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Trump denies he said "sh**holes." But this time there are witnesses that prove he's just a liar. (1 Viewer)

Re: Trump denies he said "sh**holes." But this time there are witnesses that prove he's just a liar.

Nice avatar, dear. Remember when the GOP regulars in your state called Nikki Haley a 'raghead' during her GOP primary for governor? She's been awfully silent on this ****hole matter, considering where her family came from. I wouldn't mind hearing from GOP governors Susana Martinez and Brian Sandoval also ...

He is getting a little blowback, but not nearly enough. Hopefully it will continue.

Many rats have abandoned this sinking ship.
Re: Trump denies he said "sh**holes." But this time there are witnesses that prove he's just a liar.

Oh no - he loooooves Norway, and wants them to come here. But why would they come here? :lol: They have free health care, free college, paid parental leave, subsidized day care, 46% of women in political power, and they were just voted the world's happiest country. Why would they want to come to this ****hole?

They have free tuition up to two PHD level degrees or a MD and two specialties.....all covered including expenses. The only thing that is an issue is care for the elderly, but Norwegians don't usually stay out of country for long.
Re: Trump denies he said "sh**holes." But this time there are witnesses that prove he's just a liar.

I just want to point out that Trump himself didn't even deny it to the next day. Someone must have told him to deny it. Trump usually responds to anything he doesn't like or considers a lie about him on twitter right away. But this time he didn't. Reminded me of how he first acted during the Charlottesville fiasco.

Yes! It's like, "Hell yeah I said it and you can go piss up a rope if you don't like it!" And then someone took him aside (which, I believe, happens often in this White House) and said, "yeah, dude - that was messed up."

Most politicians or people in power would apologize for a screwup this large. This guy? Deny, deny, deny.
Re: Trump denies he said "sh**holes." But this time there are witnesses that prove he's just a liar.

Oh no - he loooooves Norway, and wants them to come here. But why would they come here? :lol: They have free health care, free college, paid parental leave, subsidized day care, 46% of women in political power, and they were just voted the world's happiest country. Why would they want to come to this ****hole?

Here's my opinion on why Trump and his worshippers want more people from Norway to come here: https://www.debatepolitics.com/gene...rwegians-want-move-here-4.html#post1068047201

It's all about political power, IMO. But as you pointed out, white Norwegians generally have vastly different political beliefs compared to many white Americans. Trump is apparently too stupid to realize this.
Re: Trump denies he said "sh**holes." But this time there are witnesses that prove he's just a liar.

They have free tuition up to two PHD level degrees or a MD and two specialties.....all covered including expenses. The only thing that is an issue is care for the elderly, but Norwegians don't usually stay out of country for long.

Seriously? 2 PHDs? Geez louise!
Re: Trump denies he said "sh**holes." But this time there are witnesses that prove he's just a liar.

I just want to point out that Trump himself didn't even deny it to the next day. Someone must have told him to deny it. Trump usually responds to anything he doesn't like or considers a lie about him on twitter right away. But this time he didn't. Reminded me of how he first acted during the Charlottesville fiasco.

And even with that denial he also DEFENDED it

Trump partly denies, also defends vulgar comments - World - CBC News
U.S. President Donald Trump on Friday offered a partial denial in public but privately defended his extraordinary remarks disparaging Haitians and African countries a day earlier. Trump said he was only expressing what many people think but won't say about immigrants from economically depressed countries, according to a person who spoke to the president as criticism of his comments ricocheted around the globe.
Re: Trump denies he said "sh**holes." But this time there are witnesses that prove he's just a liar.

Seriously? 2 PHDs? Geez louise!

Knew a couple that were living in Vancouver for her work. He cxouldn't get a job in his field - biological research and so went back to school to get a second PHD in "climate sciences".

He was constantly irate that "the government" would not get him a job. Someone suggested he look for one and he went nuts "In Norway.....yada yada"

Yeah, the sense of entitlement is very strong there. Even Swedes don't like them and Swedes are more polite than Canadians!
Re: Trump denies he said "sh**holes." But this time there are witnesses that prove he's just a liar.

