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Trump refuses to support Paul Ryan, John McCain in upcoming Republican primaries (1 Viewer)


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Definitely an unconventional campaign. When the GOP Candidate disses the main leaders of the party, things are getting worse, not better.

I wonder what happens when Trump realizes he will crater badly in the election. He's going to totally lose it and blame everyone around him.

It could be hilarious.


Trump refuses to support Paul Ryan, John McCain in upcoming Republican primaries

By Philip Rucker August 2 at 5:59 PM

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump is refusing to back House Speaker Paul D. Ryan in his upcoming primary election, saying in an interview Tuesday that he is “not quite there yet” in endorsing his party’s top-ranking elected official.

Trump also said he was not supporting Sen. John McCain in his primary in Arizona, and he singled out Sen. Kelly Ayotte as a weak and disloyal leader in New Hampshire, a state whose presidential primary Trump won handily.

With Ryan’s Wisconsin primary scheduled for next Tuesday, Trump praised the House speaker’s underdog opponent, Paul Nehlen, for running “a very good campaign.” Trump said that Ryan has sought his endorsement — an assertion that a Ryan spokesman denied later Tuesday — but that as of now he is only “giving it very serious consideration.”

“I like Paul, but these are horrible times for our country,” Trump said. “We need very strong leadership. We need very, very strong leadership. And I’m just not quite there yet. I’m not quite there yet.”

Trump’s refusal to back Ryan represents an extraordinary breach of political decorum and signals that the Republican Party remains divided two weeks after a national convention in Cleveland staged to showcase party unity.

Trump made his comments during a wide-ranging interview Tuesday afternoon over lunch at the Trump National Golf Club in Northern Virginia.

Trump and Ryan have had a difficult and tense relationship over the past few months. Ryan endorsed Trump this spring after he became the presumptive nominee and spoke on his behalf at the convention, but only after a period of public soul-searching.

Ryan has disagreed with Trump on several key issues — including his proposed temporary ban on Muslims entering the United States — and issued a statement over the weekend that indirectly took issue with Trump’s belittling of the parents of dead U.S. Army captain Humayun Khan.

“Many Muslim Americans have served valiantly in our military, and made the ultimate sacrifice,” Ryan said in the statement. “Captain Khan was one such brave example. His sacrifice — and that of Khizr and Ghazala Khan — should always be honored. Period.”

McCain could not be reached immediately for comment. The Ryan spokesman, Zack Roday, issued this statement: "Neither Speaker Ryan nor anyone on his team has ever asked for Donald Trump's endorsement. And we are confident in a victory next week regardless."

With wife Ghazala at his side, Khizr Khan spoke at last week’s Democratic National Convention. He said Trump “smears the character of Muslims” and challenged the Republican nominee’s knowledge of the U.S. Constitution.
Those are two of the most despised GOP members with the base.

Won't hurt him at all.
I wonder what happens when Trump realizes he will crater badly in the election. He's going to totally lose it and blame everyone around him.

Pretty much this. I think the rest of the GOP is just waiting for it to happen so they can put Trump behind them and pretend he never happened.
Those are two of the most despised GOP members with the base.

Won't hurt him at all.

Dear Mr. Kristol,

Upon reading your most recent piece in TWS ("We'll Survive"), I felt compelled to write.

Like you, I am a Republican eager to reclaim the mantle of classical liberalism. I am also under 25 and can assure you of the damage Trump has done to the party brand amongst my cohorts. I know more than few right leaning voters my age who feel utterly betrayed by the party and, as a result, will vote for Clinton. I am inclined to think that they will not soon return.

Like you, I see no viable future for a Republican party under the spell of Trump. If the Republican party cannot shake itself awake—irrespective of the 2016 election results—then it may indeed be time to start anew. Whether it be a revival of the Federalist party (Hamilton is very popular these days!) or the Whigs, it is my deep conviction that the United States requires a party of John Locke and Adam Smith. I also believe that the modern Progressive movement is a zombie institution, which is why it can offer little more than trigger warnings, transgender bathrooms, and "institutional racism." What an opportunity!

