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Trump rips into Biden as upwards of 80,000 blue state voters flood beachfront rally: 'We're going to win' (1 Viewer)

Ariel view of the “Yuge” rally.

View attachment 67509225

Blue tarp you see from the Ariel view. It was one section of the beach and they didn’t even fill between the barriers. Anticipated crowd was 40K inside those barriers.

I’d say it was probably high 20’s.View attachment 67509226
And I heard that 15% were FBI agents, 5% were beachgoers and local anglers caught up in the crowd, with another 30% simply wrasslin' fans who heard there was a show.
Trump predicts he will win New Jersey. Would you bet against him? (but Trump is a fascist dictator!!) :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:

Former President Trump held a raucous rally in New Jersey, where on Saturday he confidently predicted he would easily win the Garden State on Election Day in November.

"We’re going to win New Jersey," the GOP frontrunner told the crowd to exuberant cheers. U.S. Rep. Jeff Van Drew, R-N.J., who briefly shared the stage with Trump, dubbed the event as the largest political rally in the state of New Jersey. A spokesperson for the City of Wildwood told the Associated Press she estimated there were between 80,000 and 100,000 people at the rally.

read it here on Faux News :)
🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣

Just an observation. We have rarely seen anything like it. 10's of people show up for Biden.

Biden voters arent cult members.

We're busy supporting our families and living our lives. We're not going to pile into a car and drive somewhere to see some criminal old man waving his arms around and humping a flag. Thats not something that normal people are interested in, thats cult stuff.
Biden voters arent cult members.

We're busy supporting our families and living our lives. We're not going to pile into a car and drive somewhere to see some criminal old man waving his arms around and humping a flag. Thats not something that normal people are interested in, thats cult stuff.
Biden voters are Biden. They need someone to wipe their chins and arse and pick them up when they fall down. The indoctrinated class and the dependent class and those afraid of being deported. Throw in the gender confused and those who worship at the alter of the slaughtered unborn.
Biden voters are Biden. They need someone to wipe their chins and arse and pick them up when they fall down. The indoctrinated class and the dependent class and those afraid of being deported. Throw in the gender confused and those who worship at the alter of the slaughtered unborn.
Are you calling them deplorables? You saw what happened to Hillary
Trump has enthusiasm in the Garden state (like everywhere else) and may force the Dems to spend money there, but he's not going to win NJ.
Biden voters are Biden. They need someone to wipe their chins and arse and pick them up when they fall down. The indoctrinated class and the dependent class and those afraid of being deported. Throw in the gender confused and those who worship at the alter of the slaughtered unborn.

LOL. Sounds sane. Do you think that will win over the undecideds? :unsure: :rolleyes:😂
LOL. Sounds sane. Do you think that will win over the undecideds? :unsure: :rolleyes:😂

It seems some Trump supporters do not understand that Independents are the largest voting block in the US. For any candidate to win they have to win over the majority of Independents.

We also know that not all Dems vote straight Party line as well as not all Republicans vote straight Party line in elections. I moved to Independent because I got tired of far right GOP supporters like Kari Lake and Trump calling me a RINO. They also diss a some of my favorite politicians like John McCain. A person who was willing to cross political lines to get things done for Arizona and the American people.

Trump has his followers. I am not sure it will be enough when it comes time to vote. Independents are going to decide the election.
Biden voters are Biden. They need someone to wipe their chins and arse and pick them up when they fall down. The indoctrinated class and the dependent class and those afraid of being deported. Throw in the gender confused and those who worship at the alter of the slaughtered unborn.
I also support the rapist
I remember that Trump also had a big rally in Minnesota a couple of days before the 2016 Presidential election, but he still lost that state to Hillary.
Sounds like you are worried! :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
Not at all. There's a part of me that wants Trump to win so I can get this t-shirt made:

Trump has enthusiasm in the Garden state (like everywhere else) and may force the Dems to spend money there, but he's not going to win NJ.
That's a pretty safe guess. Trump can definitely get enthusiasm in some counties like he did in Cape May County (where Wildwood is located), but the more densely populated areas of the state have demonstrated some pretty wide margins against him.
A lot of smart people vote for Trump.
This is untrue, according to Donald Trump. Donald Trump has stated that 98% of his own followers cannot pass a simple test of basic cognitive health and therefore are suffering from serious cognitive damage. This logically may be extrapolated to the MAGAs on this site, such that 98% of the posts made by MAGA here are the result of serious cognitive damage.
Biden voters are Biden. They need someone to wipe their chins and arse and pick them up when they fall down. The indoctrinated class and the dependent class and those afraid of being deported. Throw in the gender confused and those who worship at the alter of the slaughtered unborn.

"The late great Hannibal Lecter is a wonderful man"

What a muppet. I mean, a muppet of epic proportions. Sure, Lecter is a fictional character but unless you're a fellow psychopathic cannibal, I'm not sure "great" or "wonderful" are the adjectives I'd use.
Trump predicts he will win New Jersey. Would you bet against him? (but Trump is a fascist dictator!!) :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:

Former President Trump held a raucous rally in New Jersey, where on Saturday he confidently predicted he would easily win the Garden State on Election Day in November.

"We’re going to win New Jersey," the GOP frontrunner told the crowd to exuberant cheers. U.S. Rep. Jeff Van Drew, R-N.J., who briefly shared the stage with Trump, dubbed the event as the largest political rally in the state of New Jersey. A spokesperson for the City of Wildwood told the Associated Press she estimated there were between 80,000 and 100,000 people at the rally.

read it here on Faux News :)
When did about 30k turn into 80k?

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