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Trump dashes Cruz' hopes in Indiana (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jan 30, 2006
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Los Angeles
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If the numbers hold up, it looks like a major trouncing. With 15% reporting Trump has a 20 point lead over Lying Desperate Ted. This should be the stake to the heard of Cruz.
So much for that Trump ceiling. Now we just see how badly Cruz wants a future career in politics.
It is a shame all Cruz wanted to enforce the laws and open energy up. And not that its important, deal with ISIS the right way.

Donald Trump took a major step toward sewing up the Republican presidential nomination Tuesday with a victory in Indiana's primary election, dashing the hopes of rival Ted Cruz and other GOP forces who fear the brash businessman will doom their party in the general election.

Cruz' hopes of winning the nomination are now toast on a stick. Good riddance to that sociopathic rodent.
It is a shame all Cruz wanted to enforce the laws and open energy up. And not that its important, deal with ISIS the right way.

He can still do that in the senate if he drops the whining and calls his campaign a day. If he keeps going, he has no future.
He can still do that in the senate if he drops the whining and calls his campaign a day. If he keeps going, he has no future.

How about Secretary of Defense?
If the numbers hold up, it looks like a major trouncing. With 15% reporting Trump has a 20 point lead over Lying Desperate Ted. This should be the stake to the heard of Cruz.

:ind: Right now Trump has more votes than Bernie and Hillary combined. You're welcome, Democrats! Be careful what you wish for. :ind:
Trump rules!!!!!!!!!!!!

Feels goooood!!!
:ind: Right now Trump has more votes than Bernie and Hillary combined. You're welcome, Democrats! Be careful what you wish for. :ind:

Actually...that's not true...but thanks for playing!
How about Secretary of Defense?

Nah, I think he's talked himself out of a future Trump administration. Texas will keep sending him to Washington as a senator if he doesn't keep going as he has and pollute himself with the sore loser label.
Umm.... Yes it is...

I misunderstood....I thought he was referring to all the votes cast....certainly with 47% reporting....Trump does have more than Bernie and Hilary in Indiana.
Trump for President of the United States!

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If the numbers hold up, it looks like a major trouncing. With 15% reporting Trump has a 20 point lead over Lying Desperate Ted. This should be the stake to the heard of Cruz.

Why this lying Ted nonsense, that is just Trump speak, and it is a very hypocritical attack on Ted Cruz by Trump because the man is a humongous liar himself. Ted's father being implicated in the shooting of JFK? What kind of drugs is the Donald smoking or is it further evidence that he is a moronic idiot.
Rumors are flying around Twitter that Cruz has dropped out entirely. Stay tuned.
Why this lying Ted nonsense, that is just Trump speak, and it is a very hypocritical attack on Ted Cruz by Trump because the man is a humongous liar himself. Ted's father being implicated in the shooting of JFK? What kind of drugs is the Donald smoking or is it further evidence that he is a moronic idiot.

Why not...anything is possible. Wait until Trump starts dumping on Hillary...I'm looking forward to it!

Rumors are flying around Twitter that Cruz has dropped out entirely. Stay tuned.

Yep! Just announced on NBC
Actually...that's not true...but thanks for playing!

At the time I posted Trump had over 300,000 votes while Bernie and Hillary had less than that. Now, this is where it gets interesting. In the 2008 general election, Indiana went to Obama. With 98% of the precincts reporting, Trump got 589,000 votes out of more than 1 million Republican votes cast. Bernie got 334,000 and Hillary about 303,000, so Trump ended up with almost as many votes as both of them combined with Cruz still in the race. In Ohio, another swing state, about 1.2 million Republican votes were cast. Trump got 726,000 votes, which was more than Clinton or Bernie, and Trump was running against a popular incumbent governor.

A few weeks ago I would have said Trump didn't stand a chance against Hillary, but now I'm not so sure. I think Trump can beat her. We may be witnessing a revolution.
Anyone catch Fiorina falling down after introducing Cruz the other day? The joke is "Not even Carly's own ankles support her."
Why this lying Ted nonsense, that is just Trump speak, and it is a very hypocritical attack on Ted Cruz by Trump because the man is a humongous liar himself. Ted's father being implicated in the shooting of JFK? What kind of drugs is the Donald smoking or is it further evidence that he is a moronic idiot.

All the while.................you say nothing about the 40 years of lies from Clinton....the Biggest Liar ....by far!!!

Anyone catch Fiorina falling down after introducing Cruz the other day? The joke is "Not even Carly's own ankles support her."

:lamo She ruined HP and I wouldn't give her any respect after that fiasco!

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