Here's my opinion on why Trump and his worshippers want more people from Norway to come here: https://www.debatepolitics.com/gene...rwegians-want-move-here-4.html#post1068047201

It's all about political power, IMO. But as you pointed out, white Norwegians generally have vastly different political beliefs compared to many white Americans. Trump is apparently too stupid to realize this.


It's about color. There are nine black people in all of Norway (and they are visiting), everyone else is white anbd usually blonde and blue eyed.
Re: Trump denies he said "sh**holes." But this time there are witnesses that prove he's just a liar.


It's about color. There are nine black people in all of Norway (and they are visiting), everyone else is white anbd usually blonde and blue eyed.

I'd say a combination of both. There is a belief among some Trump fanatics (I was debating this last night with one of them), that a predominately white America = Permanent Republican control of the government. I believe Trump believes this (since most of his supporters are white), and assumes that because Norwegians are white, that they would automatically vote Republican if they became citizens of the US.
Re: Trump denies he said "sh**holes." But this time there are witnesses that prove he's just a liar.

Oh no - he loooooves Norway, and wants them to come here. But why would they come here? :lol: They have free health care, free college, paid parental leave, subsidized day care, 46% of women in political power, and they were just voted the world's happiest country. Why would they want to come to this ****hole?

Russian women are coming to miami-mama, staying in trump properties, and having "anchor' babies; against ****hole's America First agenda.

Meanwhile, word is getting out on White Nationalist Stephen 'Bannon' Miller.

And, from sessions kowtowing to trump, legal programs to help Black Crack are out and those to help White Opioid are in ...
Re: Trump denies he said "sh**holes." But this time there are witnesses that prove he's just a liar.


So it's clear now that the president is a liar. Why would anyone ever believe anything he says?

Trump is a well known pathological liar.
a person who lies compulsively usually for no external gain or benefit and often with detrimental consequences
https://www.merriam-webster.com/medical/pathological liar

In fact, Trump won the Politifact LIAR of the YEAR award. He lies so much they couldn't keep up with them--:lamo

PolitiFact has named Donald Trump the winner of its annual “Lie of the Year” competition — and it's not even close.

The fact-checking website has rated 76 percent of Trump’s statements “mostly false,” “false" or “pants on fire,” out of 77 statements checked. "No other politician has as many statements rated so far down on the dial," PolitiFact observes. “In considering our annual Lie of the Year, we found our only real contenders were Trump’s — his various statements also led our Readers’ Poll,” PolitiFact staff members write. “But it was hard to single one out from the others. So we have rolled them into one big trophy.”

“When it comes to inaccurate statements, the Donald was on fire,” PolitiFact continues.

Last edited:
Re: Trump denies he said "sh**holes." But this time there are witnesses that prove he's just a liar.

Russian women are coming to miami-mama, staying in trump properties, and having "anchor' babies; against ****hole's America First agenda.

Meanwhile, word is getting out on White Nationalist Stephen 'Bannon' Miller.

And, from sessions kowtowing to trump, legal programs to help Black Crack are out and those to help White Opioid are in ...

I saw that on the news tonight - about the Russian women coming to Miami and staying in Trump properties?

So I guess it's OK for attractive Russian women to come here and have anchor babies, but not other women?
Re: Trump denies he said "sh**holes." But this time there are witnesses that prove he's just a liar.

I saw that on the news tonight - about the Russian women coming to Miami and staying in Trump properties?

So I guess it's OK for attractive Russian women to come here and have anchor babies, but not other women?

I'm sure GOPs in Florida are seeing the newly arrived 1/4 million Puerto Ricans who'll be voting this year, plus having babies.

TEApot Dome Zinke has certainly stirred the waters off the coasts of Southern GOP states. That slick oil deal with Rik Scott won"t stop oil slicks from hitting Florida beaches ...
Re: Trump denies he said "sh**holes." But this time there are witnesses that prove he's just a liar.

Emperor Trump is annointed by God. I don't believe he has a dishonest bone in his body! Don't believe the lies they hurl at God's annointed messiah. People lied uttered falsehoods against Jesus too!
Re: Trump denies he said "sh**holes." But this time there are witnesses that prove he's just a liar.


