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Trump floats expanded presidential powers during rally speech, saying he would make every executive-branch employee 'fireable' by POTUS (1 Viewer)


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Jan 22, 2019
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Trump floats expanded presidential powers during rally speech, saying he would make every executive-branch employee 'fireable' by POTUS

  • At a rally Saturday, Donald Trump said he would expand the president's powers if reelected.
  • He said this would include "making every executive-branch employee fireable by the president."
  • Trump also hinted once more that he would be running in the 2024 presidential election.
During a rally on Saturday, former President Donald Trump floated an expansion of presidential powers.

Speaking to rallygoers in Florence, South Carolina, he suggested that if he were reelected, the president would have the power to fire anyone who works in the government's executive branch.

"We will pass critical reforms making every executive-branch employee fireable by the president of the United States.
end quote

It will be great for America if this Low Life S.O.B. has a massive stroke or Heart Attack.... He is so desperate to want to be the Tyrant of America.

Trump floats expanded presidential powers during rally speech, saying he would make every executive-branch employee 'fireable' by POTUS

  • At a rally Saturday, Donald Trump said he would expand the president's powers if reelected.
  • He said this would include "making every executive-branch employee fireable by the president."
  • Trump also hinted once more that he would be running in the 2024 presidential election.
During a rally on Saturday, former President Donald Trump floated an expansion of presidential powers.

Speaking to rallygoers in Florence, South Carolina, he suggested that if he were reelected, the president would have the power to fire anyone who works in the government's executive branch.

"We will pass critical reforms making every executive-branch employee fireable by the president of the United States.
end quote

It will be great for America if this Low Life S.O.B. has a massive stroke or Heart Attack.... He is so desperate to want to be the Tyrant of America.

Sounds good to me. This is something that has been needed for a long time.

btw, what part of "We will pass critical reforms..." do you not understand? This has nothing to do with "expanded presidential powers". This is about Congress.

Sounds good to me. This is something that has been needed for a long time.

btw, what part of "We will pass critical reforms..." do you not understand? This has nothing to do with "expanded presidential powers". This is about Congress.

When Trump says "we" he means "him" :ROFLMAO:
When Trump says "we" he means "him" :ROFLMAO:

He's talking about a Republican-controlled Congress and him.

Seriously...if you didn't have stupid spin and lies, you'd have nothing to say here.

Sounds good to me. This is something that has been needed for a long time.

btw, what part of "We will pass critical reforms..." do you not understand? This has nothing to do with "expanded presidential powers". This is about Congress.
Bullshit, either you can't read or don't comprehend what you read. The low life S.O.B. wants to be a TYRANT... his dumb ass don't understand what the Role and Job of a President is. It damn sure is not to try and supervise, manage, and hire and fire government employees.

The best thing for America, is for this S.O.B. to have a stoke or a heart attack.... it would have been good if the plane that had engine trouble has lost all engines !
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He's talking about a Republican-controlled Congress and him.

Seriously...if you didn't have stupid spin and lies, you'd have nothing to say here.

Or someone has no sense of humor. Guess for some we can only say kind and good things about Trump.

He's talking about a Republican-controlled Congress and him.

Seriously...if you didn't have stupid spin and lies, you'd have nothing to say here.
Yeah, he wants Congress to hand the presidency more power. We all understand that.

Do you agree with him that this is something Congress should do?
The Loser rallies are ****ing embarrassing, go home.

He's talking about a Republican-controlled Congress and him.

Seriously...if you didn't have stupid spin and lies, you'd have nothing to say here.
You are such an anti American it is ****ing pathertic. Get the **** out of our country.
Yeah, he wants Congress to hand the presidency more power. We all understand that.
Congress makes the laws...the President signs them. That's how it works, you know?

And yes...every President tells Congress what he wants them to do.

Do you agree with him that this is something Congress should do?
I do.

The President is the head of the Executive Branch. He should have the right to hire and fire.

No employee should be exempt from that. It doesn't work in the business world and it certainly doesn't work in the federal government.
Congress makes the laws...the President signs them. That's how it works, you know?

And yes...every President tells Congress what he wants them to do.

I do.

The President is the head of the Executive Branch. He should have the right to hire and fire.

No employee should be exempt from that. It doesn't work in the business world and it certainly doesn't work in the federal government.
Trump’s picks were some of the worst in our history, how many quit? Jared Kushner help Donny screw the pooch for 4 years.
Congress makes the laws...the President signs them. That's how it works, you know?

And yes...every President tells Congress what he wants them to do.

I do.

The President is the head of the Executive Branch. He should have the right to hire and fire.

No employee should be exempt from that. It doesn't work in the business world and it certainly doesn't work in the federal government.
A purely politically appointed executive branch is an incredibly dangerous and frightening concept.
A purely politically appointed executive branch is an incredibly dangerous and frightening concept.
It's not as bad as an executive branch that is politically biased against the current President.
It's not as bad as an executive branch that is politically biased against the current President.
Neither is a good thing.There are people of all political stripes in the executive branch. Most just doing their jobs without political influence.

Trump floats expanded presidential powers during rally speech, saying he would make every executive-branch employee 'fireable' by POTUS

  • At a rally Saturday, Donald Trump said he would expand the president's powers if reelected.
  • He said this would include "making every executive-branch employee fireable by the president."
  • Trump also hinted once more that he would be running in the 2024 presidential election.
During a rally on Saturday, former President Donald Trump floated an expansion of presidential powers.

Speaking to rallygoers in Florence, South Carolina, he suggested that if he were reelected, the president would have the power to fire anyone who works in the government's executive branch.

"We will pass critical reforms making every executive-branch employee fireable by the president of the United States.
end quote

It will be great for America if this Low Life S.O.B. has a massive stroke or Heart Attack.... He is so desperate to want to be the Tyrant of America.
Was Trump by any chance talking about a certain NIH Director?
Bullshit, either you can't read or don't comprehend what you read. The low life S.O.B. wants to be a TYRANT... his dumb ass don't understand what the Role and Job of a President is. It damn sure is not to try and supervise, manage, and hire and fire government employees.

The best thing for America, is for this S.O.B. to have a stoke or a heart attack.... it would have been good if the plane that had engine trouble has lost all engines !

The president is head of the executive department.
His job includes supervising the work of subordinates within that department.

Sounds good to me. This is something that has been needed for a long time.

btw, what part of "We will pass critical reforms..." do you not understand? This has nothing to do with "expanded presidential powers". This is about Congress.
It’s a total shit idea that shouldn’t and won’t happen.

Aside from appointed positions granted by the Constitution and law, other federal civil service employees are rightly protected from politically motivated revenge.

Trump floats expanded presidential powers during rally speech, saying he would make every executive-branch employee 'fireable' by POTUS

  • At a rally Saturday, Donald Trump said he would expand the president's powers if reelected.
  • He said this would include "making every executive-branch employee fireable by the president."
  • Trump also hinted once more that he would be running in the 2024 presidential election.
During a rally on Saturday, former President Donald Trump floated an expansion of presidential powers.

Speaking to rallygoers in Florence, South Carolina, he suggested that if he were reelected, the president would have the power to fire anyone who works in the government's executive branch.

"We will pass critical reforms making every executive-branch employee fireable by the president of the United States.
end quote

It will be great for America if this Low Life S.O.B. has a massive stroke or Heart Attack.... He is so desperate to want to be the Tyrant of America.
tRump is an authoritarian whack-job's wet dream. The fascist will love this.

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