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Trump, Pence miss Veterans Day observance at Arlington Cemetery (1 Viewer)


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Dec 3, 2017
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President Trump is spending Monday at the White House and had no plans to visit Arlington National Cemetery in northern Virginia as America observes the Veterans Day holiday.

The White House announced a so-called travel lid at 10 a.m. ET, meaning that the president is not expected to hold any public events or leave the executive mansion.
The observation that Trump doesn't care about the military or those who served was made clear today. And no rain storm to use as an excuse.

President Trump is spending Monday at the White House and had no plans to visit Arlington National Cemetery in northern Virginia as America observes the Veterans Day holiday.

The White House announced a so-called travel lid at 10 a.m. ET, meaning that the president is not expected to hold any public events or leave the executive mansion.
The observation that Trump doesn't care about the military or those who served was made clear today. And no rain storm to use as an excuse.

Rumors are Trump has gone/is going through some sort of mega melt down or mental health crisis. The WH covered him in Paris and is covering for him today in Washington as he is unable to perform his public duties as Commander-in-chief.

President Trump is spending Monday at the White House and had no plans to visit Arlington National Cemetery in northern Virginia as America observes the Veterans Day holiday.

The White House announced a so-called travel lid at 10 a.m. ET, meaning that the president is not expected to hold any public events or leave the executive mansion.
The observation that Trump doesn't care about the military or those who served was made clear today. And no rain storm to use as an excuse.

There's some speculation that he's under the weather.
Pence is in Japan.

Trump did not visit Suresnes because his helicopter trip was canceled due to the weather and there was not time in his schedule for him to make it by car.

I hope you didn't hurt yourself with that mega stretch, the reason Trump didn't attend was because he doesn't care about the military. :mrgreen:
I saw the reported "LID" from the WH and wondered about that at the time. Its really quite surprising on Veterans Day.

Frankly Donald appears to be licking his wounds. He is being slowly but surely isolated and ignored:
- Florida State Officials are simply ignoring his wild Election issue tweets as they continue to handle their State Election within the purview of their State. The State itself is even supporting Broward County in that the State claims it has seen no evidence of Election fraud to this point and the Court has found none to this point. The count did continue. The recount will be conducted. The ballots and records will be locked away by the Court post election presuming that lawsuits will go forward. Both sides may well have clear grievances. Again this is on the State of Florida.
- Clearly our European Allies are simply starting to ignore Donald
- Donald is about to wish the other end of Pennsylvania Av would ignore him. No such luck Donald
- KJU has obviously played Donald like a violin and is simply ignoring any nonsense about what Trump calls this love affair between them. Would it be a surprise if we found that Putin and KJU have simply been tossing Donald back and forth between them. "Here, he's your b---ch this week and he can be mine next week"
- finally and maybe most frustrating to Donald, the American people outside his base are beginning to ignore him

At some point though Donald will stop crying in his Diet Coke and feeling sorry for himself and that is when he will be truly dangerous to all of us. He has just been grumpy and tossing his rattles and teething rings around his playpen since the Elections. I don't think that will go on much longer.
I’m kind of surprised Pence didn’t go. He is pretty good about such things. I wonder if Trump didn’t want him to go because it would make Trump look worse? Maybe something important we don’t know about yet? Who knows.
I’m kind of surprised Pence didn’t go. He is pretty good about such things. I wonder if Trump didn’t want him to go because it would make Trump look worse? Maybe something important we don’t know about yet? Who knows.

If Donald was not going to a DC event, Pence was not going. Heck Pence moves his water bottle based on where Donald moves his water bottle..... On the table, to the floor.....from the floor back to the table. What a pair!
There's some speculation that he's under the weather.
Pence is in Japan.

Trump did not visit Suresnes because his helicopter trip was canceled due to the weather and there was not time in his schedule for him to make it by car.

I hope you didn't hurt yourself with that mega stretch, the reason Trump didn't attend was because he doesn't care about the military. :mrgreen:

Numerous World leaders attended...Going by Car....That tired ass excuse has already been de-bunked
There's some speculation that he's under the weather.
Pence is in Japan.

Trump did not visit Suresnes because his helicopter trip was canceled due to the weather and there was not time in his schedule for him to make it by car.

I hope you didn't hurt yourself with that mega stretch, the reason Trump didn't attend was because he doesn't care about the military. :mrgreen:

What else was on his schedule?
There's some speculation that he's under the weather.
Pence is in Japan.

Trump did not visit Suresnes because his helicopter trip was canceled due to the weather and there was not time in his schedule for him to make it by car.

