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Trump or Joe? Stop riots? (1 Viewer)

Which will be more effective at stopping the riots, Trump or Joe?

  • Trump will scare them and make the poop their pants

    Votes: 6 26.1%
  • Joe will talk to them

    Votes: 17 73.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


DP Veteran
Aug 4, 2019
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Which would be the best at stopping the rioting, Trump or Joe?

Trump is "tough on crime" and has sworn to crush the rioters wherever they appear.

Joe can talk to them, get them to listen to reason and stop rioting.
Which would be the best at stopping the rioting, Trump or Joe?

Trump is "tough on crime" and has sworn to crush the rioters wherever they appear.

Joe can talk to them, get them to listen to reason and stop rioting.

Which would be the best at stopping the rioting, Trump or Joe?

Trump is "tough on crime" and has sworn to crush the rioters wherever they appear.

Joe can talk to them, get them to listen to reason and stop rioting.

Trump makes it worse. He needs to listen and see that the concerns are real. Address the problem rather than making excuses for it.
What trump supporters are looking for is an increase in the national temperature so that social unrest increases. Trump delivers that social unrest in spades. Biden is boring, "though." He won't do anything to exacerbate social unrest, and that's no damn fun.
Joe can talk to them, get them to listen to reason and stop rioting.

Those bad people are unable to reason.

That is why they are looting, committing arson, and murdering.
What trump supporters are looking for is an increase in the national temperature so that social unrest increases. Trump delivers that social unrest in spades. Biden is boring, "though." He won't do anything to exacerbate social unrest, and that's no damn fun.

Yes its our fault you lefties cant control yourselves.
Which would be the best at stopping the rioting, Trump or Joe?

Trump is "tough on crime" and has sworn to crush the rioters wherever they appear.

Joe can talk to them, get them to listen to reason and stop rioting.

A choice of two wrong answers.
Which would be the best at stopping the rioting, Trump or Joe?

Trump is "tough on crime" and has sworn to crush the rioters wherever they appear.

Joe can talk to them, get them to listen to reason and stop rioting.

Seems a 17 yr old kid stopped it toot sweet. They went from violent thugs to OMG sir let me try and put his head back together!
Neither. The people involved have gone far beyond listening to one person, even if they are the 'President'. IMO, Joe has an edge, but neither is going to do any good.
Full disclosure: I hate the rioters; I also hate Trump.

I think Joe should be given a chance to stop the riots his way. Trump is president. What he is doing is not working.

I have read that the Rodney King riots of 1992 were even more destructive than the riots that followed the assassination of Martin Luther King. George H.W. Bush, a Republican, was president at the time. Bill Clinton, a Democrat, replaced him. There were no riots of any size during the Clinton administration.

So let's give Joe a chance.
I dont think either of them will be able to fix the problems that caused the riots but Trump sure as H E double hockey sticks will inflame them
Neither candidate can stop this. The riots will eventually burn out on their own after the election. Passions are still too high right now.

Maybe the Pandemic will need to end first too. Too many people are cooped up in their homes with nothing to do.
Which would be the best at stopping the rioting, Trump or Joe?

Trump is "tough on crime" and has sworn to crush the rioters wherever they appear.

Joe can talk to them, get them to listen to reason and stop rioting.

The left won't let Trump stop the riots. In fact, the left won't let the left stop the riots.
Trump makes it worse. He needs to listen and see that the concerns are real. Address the problem rather than making excuses for it.

There actually is no problem. That's the problem. The media blow these few incidents way up out of proportion in order to increase their ratings. What would really make the situation better is blacks and the SJW's calling out their own for being criminals and resisting arrest. Almost 100% of these people were criminals who resisted arrest or even attacked officers. And yet the left glorify criminals and resisting arrest and protest and riot when things don't go well for the criminals who are trying to resist arrest. The left are still yelping about Michael Brown even though the leftiest Obama Administration tried to hang an innocent officer and couldn't do it because he had done nothing wrong.
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The riots stop when the idiot leftists in this country stop cheering them on and start demanding their elected officials uphold the law.
Full disclosure: I hate the rioters; I also hate Trump.

I think Joe should be given a chance to stop the riots his way. Trump is president. What he is doing is not working.

