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Trump says he'll pick a justice based on gender (1 Viewer)

Shouldn't Trump pick the best qualified justice based on merit?

  • Yes, the decision should be merit based. The most qualified should get the job

    Votes: 10 100.0%
  • No, it's fine to base his decision on gender.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


DP Veteran
Aug 4, 2019
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Trump says the next supreme court nominee will be female.

Shouldn't Trump pick the best qualified justice based on merit?
Trump says the next supreme court nominee will be female.

Shouldn't Trump pick the best qualified justice based on merit?

He's following #PlantationJoe's model when he said he would pick a black woman as VP. At least he got it half right
He's following #PlantationJoe's model when he said he would pick a black woman as VP. At least he got it half right

And Trump supporters said that was wrong. Way for Trump supporters to show their hypocrisy. There were 5 Trump supporters that passed away over the weekend. It was a glorious weekend worth celebrating since Trump supporters are the scum of the Earth. At least finally they made America Great Again by passing away.
And Trump supporters said that was wrong. Way for Trump supporters to show their hypocrisy. There were 5 Trump supporters that passed away over the weekend. It was a glorious weekend worth celebrating since Trump supporters are the scum of the Earth. At least finally they made America Great Again by passing away.



You as usual confuse Triggered with Celebrating. Trump supporters are scum and I will continue to celebrate each one passing away.
From the little bit of reading I have done, my prediction is Mrs. Lagoa. Trump needs Florida, he has already pandered to the Puerto Rican’s with the promise of 13 billion in late aid, this pick will sew up Florida and the Cuban exile vote.
You as usual confuse Triggered with Celebrating. Trump supporters are scum and I will continue to celebrate each one passing away.
I just want em out of power
I just want em out of power

That's the problem, Trump supporters will simply keep voting in idiots like Trump. There is no working with a Trump supporter. It would be like trying to work with someone high on mushrooms, it is virtually impossible so celebrating their passing away is what I will continue to do because at least THEN America will be better for it.
Trump says the next supreme court nominee will be female.

Shouldn't Trump pick the best qualified justice based on merit?
Yes he should go merit based based. Preferably one of the people on his list when he campaigned fro the 2016 presidency. If he thinks picking a right leaning female justice will silence loony leftists then he is sadly mistaken. The only time the left gives a shit about women and minorities is if those minorities and women are supporting the same thing the loony left does. Trump could appoint a openly gay or transgender person to the supreme court and if that openly gay or transgender person is a right winger then the left will do any and everything they can to try to demonize that person. If you don't believe me then look at Clarence Thomas.They made bogus accusations against him.
He should choose a male and then say something to the efect of; I thought he identified as a female.
Trump says the next supreme court nominee will be female.

Shouldn't Trump pick the best qualified justice based on merit?

It seems that Trump is even a white neutered male who has to appoint a female
Trump says the next supreme court nominee will be female.

Shouldn't Trump pick the best qualified justice based on merit?
You're so funny. Can you please post the link to where you posted this same thing when Biden said he was picking a woman for VP?
Trump says the next supreme court nominee will be female.

Shouldn't Trump pick the best qualified justice based on merit?
No, Trump should pick the best candidate for SCOTUS based on who will help him the most in his re-election bid. That is the single most important criteria. A conservative Hispanic woman would seem to fit the bill.
He's following #PlantationJoe's model when he said he would pick a black woman as VP. At least he got it half right

When did Biden say he was going to pick a black woman as VP? Show your work.
When did Biden say he was going to pick a black woman as VP? Show your work.
Biden said he would pick a black woman for the Supreme Court if he gets the chance to make such a selection in the future. Everyone on any Federal Court of Appeals or otherwise who is not a black woman has been pre-declared as ineligible to sit on the Supreme Court due to the person's race and sex.
Trump says the next supreme court nominee will be female.
Shouldn't Trump pick the best qualified justice based on merit?

He did. Or do you think Trump didn't know who'd he nominate long before RBG died?!? It's not exactly like RBG died unexpectedly ...
When did Biden say he was going to pick a black woman as VP? Show your work.

Well, anything other than white but everyone knew he had to pick a black woman VP. And he still fAiLeD at that lol

'I am not committed to naming anyone but the people I've named, among them there are four black women,' Biden said Reid when she asked whether he would name a woman of color to the No. 2 position.

Biden didn't specify which four black female politicians are being vetted, though again vowed that his administartion 'will look like America.

Well, anything other than white but everyone knew he had to pick a black woman VP

'I am not committed to naming anyone but the people I've named, among them there are four black women,' Biden said Reid when she asked whether he would name a woman of color to the No. 2 position.

Biden didn't specify which four black female politicians are being vetted, though again vowed that his administartion 'will look like America.

Biden never committed to picking a black woman. He only committed to picking a woman.
I suggest we become panicked and triggered, then overreact with asinine polls suggesting gender discrimination.

(But seriously, there are plenty of qualified candidates be it female or male from both ideological sides of the fence to nominate from. I highly doubt it is worthwhile to have this debate.)
Just think Affirmative Action...
Trump says the next supreme court nominee will be female.

Shouldn't Trump pick the best qualified justice based on merit?

Merit based on gender. Binary polls no bueno. Why not include race? I'm sure there's a conservative black female out there. There certainly was a male one out there. Probably more conservative than any on the court.
Trump's litmus test is pro-life and against ACA.

Oh and also to call the election rigged, have mail-in ballots disqualified and have the Supreme Court declare him president for life.

That means many Americans will lose their health insurance and the pre-existing condition exclusion for health insurance will be reinstated

Roe vs Wade will be overturned.

Republicans in congress need to understand if Americans really knew the results of the Republican plan their jobs would be in serious jeopardy.
He's following #PlantationJoe's model when he said he would pick a black woman as VP. At least he got it half right

He's following #PlantationJoe's model

Following Joe Biden?

I thought Trump was suppose to be something different?
Trump says the next supreme court nominee will be female.

Shouldn't Trump pick the best qualified justice based on merit?

I never thought Trump would be following affirmative action(LOL)

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