I hope you didn't hurt yourself with that mega stretch, the reason Trump didn't attend was because he doesn't care about the military. :mrgreen:

Never too ill to tweet though.
Numerous World leaders attended...Going by Car....That tired ass excuse has already been de-bunked

Imagine? President of the United States. Somebody looks out the window and says, "Damn! Rain! Now what?" Someone else says, "I dunno, drive there?" Third someone says, "That'd take too long, and just screw up traffic. I guess the whole thing's off."
Either the whole White House team are bumbling incompetents or it's just a bull**** excuse. I know where my money is.
I’m kind of surprised Pence didn’t go. He is pretty good about such things. I wonder if Trump didn’t want him to go because it would make Trump look worse? Maybe something important we don’t know about yet? Who knows.

I'm pretty sure Pence is in Asia that is why he did not go to Arlington
A lot of people tweet when they aren't feeling well.
Try again.

Who said Trump was unwell? The White House didn't.

As you want us to believe you have inside information, what kind of unwell is it? Bone spurs or a nervous breakdown?

The truth is you don't know what the **** you are talking about. You are grabbing at straws or either saying whatever the Internet Research Agency is telling everyone in the troll farm to say.

According to you, it was the helicopter and the rain. Then it was that there was a schedule conflict. Neither of those excuses hold up. So now it is that he was unwell. :roll:
A lot of people tweet when they aren't feeling well.
Try again.

Just more Trump acting like an eight year old. A POTUS too sick to honour America's heroes, but perfectly fine to tweet away.

Maybe he thinks that only losers get taken prisoner, or die in battle, not like good ol' Captain Bone Spurs Trump...he never got captured or died...heck no! It's almost like Trump hates the USA, and is trying to make you guys into the biggest laughing stocks in the world. How else can you explain such stupidity on his part? Or is he just a moron and an idiot like so many of his senior staff say?

EDIT: My apologies to eight year olds who are more mature than Trump...which I suppose is most.
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Who said Trump was unwell? The White House didn't.

As you want us to believe you have inside information, what kind of unwell is it? Bone spurs or a nervous breakdown?

The truth is you don't know what the **** you are talking about. You are grabbing at straws or either saying whatever the Internet Research Agency is telling everyone in the troll farm to say.

According to you, it was the helicopter and the rain. Then it was that there was a schedule conflict. Neither of those excuses hold up. So now it is that he was unwell. :roll:

Let context be your newest friend.
Just more Trump acting like an eight year old. A POTUS too sick to honour America's heroes, but perfectly fine to tweet away.

Maybe he thinks that only losers get taken prisoner, or die in battle, not like good ol' Captain Bone Spurs Trump...he never got captured or died...heck no! It's almost like Trump hates the USA, and is trying to make you guys into the biggest laughing stocks in the world. How else can you explain such stupidity on his part? Or is he just a moron and an idiot like so many of his senior staff say?

EDIT: My apologies to eight year olds who are more mature than Trump...which I suppose is most.

Maybe this, maybe that... I'll let you write the ending to your own story.
The fact of the matter is the O/P wrote that Trump doesn't care at all about the military.
And that's just not true.

There's speculation, at least that is what I read this afternoon, that he may be under the weather hence why he didn't go to Arlington today.
Maybe this, maybe that... I'll let you write the ending to your own story.
The fact of the matter is the O/P wrote that Trump doesn't care at all about the military.
And that's just not true.

There's speculation, at least that is what I read this afternoon, that he may be under the weather hence why he didn't go to Arlington today.

Mitlitary personal do not have sick days. As a leader and COmmander in Chief the President should not either. Trumps absence with no explanation is a disgrace and an affront to everyone serving and has served and most importantly died, so that Trump can sit on his ass.

President Trump is spending Monday at the White House and had no plans to visit Arlington National Cemetery in northern Virginia as America observes the Veterans Day holiday.

The White House announced a so-called travel lid at 10 a.m. ET, meaning that the president is not expected to hold any public events or leave the executive mansion.
The observation that Trump doesn't care about the military or those who served was made clear today. And no rain storm to use as an excuse.

The Arlington ceremony is for Memorial Day.
Mitlitary personal do not have sick days. As a leader and COmmander in Chief the President should not either. Trumps absence with no explanation is a disgrace and an affront to everyone serving and has served and most importantly died, so that Trump can sit on his ass.

I think there should be an explanation as to why he was not in attendance at Arlington today, however, even if there was one, his haters wouldn't believe it.
Mitlitary personal do not have sick days. As a leader and COmmander in Chief the President should not either. Trumps absence with no explanation is a disgrace and an affront to everyone serving and has served and most importantly died, so that Trump can sit on his ass.

That's not accurate. A soldier can go on sick call at any time.
Who said Trump was unwell? The White House didn't.

As you want us to believe you have inside information, what kind of unwell is it? Bone spurs or a nervous breakdown?

The truth is you don't know what the **** you are talking about. You are grabbing at straws or either saying whatever the Internet Research Agency is telling everyone in the troll farm to say.

According to you, it was the helicopter and the rain. Then it was that there was a schedule conflict. Neither of those excuses hold up. So now it is that he was unwell. :roll:

Those bone spurs are a bitch!

As it should be. Instead we have commander bone spurs.

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