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Trump rips into Biden as upwards of 80,000 blue state voters flood beachfront rally: 'We're going to win' (2 Viewers)

There you go again. Another thing Liberals like to do is double down and triple down when they get called out on their BS.
Why are you talking to me about liberals? Where did that come from?
Who's triggered?

You are.

Just Liberals doing what Liberals do. Always accusing the other side of doing the things they are most guilty of.
LOL - "I know you are but what are I?" Seriously? Seems like a bit of an immature post but you do you!
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Except on this forum, I only hang out with smart people.
You don't think the majority of people on this forum are smart? Is that what you are trying to say?
Why are you talking to me about liberals? Where did that come from?
What would you rather talk about? How's the weather there today?
Lots of Germans were worried when Hitler announced he was running for office.

What's your point?
I made my point in my post. I am struggling to see your point, however.
You don't think the majority of people on this forum are smart? Is that what you are trying to say?
Uhh... no. You are having some difficulty following along?

Ask me. I will help you with the language.
What would you rather talk about? How's the weather there today?
I just don't know why you started cursing Democrats in the middle of our conversation.

It's strange to me.
80,000 might have been a conservative number, my bad. Some say closer to 100,000 by the time Trump hit the stage. (but... but... but... I only saw 100 people there!!)

Critics of President Biden are lambasting his beach vacation in Delaware, while contrasting the Mother's Day weekend getaway to former President Trump's massive rally in the historically blue state of New Jersey on Saturday.

"Supporters camped out overnight at the beach for a Trump rally that starts at 5PM today in Wildwood. Joe Biden can’t fill up a broom closet without staff, media, and angry protestors," one X user under the name Bad Hombre posted Saturday.

click to read on FOX NEWS
I made my point in my post. I am struggling to see your point, however.
You seemed happy that normal Americans are afraid of Trump winning.

I wondered why that made you happy. Normal Germans were afraid of Hitler winning.

Did that make you happy -- that Germans were afraid of Hitler winning?
Uhh... no. You are having some difficulty following along?

Ask me. I will help you with the language.
That is what your post is implying. I don't need help reading it. But go ahead and walk it back.
No one is defending him, just reporting facts.

M'kay, here's some facts for ya - no TDS, just facts...

In the November 7, 2023 New Jersey general election, there were 6,459,097 registered voters and 1,760,049 ballots cast (https://nj.gov/state/elections/asse.../2023/2023-official-general-voter-turnout.pdf). Even if one believes there were 100,000 at the rally (I don't), that's only 1.5% of registered voters and 5.7% of ballots cast. Turnout may have been smaller since it wasn't a presidential election. In any case, Trump will have to do a lot better than 100,000 to win New Jersey.
You seemed happy that normal Americans are afraid of Trump winning.

I wondered why that made you happy. Normal Germans were afraid of Hitler winning.

Did that make you happy -- that Germans were afraid of Hitler winning?
What's strange is that you bring Hitler into this conversation. Are you saying Trump is Hitler? Did the "vermin" comment trigger you? Or are you just carrying water for the Liberals?
We already discovered in previous elections that rally size != electoral success.
It's sad that anyone showed up to hear him lie.
People with great lives don't usually spend their time trolling political forums.
Oh my, you got me there! You see right through me don't you!!


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