So it's clear now that the president is a liar. Why would anyone ever believe anything he says?

There were six people in the room Durbin was the only one making the accusations. Graham is waffling and the other four say it did not happen.

This is not the first time Durbin has been caught in this type of lie. https://www.redstate.com/moe_lane/2013/10/23/dick-durbin-obamacare-white-house-captain-crazypants/
Re: Trump denies he said "sh**holes." But this time there are witnesses that prove he's just a liar.

Graham and Durbin both proved Trump is a liar. Which most of us already knew anyway.

A liar and a racist. What a combination.

There were six people in the room four say it did not happen. Of the two with the ridiculous immigration bill, one is waffling.

When the going get tough Democrats lie about racism.
Re: Trump denies he said "sh**holes." But this time there are witnesses that prove he's just a liar.

Trump is a well known pathological liar.

https://www.merriam-webster.com/medical/pathological liar

In fact, Trump won the Politifact LIAR of the YEAR award. He lies so much they couldn't keep up with them--:lamo



Conflict of Interest: PolitiFact and the Clinton Foundation Share Megadonor
I have long pointed out that PolitiFact is objectively biased. Surveys done by the University of Minnesota and George Mason University have shown that the supposedly impartial "fact checking" news organization rates Republican claims as false three times as often as Democratic claims and twice as much, respectively.

This election, rather unsurprisingly, the organization has more or less operated as if it was part of the Hillary Clinton campaign. Just to name a few examples, it has done this through astonishingly incompetent defenses of Clinton's email lies, not adhering to its own standards for what is rated true, and even done fact checks of Donald Trump that are plainly wrong. (And given the way Trump stretches the truth, it's a real feat to inaccurately fact check him.)

Well, now Mark Tapscott at the Daily Caller News Foundation has pointed out something very curious. It turns out that the Clinton Foundation and PolitiFact, which is funded through the Poynter Foundation, share a major donor. And there's a serious conflict of interest as a result:

Aaron Sharockman insisted Politifact had no financial ties whatsoever to the Clinton Foundation after publishing an error-laden critique of The Daily Caller News Foundation's Sept. 19 report on "watered down" HIV/AIDS drugs given to millions of people in Africa by the former president's controversial nonprofit.
"We have never received funding from the Omidyar Network, and we have no connection or relationship to the Clinton Foundation other than covering it," Sharockman, who is Politifact's executive director, told TheDCNF.
The reality is that Politifact shares a mega-donor with the Clinton Foundation. Here's how:
The Omidyar Network was created by eBay founder Pierre Omidyar. So was the Democracy Fund. Both Omidyar groups fund various projects of the Poynter Institute, which owns the Tampa Bay Times, Politifact's home base.
One of those projects — a partnership between Politifact and another group "to fact-check claims about global health and development" — was funded with $225,000 from the Omidyar Network. Pierre Omidyar and his wife, Pamela, gave $1 million to the Clinton Foundation's HIV/AIDS drug distribution program.
It was that Omidyar-funded Clinton Foundation program that was the prime focus of TheDCNF's report, which was inaccurately attacked by Politifact's Jon Greenberg, a former NPR reporter.

Read the whole thing. To recap, as previously mentioned, PolitiFact has an overwhelming problem with selection bias. Heading into the last election, it rated President Obama's claim that people would be allowed to keep their health insurance under Obamacare true multiple times and attacked Mitt Romney for saying millions would lose it. The year after Obama was reelected, PolitiFact then flip-flopped after 8 million people—and counting—lost their health insurance and made Obama's claim "lie of the year", but not before offering up a spectacularly disingenuous defense of its error. According to PolitiFact, people who pointed out Obamacare's flaws were "obsessed" and "oversimplifying" Obama's cut-and-dried claim that "If you like your health care plan, you'll be able to keep your health care plan, period. No one will take it away, no matter what."

