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Trump: "Kurds Not Angels... PKK Worse Than ISIS" (2 Viewers)

I don't care if it plays into Russia's hands. It is not our problem.

The Kurdish autonomous region of Iraq has oil, not the Syrian region where the Kurds are active. There is no oil in Syria.

On the other hand, the Israeli offshore oil and gas reserves are believed to be greater than originally found on the Saudi Peninsula. The Israelis just started tapping the gas this year, next year the oil, and the entire energy dynamic of the mideast changes. Syria, too busy with domestic problems, hopes the offshore shelf extends into their waters but has had no ability to explore. There is no question the oil shelf extends into Lebanese waters. Syria has claimed Lebanon is part of Syria for centuries. But that won't happen. And Lebanon with a weak central government has found itself also unable to take advantage of the find, with no private companies willing to step in because of Hezbollah and its match point.

You underestimate Russia. Oil is a very small part of Russia's untapped natural resources wealth. And Putin, just like our own president, is only a figure head with limited powers. He too, shall pass and will be replaced by another tsar.

---Please...Kurdish areas of Syria discovered significant oil reserves as far back as the early 1960's.
(I. C. Vanly, The Kurds in Syria and Lebanon, In The Kurds: A Contemporary Overview, Edited by P.G. Kreyenbroek, S. Sperl, Chapter 8, Routledge, 1992, ISBN 0-415-07265-4, pp.151–52)

I love how you used the word "untapped" with regard to Russia's resources, while downplaying the role of petroleum energy in exploiting same.
I worked for American-Russian Television for six years in West Hollywood. :lamo
---Please...Kurdish areas of Syria discovered significant oil reserves as far back as the early 1960's.
(I. C. Vanly, The Kurds in Syria and Lebanon, In The Kurds: A Contemporary Overview, Edited by P.G. Kreyenbroek, S. Sperl, Chapter 8, Routledge, 1992, ISBN 0-415-07265-4, pp.151–52)

I love how you used the word "untapped" with regard to Russia's resources, while downplaying the role of petroleum energy in exploiting same.
I worked for American-Russian Television for six years in West Hollywood. :lamo

Russia's economy, while technically 'mixed' is predominately oil/gas driven.
Russia relies on energy revenues to drive most of its growth. Russia has an abundance of oil, natural gas and precious metals, which make up a major share of Russia's exports. As of 2012 the oil-and-gas sector accounted for 16% of GDP, 52% of federal budget revenues and over 70% of total exports. Russia is considered an "energy superpower". It has the world's largest proven natural gas reserves and is the largest exporter of natural gas. It is also the second-largest exporter of petroleum.
(Wikipedia, citing CIA Worldbook)

I know this will induce convulsions from a certain sector of the community, but you should read Blowout by Rachel Maddow to get an understanding of Vladimir Putin and his addiction to oil.
A corrupt Russia—one in which, for example, the builders of the Olympic Village in Sochi skimmed off upward of $30 billion—hitched its wagon to a moribund petro-economy, one that could not survive with the sanctions imposed on it by the Obama administration. This set in motion the whole chain of events now playing out, including Russian tampering in the 2016 election and the not-coincidental haste of the Trump administration to lift those sanctions the moment it entered power.
And Daniel Yergin's The Prize: The Epic Quest for Oil, Money, and Power. Then one might get an inkling about what is really going on. Putin and Tuffet have the same issue: Kurds in their way.
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“But the Kurds know how to fight,” Trump continued. “And, as I said, they’re not angels. They’re not angels, if you take a look … The PKK, which is a part of the Kurds … is probably worse at terror, more of a terrorist threat in many ways, than ISIS.”

Trump: Kurds Are ‘Not Angels’ – They’re Worse ‘Than ISIS’

I know the Trumpcult will find a way to defend this latest moronic statement from Dear Leader...

The PKK are indeed terrorists. Are you denying that they are?
The PKK are indeed terrorists. Are you denying that they are?

The YPK and SDF are are not the PKK. Everyone, especially Ergodan, is aware of this.
---Please...Kurdish areas of Syria discovered significant oil reserves as far back as the early 1960's.
(I. C. Vanly, The Kurds in Syria and Lebanon, In The Kurds: A Contemporary Overview, Edited by P.G. Kreyenbroek, S. Sperl, Chapter 8, Routledge, 1992, ISBN 0-415-07265-4, pp.151–52)

I love how you used the word "untapped" with regard to Russia's resources, while downplaying the role of petroleum energy in exploiting same.
I worked for American-Russian Television for six years in West Hollywood. :lamo

Those northern Syrian oil reserves turned out to be pockets of gas with water underneath.

Yup, working for American-Russian makes you an expert on Russian geological mineral resources. Please do give us your estimates of untapped Russian gold, diamonds, rare metals, other precious stones, iron, zinc, copper, and so forth as compared to oil in current $ values.