I have read that the Rodney King riots of 1992 were even more destructive than the riots that followed the assassination of Martin Luther King. George H.W. Bush, a Republican, was president at the time. Bill Clinton, a Democrat, replaced him. There were no riots of any size during the Clinton administration.

So let's give Joe a chance.

why-the rioters are attempting to get rid of Trump
What trump supporters are looking for is an increase in the national temperature so that social unrest increases. Trump delivers that social unrest in spades. Biden is boring, "though." He won't do anything to exacerbate social unrest, and that's no damn fun.

What we want is law and order and truly peaceful protests. When you have violence, rioting, vandalism, and looting and the attacking of police that is not law and order and it is not peaceful protesting either. The left say they want peaceful protesting but look the other way and even defend the rioters.
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A choice of two wrong answers.

Exactly. The left won't stop the rioters. The left won't even let Trump stop the rioters. The only thing that will stop the rioters is for the media to tell the truth and for the left to call out their own for being criminals and resisting arrest.
Which would be the best at stopping the rioting, Trump or Joe?

Trump is "tough on crime" and has sworn to crush the rioters wherever they appear.

Joe can talk to them, get them to listen to reason and stop rioting.

I don't think this is a federal problem. It is state and city. The Mayor can request assistance from the Governor and the Governor if he so desires can send in the National Guard. Refusal to do is basically each mayor and governor condoning the riots, the burning, the violence.

Or is it perhaps, if those who are in charge and responsible afraid of losing some votes come election day. This isn't a federal problem unless the governor of whatever state requests assistance. Let them handle it. It's their job and they have the tools at their disposal to do so.
Full disclosure: I hate the rioters; I also hate Trump.

I think Joe should be given a chance to stop the riots his way. Trump is president. What he is doing is not working.

I have read that the Rodney King riots of 1992 were even more destructive than the riots that followed the assassination of Martin Luther King. George H.W. Bush, a Republican, was president at the time. Bill Clinton, a Democrat, replaced him. There were no riots of any size during the Clinton administration.

So let's give Joe a chance.
Can you cite the mechanism you would like to see a president...any president...employ to take away the responsibility of the mayors and governors of an individual state? And can you explain how your thought process implies anything OTHER than an endorsement of a monarchy?
Full disclosure: I hate the rioters; I also hate Trump.

I think Joe should be given a chance to stop the riots his way. Trump is president. What he is doing is not working.

I have read that the Rodney King riots of 1992 were even more destructive than the riots that followed the assassination of Martin Luther King. George H.W. Bush, a Republican, was president at the time. Bill Clinton, a Democrat, replaced him. There were no riots of any size during the Clinton administration.

So let's give Joe a chance.

Joe is taking a knee with the rioters. He has no plan, just like the leftist cities' only plan is to let rioting happen. And, while Biden was VP under Obama, these situations were worse then than under Trump now (of course the leftist MSM won't report that little fact). Hell, Portland has thrown in the towel almost completely. What is Joe going to do for Portland? Even the lefty Portland mayor tried and failed. And, when Trump tried to do something the left told him to get the hell out. A lot of the problem in Portland is the Antifa who want nothing but anarchy and could care less what Biden would do. And the left always look the other way when the Antifa does these things.
Trump likely will just make things worse. He has no capacity at unity or leading and his main skill is stirring up anger and division. His Shock Troop methods of black bagging won' go over too well and will serve only to stir the hornets nest.

That being said, what would Biden really do to help out? It is true that things need to get to the sit down and talk stage if we're going to make changes and push forward. But you can't sit down and talk amid riots and arson and crazy kids shooting people.
David Garth, who accompanied Lindsay that night, recalled: "There was a wall of people coming across 125th Street, going from west to east ... I thought we were dead. John raised his hands, said he was sorry. It was very quiet. My feeling was, his appearance there was very reassuring to people because it wasn't the first time they had seen him. He had gone there on a regular basis. That gave him credibility when it hit the fan."[

John Lindsay - Wikipedia

So more than a 100 major cities in America burned after the Martin Luther King assassination. All except for New York.

Lindsay is like one of the bravest Americans who ever lived.
I dont think either of them will be able to fix the problems that caused the riots but Trump sure as H E double hockey sticks will inflame them

And the left's solution is to let rioters be rioters.

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