And now PolitiFact has done a fact check that exposes a serious conflict of interest between it and the presidential candidate it is supposed to be tenaciously covering. While the organization is not unique in that lots of journalistic endeavors have donors, the specific nature of this conflict raises very valid questions about whether it is tailoring its fact checks to appease a specific donor. And it's also part and parcel of a larger pattern of questionable practices at PolitiFact. At this point, PolitiFact's lack of institutional credibility simply can't be ignored.
Re: Trump denies he said "sh**holes." But this time there are witnesses that prove he's just a liar.

There were six people in the room four say it did not happen. Of the two with the ridiculous immigration bill, one is waffling.

When the going get tough Democrats lie about racism.

Who is saying it didn't happen? There are a few "I don't remembers." I.e., soft non-denials that essentially amount to affirmations. Then there are those whose memories actually are intact.

Tim Scott: Lindsey Graham confirmed Trump's '****hole' comment
Sen. Tim Scott, R-S.C., said fellow South Carolina Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham confirmed President Trump referred to some nations as “****hole countries” during a White House meeting that Graham attended with lawmakers Thursday.

Scott told the Post and Courier that Graham said the comments that have been widely reported by the press are “basically accurate.”
Re: Trump denies he said "sh**holes." But this time there are witnesses that prove he's just a liar.


Has it taken you this long to figure that out?

As soon as I heard the "**** hole" story I knew the son-of-a-bitch racist prick would deny it.

Of course he lies...his whole administration has been one huge ****ing lie from "mine was the largest inauguration in history" to "I have big hands" the whole shtick is a lie.

I've known he was a liar from the beginning. It seems there are plenty here who continually believe Trump denials.

The "sh**hole comment is not the only deplorable comment attributable to Trump. This is just the only time we have witnesses willing to tell the truth. All the other times Trump is able to get away with calling the reports "fake news."

Here we see:

1. Trump supporters saying "I don't recall" -- lying to protect the president
2. Trump denying and lying

Now we have someone in the room to counter the administration lies.
Re: Trump denies he said "sh**holes." But this time there are witnesses that prove he's just a liar.

I'm sure GOPs in Florida are seeing the newly arrived 1/4 million Puerto Ricans who'll be voting this year, plus having babies.

TEApot Dome Zinke has certainly stirred the waters off the coasts of Southern GOP states. That slick oil deal with Rik Scott won"t stop oil slicks from hitting Florida beaches ...

Honestly, I was surprised when Rick Scott got elected. The Floridians I know absolutely hate him. That being said, Florida is deceptively red, and I'm not talking normal Republicans. I live about an hour north of Jacksonville, and the hate and divisiveness there is shocking. The stuff you see here by the usual suspects are just as bad, if not worse, in Jacksonville. I had no idea Jacksonville was that deep, deep red.
Re: Trump denies he said "sh**holes." But this time there are witnesses that prove he's just a liar.

I've known he was a liar from the beginning. It seems there are plenty here who continually believe Trump denials.

The "sh**hole comment is not the only deplorable comment attributable to Trump. This is just the only time we have witnesses willing to tell the truth. All the other times Trump is able to get away with calling the reports "fake news."

Here we see:

1. Trump supporters saying "I don't recall" -- lying to protect the president
2. Trump denying and lying

Now we have someone in the room to counter the administration lies.

Interesting points.

I have to say I was surprised at the reaction when I first learned only a Democrat could verify. That usually is a loaded gun of denial with which his sock puppets could insult their way out of it.

Instead it's blown up world wide. It is a rare day that CBC leads with any kind of American story, this lead every newscast yesterday from the major at 8 through to n examination of his denial - he seemed to be supporting what he sad while denying he said it - and ending with reactions and condemnations around the world from nations around the world.

What also surprised me was the wording of the international protests, not the usual fluff of diplomacy.
Re: Trump denies he said "sh**holes." But this time there are witnesses that prove he's just a liar.

It's okay for obama to bomb third world countries but as soon as trump calls them a sh*thole then it's a problem? ok.
Re: Trump denies he said "sh**holes." But this time there are witnesses that prove he's just a liar.

Graham and Durbin both proved Trump is a liar. Which most of us already knew anyway.

A liar and a racist. What a combination.

I'll tell you why. Because he is getting so much done, and we are going to benefit from his future actions. I wonder why you don't like the president more.

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