over.
President Trump is simply following the trail blazed by President Obama when that president issued his DACA EO.
Kindly direct me to your posts demanding Mr. Obama's impeachment.
Thank you.

Trump is president. Obama is past history. When you are up to bat you concern yourself with the present game.
The House could muddy the waters by ceding a payroll tax holiday, which would be much more generous than the President's EO. It would, naturally, be blocked by McConnell who, in addition to having previously not wanted a payroll tax cut, would have no interest in handing a Democratic House a victory.
I doubt Pelosi would do anything to jeopardize Medicare, Medicaid, and SS funding.
Oh, give me a ****ing break. Is it a requirement of the Republican party to have the memory of a goldfish and the moral integrity of a cow pie? Family values. Fiscal conservatism. Balanced budgets. Free markets. Resistance to labor unions. Global leadership.
Are those good values or bad ones in your mind?
The Republican party shat on every last one of them the day they nominated Trump because they never cared about any of them at all. They were all lies to trick the minimally educated, independent thinking incapable, irrational Evangelicals. Now that they have that group in the bag, they don't need to bother with all those other things because they're such a hassle.
Spoken like someone who doesnt know wtf he is talking about.

Your second question doesn't make any sense. Why don't you try to focus your mind here if you can?
I makes perfect sense. You are bitching that people who once disagreed with you are now agreeing with you. Care to explain that?

I never made a judgment on executive orders, but oh jesus, all the brain dead conservatives screamed until they lost their voices for years about King Blacky Obama usurping the democracy and tyrannizing the citizens. Every last Trumpist was a piece of **** then and they're somehow even worse now. Your middle school digs about my confusion aside, Republicans are trash without morals.
You are angry and making no sense. Why dont you take a deep breath, calm your ass down a bit and try again.
Trump has been trying on this rule by decree idea for some time.

He’s counting on no one standing up to this lastest attempt at another power grab.

This is out and out facism. As anti democratic as anything that has ever happened in US history.

If it is not stopped, democracy in the United States is over.



an uninformed childish leftist who labels anything they dont like as fascism
dude. he's doing this in an attempt to buy votes.

tell the truth, you were never a constitutionalist, correct?

Name one politician who makes any decision where votes aren't part of the decision making process. :lamo

Tell the tuth: you've never read The Constitution. Have you?
SCOTUS said it can't be rescinded unless it goes through that Administrative act as DACA impacted a lot of people

I would suspect this current EO impacts more people
Actually, it falls under a legislative title, the name of which escapes me. But the procedure to do DACA made it in effect legislation. So Trump's administration must follow a specific legal procedure to undo it. It's no longer an E.O., as it was legally implemented under a provision Congress gave the Presidency.
I doubt Pelosi would do anything to jeopardize Medicare, Medicaid, and SS funding.

That's just a talking point that they can get over if they need to. During the Great Recession, we enacted a payroll tax holiday. As this crisis far exceeds that of the Great Recession, I think this has legs to stand on.
What depresses me is that my entire life conservatives have wagged their fingers and taken pride in being sharp enough to catch and toss "all those big city slicker con men" and yet here we are and they've fallen for the biggest city slicker con man to ever walk the Earth.
Hey, for how long did Evangelicals preach morals to us? Right?
The House of Representatives did their job, It is the Senate that has not.

it isnt a bill UNTIL both sides can agree to terms

both sides are no where near agreeing

so he bypassed them....

as the people get there money, let them fight it in court....
Will you support President Biden if he gets tired a waiting on congress to pass gun control legislation and just issues an executive order?

That you don't see the difference between giving people money and denying people a constitutional right is something you probably shouldn't say out loud. :lol:
Obamas EO withstood court challenge and Trumps likely will to.
I am not aware of that. In fact, I recall one of his similar E.O.'s was struck down. It's my understanding DACA never got the court challenge the other E.O. did. I seem to recall the other E.O. was struck by a Texan judge.

Unfortunately, I've got to run ...
Remember when Republicans called Obama a dictator for using executive orders? Now, it's Ok, according to Republicans, for a president to encroach completely on Article I powers in the constitution.
Please show me the place in Article II that allows the president to change tax-rates; to allocate funds?

where did i say EO's are okay

i have been railing against them for decades

and saying that they will get worse and worse

case in point is NOW

this started a LONG time ago, and has gotten worse with EVERY president
And when a court blocks it?

Oh yeah, you will totally get those votes back by filing a lawsuit to stop Trump from giving them money. :lamo
Trump makes decisive Executive Orders

and Liberals shudder at , "What Would Obama Do"?

(psst, nothing)
The Foreclosure Crisis. Never forget.
Because, capital must circulate under capitalism not fools or horses.

What better way to circulate capital than by people paying people to work?

Oh...wait...you think it's better for the government to take people's money and then pay people not to work, right?
I said while they were debating the first stimulus package that there would be another one, right before the election, simply to get votes for The Donald. This is a little earlier than I was thinking. I was thinking Sept/Oct.

It's a smart move. Obvious, but smart. Total pandering and no way can they keep up employees paying no payroll taxes ongoing. That's just BS only the stupid would believe. But...we have many of those...see: results, current resident in WH :(
Covid induced early mail-in likely moved-up the time-frame ...
Looks like Trumpsters got duped once again (how many times is this now?!?).


Bharat Ramamurti@BharatRamamurti

Let's take a look at the actual text of these executive orders.

Here's the heart of the one on evictions. As you can see, it doesn't create an eviction moratorium. It asks certain federal agencies to see if they can maybe do something on evictions.

This isn't about left v right anymore

The people who support the kinds of things Trump is doing now aren't on the right.

The people who oppose what Trump is doing right now aren't leftists.

It's really about whether or not you believe in the Republic, the whole idea of America, the Bill of Rights, the Constitution, the thing, this experiment the founding fathers helped to create. And it's quite apparent now that Trump supporters hate America. They hate the Constitution.

Trump and his supporters are now fascists thugs. That is the ugly truth.

You're right: it's about the Left's TDS. :lamo

Only Leftists would be pissed off over the government allowing people to keep their own money
He's not a king. He can't just pass laws as if he were Congress. He doesn't know what he's doing and there's no one left around him to tell to stop acting like an idiot.

I believe he's using his new found Yoo power.
You're right: it's about the Left's TDS. :lamo

Only Leftists would be pissed off over the government allowing people to keep their own money

They just get to keep it till April 15th, 2021... I suggest a savings account...
What are you even talking about? :lamo

I assume you can read? I don't make any assumptions on your ability to comprehend what you read though.

Yeah, I caught that too. Wha?? :doh

Why didn't he attempt to do it now? How's about when he signed his other budget busting tax cut? Because he's not going to do it. He's dangling shinys in front of the faces of his unthinking voters. He's disgusting.

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