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"Trump is a straight up gangster" (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jun 14, 2020
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Libertarian - Left

Interesting take on it, can't say I disagree.... :cool:

Interesting take on it, can't say I disagree.... :cool:

It was all over the place, but it was far more intelligent than anything that any Trump supporter has ever posted here in the history of the forum.
It was all over the place, but it was far more intelligent than anything that any Trump supporter has ever posted here in the history of the forum.

Well Ice is a rapper/actor,, not a polished talking head obviously....

Still I grew up hearing it and he sure hit on a hell of a lot of truth....

Just an example of a song from like, early 80s I think, somthing so old it predates what 90s rappers called "old school":

Ice T said:
Squeeze the trigger
Rampage on stage, my crews in a rage
Searched my posse, found the Uzi but missed the 12 gauge
Maniac, I'm a rhyme brainiac, livin' on the edge of a razor
Remember that
Cold rollin' thick as a shake, I'm rockin' hard as a quake
I can't live on bread and water or lobster and steak
My mino's a riot gun, there ain't none bigger
About to unload the ammo, "E" squeeze the trigger
They say I'm violent, they should watch their T.V.
They say I'm brutal, they should check their P.D.
You made me, now your kids rave me
I rap about the life that the city streets gave me
Murder, intrigue, somebody must bleed
Miami Vice is small time, L.A's the big league
From the rollin' 60's to the nickerson "G"
Pueblos, grape street, this is what I see
The jungle, the 30's, the V.N.G.
Life in L.A. ain't no cup of ter
Squeeze the trigger
I've been dogged out by cops, shackled and socked
Paid my dues to the streets, took my hard knocks
Disrespected by snobs, damn near trampled by mobs
Persecuted by squares workin' nine to five jobs
Like a panther I prowl ,like a lion I growl
Learn to see behind my back like the head of an owl
I'm the voice of the youth, the prophet of truth
What I speak is really though some
May say ruthless tactics are takin' by me to awaken
People to life but I feel no fakin'
No jivin', no lyin', no frontin', no playin'
Say exactly what's up, understand what I'm sayin'
Ban me, try it, you might cause a riot
What the radio won't play, the underground will supply it
I'm a MC pirate that's loud not quiet
Radical as they make'em, make a rule I'll defy it
Critics may say I'm wise, some may call my words lies
I've lived more in one day than they will in their lives
But most do respect the words I inject
Kick credit for realism and the truth I project
Because I could bust rhymes for fun, or cut MC's like a knife
But the topic I love is the drama of life
So don't diss me don't dare, I feel you should care
You may think I'm soft but you're just unaware
Of the wrath of the Ice enraged prepare
For a true nighmare
Squeeze the trigger
Cops hate kids, kids hate cops, cops kill kid's with warnin' shouts
What is crime and what in not?what is justice?I think I forgot
We buy weapons to keep us strong
Reagan sends guns where they don't belong
The controversy is thick and the drag is strong
But no matter the lies we all know who's wrong
Homeless sleep on the city streets
Waitin' to die with nothin' to eat
While rich politicians soak their feet
In the pools at their ten million buck retreats
People hate people for color of face
No one had a choice in the race we were placed
A brother in queens was beaten and chased
Murdered cold in the streets, a goodamn disgrace
Just because of his race, his life went to waste
And no one went to jail when the court heard the case
Justice or corruption?it's all interlaced
How can you swallow this?I can't stand the taste
Squeeze the trigger
I get paid for illin', cold makin' a killin'
My pockets keep fillin', I got dollars to the ceilin'
Got a safe in my floor, car got bullet proof doors
Every time I rock the mic I leave you wishin' for more
Because my raps ain't bull, got cold stupid pull
You want to eat my rhymes like candy, till your mind's over full
But most MC's today ain't got nothin' to say
"A" to the mother ****in' "K"
Squeeze the trigger
I believe you've already established that you are miserable, and that you believe Trump is the cause of your misery. I'm pretty sure nearly everybody but Biden understands that.

Biden's having pureed carrots in his basement and just says what they tell him to say. He gets 6 green beans if he says it right.
I believe you've already established that you are miserable, and that you believe Trump is the cause of your misery. I'm pretty sure nearly everybody but Biden understands that.

Biden's having pureed carrots in his basement and just says what they tell him to say. He gets 6 green beans if he says it right.

Wow are you full of spite and right wing propaganda. Get it through your head; many of us don't like a corrupt president, with awful policy, who is largely incompetent, and mostly a blithering idiot and Twitter Troll; it's simple cause and effect. Yeah, the NATION is miserable to a degreee (an unnecessary one), because this MORON couldn't respond to a virus, like EVERY OTHER NATION IN THE WORLD. Nobody is generally miserable over it, save maybe you, knowing you're about to lose your orange daddy, How lost you will be without his Twitter dumassery to guide you through life? :lamo
I believe you've already established that you are miserable, and that you believe Trump is the cause of your misery. I'm pretty sure nearly everybody but Biden understands that.

Biden's having pureed carrots in his basement and just says what they tell him to say. He gets 6 green beans if he says it right.

Everybody at this point, including even you, understands that Trump is human garbage. Aside from the few remaining supporters who are too dumb, insecure, or partisan to admit it, everyone gets it. Some of course have nothing better to do with their lives than show up in random internet forums, don pom poms and short skirts, and do their song and dance routine for big orange daddy with the golden toilet, because without that singular purpose their lives would have no meaning, but the sane people with jobs that actually contribute to society have enough brain cells to rub together to understand the situation, you see.

And yes, pandemics in which Trump could have actively reduced the number of dead but refused to do so? Yeah, dead relatives due to government incompetence just might make some people miserable.

