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Trump says he'd likely declare emergency if there's no deal on border wall (1 Viewer)

TU Curmudgeon

B.A. (Sarc), LLb. (Lex Sarcasus), PhD (Sarc.)
DP Veteran
Mar 7, 2018
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Lower Mainland of BC
Political Leaning
From the CBC

Trump says he'd likely declare emergency if there's no deal on border wall

U.S. President Donald Trump said Thursday it's likely he would declare a national emergency to secure funds for his long-sought wall along the U.S. southern border if an agreement with Democrats in Congress to provide the money isn't reached.

Trump spoke to reporters at the White House as he prepared to depart to visit the Texas border town of McAllen on the 20th day of a partial government shutdown. He repeated his contention that he had the right to declare a national emergency over immigration.

Trump has held out for $5.7 billion US in partial wall funding in talks with congressional leaders, but Democrats have held steadfast in their opposition to providing any money for a border wall.

The dispute led to a shutdown of about a quarter of U.S. federal agencies when funding ran dry late last year.


Since the last round of "negotiations" consisted of Mr. Trump saying to Ms. Pelosi (essentially) "Before we start are you agreeing to give me everything I'm asking for?" and Ms. Pelosi telling him "No.", that "if" in the "if there's no deal" looks pretty non-operative.

The old Chinese aphorism is "May you live in interesting times." and that looks like it's about to happen.
I don't think Trump understands what the concept of a national emergency is, even if he does do it it will be met by court challenges as you know that is the kind of thing dictators do.
He could probably declare whatever he wants as an emergency under law( I believe its been done 30+ times so far ), but there wouldn't be any available funding to do anything.
He could probably declare whatever he wants as an emergency under law( I believe its been done 30+ times so far ), but there wouldn't be any available funding to do anything.

I think the idea is he would then divert military funds to the wall. I have no idea if that is doable or not. However, the fact that it doesn’t have Congressional approval will probably make all the eminent domain cases that will be opened that much more difficult for him to win. The landowners will just argue that if it was in the best interest of the nation to confiscate their land it would at least have Congressional support.
I don't think Trump understands what the concept of a national emergency is, even if he does do it it will be met by court challenges as you know that is the kind of thing dictators do.

Pretty sure Trump envisions himself with Kim Jung Ill-esk powers. We'll see what happens, it would be a rather poor move though and I think will cause far more harm than good.
I think the idea is he would then divert military funds to the wall. I have no idea if that is doable or not. However, the fact that it doesn’t have Congressional approval will probably make all the eminent domain cases that will be opened that much more difficult for him to win. The landowners will just argue that if it was in the best interest of the nation to confiscate their land it would at least have Congressional support.

I would have to examine the National Emergencies Act to determine what limits are in place, besides the Congressional check through joint resolution. I saw one opinion that via that act, he's allowed to do pretty much anything short of suspending habeas corpus.
I think the idea is he would then divert military funds to the wall. I have no idea if that is doable or not. However, the fact that it doesn’t have Congressional approval will probably make all the eminent domain cases that will be opened that much more difficult for him to win. The landowners will just argue that if it was in the best interest of the nation to confiscate their land it would at least have Congressional support.

Legal action would be filed in the first hour...To shut it down
Yeah, the thing about national emergency declaration is that there's still congressional oversight. If they don't have the votes for wall funding, they're not going to have the votes to uphold emergency status for diverting funding from, say, housing for military families over to wall construction.
Pretty sure Trump envisions himself with Kim Jung Ill-esk powers. We'll see what happens, it would be a rather poor move though and I think will cause far more harm than good.

The difference between the two is that when Mr. Kim says "I wanna, I wanna, I wanna." he gets to (and anyone who tried to tell him "No." gets dead).

Mr. Trump admires that quality in a person.
He could probably declare whatever he wants as an emergency under law( I believe its been done 30+ times so far ), but there wouldn't be any available funding to do anything.

When you have to order the military to seize private property by force, you've lost the public debate.
We've learned by now that his bark is worse than his bite because he doesn't have long-term vision or enough knowledge of political process to understand how things in America work. That said, the fact that he would even muse about martial law just goes to show how unqualified this narcissistic fool is to be our President. He would consider suspending the Constitution just to get his own way.

If we had a different President who was like Trump but also had real political intelligence, our country could be in very serious trouble... like fascist Germany trouble. The only thing saving us is that deep down Trump is actually a moron that the courts can run laps around. It's times like this that you see how the different branches of government really protect us. The founding fathers really knew what they were doing.

The mid-term elections can't come fast enough. This little emperor needs to get the boot.
When you have to order the military to seize private property by force, ...

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." is what kicks in - just like "The Right" said it would when Mr. Obama was the President.

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