Here's a hint. The US is the third largest diamond producer in the world. Russia's untapped diamond reserves are estimated to be 10 times that of the US, making its diamond reserves 5 times that of DeBeers. The value of Russia's diamond reserves at the rate for uncut wholesale diamonds twice the current value of its oil reserves.
“But the Kurds know how to fight,” Trump continued. “And, as I said, they’re not angels. They’re not angels, if you take a look … The PKK, which is a part of the Kurds … is probably worse at terror, more of a terrorist threat in many ways, than ISIS.”

Trump: Kurds Are ‘Not Angels’ – They’re Worse ‘Than ISIS’

I know the Trumpcult will find a way to defend this latest moronic statement from Dear Leader...

Isis May be bad, Erdogan may be bad, but the PKK are communists and there’s only one good form of communist
The YPK and SDF are are not the PKK. Everyone, especially Ergodan, is aware of this.

The YPG and the SDF are closely allied with the PKK since their aims are the same- an independent Kurdish country- this is fact.
I noticed you didn’t answer the question.

Do you think it’s appropriate for people to be killed or cleaned because you don’t like their political philosophy?

Do fascists deserve to die?
The PKK has committed terrorist acts on Turkey soil.

Do you deny this????

The Turks have been harassing the Kurds for many years so it is only natural for them to strike back at the Turks in response. Terrorism is one way to respond for a small group that doesn't have an army or diplomatic power.
Those northern Syrian oil reserves turned out to be pockets of gas with water underneath.

Yup, working for American-Russian makes you an expert on Russian geological mineral resources. Please do give us your estimates of untapped Russian gold, diamonds, rare metals, other precious stones, iron, zinc, copper, and so forth as compared to oil in current $ values.

Here's a hint. The US is the third largest diamond producer in the world. Russia's untapped diamond reserves are estimated to be 10 times that of the US, making its diamond reserves 5 times that of DeBeers. The value of Russia's diamond reserves at the rate for uncut wholesale diamonds twice the current value of its oil reserves.

Water is almost always found with gas and oil deposits. Brine is a major disposal problem in the oil fields.
Isis May be bad, Erdogan may be bad, but the PKK are communists and there’s only one good form of communist

Does this sound like the PKK are super duper evil commies?
In a BBC interview in April the PKK's military leader Cemil Bayik said "we don't want to separate from Turkey and set up a state".

"We want to live within the borders of Turkey on our own land freely... The struggle will continue until the Kurds' innate rights are accepted," he said.

Turkey continues to accuse the PKK of "trying to create a separate state in Turkey".

More than 40,000 people have died in the conflict. It reached a peak in the mid-1990s, when thousands of villages were destroyed in the largely Kurdish south-east and east of Turkey. Hundreds of thousands of Kurds fled to cities in other parts of the country.
Who are Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) rebels? - BBC News
Do fascists deserve to die?

I think your answer is obvious. You support Trump withdrawing support from the Kurds, thereby putting them at risk of genocide, because you think some of them are communists. You have presented all the reasoning to argue there is nothing moral about people being killed and cleansed because of their political beliefs
The Turks have been harassing the Kurds for many years so it is only natural for them to strike back at the Turks in response. Terrorism is one way to respond for a small group that doesn't have an army or diplomatic power.

That kind of dangerous rhetoric justifies attacks against the U.S by many perceived groups they have "harrassed."
Nobody cares. They are not 'worse' than ISIS.

They kidnap children and turn them into soldiers. That's a war crime, but you don't care. Right?
That kind of dangerous rhetoric justifies attacks against the U.S by many perceived groups they have "harrassed."

That idea is what drives terrorism. Maybe we should stop injecting out ideas into the lives and policies of sovereign countries unless they can do the same to us.
The PKK has committed terrorist acts on Turkey soil.

Do you deny this????

So that's enough for the lunatic-fringe right to label all Kurds as terrorists.
Are all Irish terrorists in your two-dimensional cartoon world?
Water is almost always found with gas and oil deposits. Brine is a major disposal problem in the oil fields.

Yes, and often there is only water. As in Syria. It is the geology.
They kidnap children and turn them into soldiers. That's a war crime, but you don't care. Right?

It's true they are 'no angels' but they are not 'worse' than ISIS, nor do they represent the entire Kurdish population or its nascent nation. Trump isn't just throwing the PKK under the bus, they were never a US ally anyway - he is throwing all Kurdish fighters and the whole Syrian Kurdish region under the bus.

And he's not doing it because of 'child soldiers' he is doing it because pof his freaking hotels.

Do not mention 'me' and my values again in a post. Stick to the topic. Stick to the Kurds and Trump.

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