Because they prefer live relatives to dead ones, you see.

Go mow your ****ing lawn and call it progress.
I believe you've already established that you are miserable, and that you believe Trump is the cause of your misery. I'm pretty sure nearly everybody but Biden understands that.

Biden's having pureed carrots in his basement and just says what they tell him to say. He gets 6 green beans if he says it right.

This is the guy YOU look up to, your "stable genius", your precious orange daddy:

Biden is going to spank adderal boy in the debates and you KNOW it. That's why you guys are so fervently and desperately speculating about them being cancelled all the time, because you KNOW Trump doesn't understand what he's talking about 80% of the time, he just bull****s, and it's not gonna work well this time. He has a record of failure to run on now.... :lamo
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Nursery rhymes with bad grammar.

Yeah, I could see why it would attract you. :lamo

That guy has made more money than probably the last ten generations of your family combined. I don't think he's too concerned about your opinion. I know I'm not.... :lamo
Wow are you full of spite and right wing propaganda. Get it through your head; many of us don't like a corrupt president, with awful policy, who is largely incompetent, and mostly a blithering idiot and Twitter Troll; it's simple cause and effect. Yeah, the NATION is miserable to a degreee (an unnecessary one), because this MORON couldn't respond to a virus, like EVERY OTHER NATION IN THE WORLD. Nobody is generally miserable over it, save maybe you, knowing you're about to lose your orange daddy, How lost you will be without his Twitter dumassery to guide you through life? :lamo

Don't bother me while I'm derailing your thread.
Don't bother me while I'm derailing your thread.

In your fantasies perhaps. Trump is an absolute failure in nearly every endeavor he touches. and spin it much as you like, failure is still failure.
That guy has made more money than probably the last ten generations of your family combined. I don't think he's too concerned about your opinion. I know I'm not.... :lamo

Like I said, I could see why it would attract you.
Everybody at this point, including even you, understands that Trump is human garbage. Aside from the few remaining supporters who are too dumb, insecure, or partisan to admit it, everyone gets it. Some of course have nothing better to do with their lives than show up in random internet forums, don pom poms and short skirts, and do their song and dance routine for big orange daddy with the golden toilet, because without that singular purpose their lives would have no meaning, but the sane people with jobs that actually contribute to society have enough brain cells to rub together to understand the situation, you see.

And yes, pandemics in which Trump could have actively reduced the number of dead but refused to do so? Yeah, dead relatives due to government incompetence just might make some people miserable.

Because they prefer live relatives to dead ones, you see.

Go mow your ****ing lawn and call it progress.

You're miserable too? Hang in there. All Biden has to do is push his magic belly button, and the sun will shine again.
Like I said, I could see why it would attract you.

No, not buying that. You're a Trumper, Empathic thinking is a skill absent in such types. Anything hasn't hit you dead in the face personally isn't real to you....
In your fantasies perhaps. Trump is an absolute failure in nearly every endeavor he touches. and spin it much as you like, failure is still failure.

Well, that's original. There really aren't any threads like this here. Meanwhile, the light is on at the nursing station indicating Biden has crapped his pants again. It's kinda orange because of those pureed carrots.
No, not buying that. You're a Trumper, Empathic thinking is a skill absent in such types. Anything hasn't hit you dead in the face personally isn't real to you....

More stupidity?

I dislike Trump as much as any person on this forum.

It's the people like you with a very limited capacity of thought, who will never understand that why non Trump supporters can despise liberals.
Well, that's original. There really aren't any threads like this here. Meanwhile, the light is on at the nursing station indicating Biden has crapped his pants again. It's kinda orange because of those pureed carrots.

A failed narrative? :lamo Come back with an actual argument.... :cool:

Gonna suck losing ain't it? :lamo
In your fantasies perhaps. Trump is an absolute failure in nearly every endeavor he touches. and spin it much as you like, failure is still failure.

I'm not touting Trump. I'm denigrating Biden. I have empty mason jars that are smarter than that demented liar.
More stupidity?

I dislike Trump as much as any person on this forum.

It's the people like you with a very limited capacity of thought, who will never understand that why non Trump supporters can despise liberals.

It's telling that you spend your life "despising" anyone. Most of us don't have time for that in life. Well enjoy your bitterness, I'm sure it will be of great comfort to you till the day you die.... :lamo
A failed narrative? :lamo Come back with an actual argument.... :cool:

Gonna suck losing ain't it? :lamo

Yep, Biden knocked one outta the sandbox. That's where the cats defecate, ya know. He knocked a cat turd outta the sandbox, and you're impressed. Figures.
It's telling that you spend your life "despising" anyone. Most of us don't have time for that in life. Well enjoy your bitterness, I'm sure it will be of great comfort to you till the day you die.... :lamo

And yet, you come on here despising?

That's about as bipolar as a person can get. :lamo
Yep, Biden knocked one outta the sandbox. That's where the cats defecate, ya know. He knocked a cat turd outta the sandbox, and you're impressed. Figures.

An actual altzheimer's patient (not your fantasy about Joe) could make Trump look stupid. Trump IS and always has been a moron.

No I'm not "impressed" but at least with Joe you get a guy who genuinely gives a **** about something beyond himself, his wealth and his ego being stroked.

Anything is impressive compared to the baby who has been pretending to be president. :lamo
Yep, Biden knocked one outta the sandbox. That's where the cats defecate, ya know. He knocked a cat turd outta the sandbox, and you're impressed. Figures.

When you lower the bar of success enough, mediocrity begins to look pretty good.
And yet, you come on here despising?

That's about as bipolar as a person can get. :lamo

No you just come here too inept to understand what's going oin, so you fling poo like a monkey. :monkey

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