Thank you for being a voice of reason in a storm blundering stupidity. If you ever form a new party, one dedicated to free markets and a muscular defense of liberty, count me with you.


Andrew Gabel

Letter From a Young Republican
My editorial in the latest WEEKLY STANDARD has generated several kind and thoughtful responses. Here's one that I think deserves wider readership...
Paul Ryan is despised by the base?

Ok, sure.

Ryan is not real popular with the base. If Ryan endorsed someone they might lose votes from the base.
Ryan is not real popular with the base. If Ryan endorsed someone they might lose votes from the base.

The base or portions of the base? And in his district he keeps on getting substantial numbers when reelected.
Excellent!!! Most excellent!!!! :peace
Why do I have a feeling 'the base' is just some group GOPers make up on the spot that think like them?

Generally, the leader of the party would usually be considered to be someone who reflects 'the base' quite well.
The base or portions of the base? And in his district he keeps on getting substantial numbers when reelected.

Then you are talking about a portion of his base. I am talking about the majority of the base.
Why do I have a feeling 'the base' is just some group GOPers make up on the spot that think like them?

Generally, the leader of the party would usually be considered to be someone who reflects 'the base' quite well.

Only you can figure that out. It might be indigestion.
Trump says "I not quite there yet" :lamo

That sounds familiar somehow


If this doesn't show Trump for what he is, I don't know what will. He comes out of the RNC saying party unity is important. He gets a chance to display some party unity and instead - It's payback time.

What a joke.
Why do I have a feeling 'the base' is just some group GOPers make up on the spot that think like them?

Generally, the leader of the party would usually be considered to be someone who reflects 'the base' quite well.
This election season is hardly "generally".
I would love for Ryan to issue a polite version of, "Screw you, Trump. Not only do I NOT want your endorsement, I'm withdrawing mine."
Trump continues to reinforce why I most likely will not vote for him.

One arrogant person. He is doing nothing but dividing the Rep party.
McCain deserves to lose his primary.

He's way too old to be holding a political position and him being part of the Gang of 8 immigration Amnesty bill has made him hated in his own state.
Pretty much this. I think the rest of the GOP is just waiting for it to happen so they can put Trump behind them and pretend he never happened.

If trump costs the republicans the house and senate, I doubt he will be easy to forget.
Why do I have a feeling 'the base' is just some group GOPers make up on the spot that think like them?

Generally, the leader of the party would usually be considered to be someone who reflects 'the base' quite well.

He's not the leader of the party (Ryan).
Pretty much this. I think the rest of the GOP is just waiting for it to happen so they can put Trump behind them and pretend he never happened.

Ah yes,

GOP amnesia, works for those years 2001-2008, and I thought an elephant never forgot
Those are two of the most despised GOP members with the base.

Won't hurt him at all.

He will need every vote he can get. Ryan and McCain may not be the most popular Republicans but they do have their supporters and doubtful they will vote for Trump.
Trump has to be the biggest idiot ever to be in the presidential race.
Those are two of the most despised GOP members with the base.

Won't hurt him at all.

Maybe despised by the some of the GOP base, but fairly well respected by the electorate as a whole. Trump sooner or later needs to realize the primaries are over, he is no longer trying to win in a group, the Republican base vote which compromises 28% of the national electorate. The general election electorate is quite different from the electorate he won in the primaries. He won the nomination by getting 40% of the GOP primary vote. He needs more than that to win the general even if he is against a baggage laden candidate by the name of Clinton.

You may be very happy with Trump making a lot of enemies of those in the GOP establishment, elected officials, party leaders, but he will need their help come November if Trump hopes to win. Continuing these feuds can only hurt him.

But I really doubt if Trump or you care. It does seem to me, making a statement was much more important than winning an election in November, hence Trump's nomination.
He will need every vote he can get. Ryan and McCain may not be the most popular Republicans but they do have their supporters and doubtful they will vote for Trump.
Trump has to be the biggest idiot ever to be in the presidential race.

Yup. He's now declaring himself an enemy of the party, more or less. You're the nominee, the biggest nominee in the election, so you support your fellow candidates/incumbents.. Period.

This just keeps getting better and better.

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