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Trump Campaign’s Threat on TV Licenses May Be Mostly Bluster (1 Viewer)

Then Facebook can do as it pleases to limit anyone's speech or even lies. The Constitution limits the government.

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You think the Constitution only limits the government for free speech? Thats a new one on me.

The Constitution protects free speech for all. But that doesn't protect falsifying information to incite.
Well since the ad is using TRUMP'S OWN LIES, Trump's comments really are FAKE NEWS. Thank you for admitting that.

If you feel the need to take my post out of context to make your point, maybe it isn't a good point.
You see. Thats the problem with Liberals. They love to put words in your mouth so they have something to argue about. Show me where I said anyones claim was bogus.

If they received a cease and desist and decided to ignore it, they will be served with a lawsuit.

Not if the letter was an impotent bluff.
You think the Constitution only limits the government for free speech? Thats a new one on me.

Um, the Constitution PROHIBITS Congress from restricting free speech. The Constitution DOES NOT PROHIBIT anyone else from limiting what they allow to be said using their own facilities.

The Constitution protects free speech for all.

More or less, but try publicly advocating the assassination of the President of the United States of America (without actually calling of someone specific to do it or saying that you were going to do it yourself) and see how "free" your speech is.

But that doesn't protect falsifying information to incite.

If one is allowed to have free speech, then that means that one is allowed to spread falsehoods as well as non-falsehoods. As long as no SPECIFIC CRIME is being advocated, then there is no restriction on what can be said (subject, of course, to such reasonable limits as may be prescribed by law and/or tradition).
You think the Constitution only limits the government for free speech? Thats a new one on me.

The Constitution protects free speech for all. But that doesn't protect falsifying information to incite.
No it doesn't. If you go into a store talking about how the employees are all lackeys of a capitalistic oligarchy bent on making slaves of everyone, waiting for a chance to put tattoos on your face to mark you as theirs, then the owners or managers have a right to kick you out, even get you arrested for trespassing if you refuse to leave, even if they are only making you leave because of what you are saying.

And you can lie or misrepresent info about others. Almost all politicians do, including Trump. This ad isnt even lying. The words are his.

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Trump Campaign’s Threat on TV Licenses May Be Mostly Bluster

Trump appoints members at FCC which controls TV licenses. Broadcasters in battleground states told to stop using ad.


The television ad which the Trump re-election campaign strenuously objects to is included below.

It faithfully chronicles Trumps abdication of leadership on coronavirus when America needed leadership the most.


Exponential Threat

I hope America never stoops to the level of atheististic communist nations where one political party controls the media and only allows its own propaganda to air.
I hope America never stoops to the level of atheististic communist nations where one political party controls the media and only allows its own propaganda to air.

By that, I would conclude that you are opposed to Mr. Trump's efforts to keep the ad off the air.

Am I correct? Do you oppose Mr. Trump's efforts to keep the ad off the air?
By that, I would conclude that you are opposed to Mr. Trump's efforts to keep the ad off the air.

Am I correct? Do you oppose Mr. Trump's efforts to keep the ad off the air?

No, I am not in favor of shutting down free speech, except for speech designed to stir up violence against innocent people.
No, I am not in favor of shutting down free speech, except for speech designed to stir up violence against innocent people.

The odour of "Now don't get me wrong because some of my best friends are _[fill in the blank], BUT ..." that permeates your post is almost overwhelming.

Let's try and make it simple. Please chose ONE ONLY of the following options:

  1. ____ "I AM opposed to Mr. Trump's efforts to keep the ad off the air."
  2. ____ "I AM NOT opposed to Mr. Trump's efforts to keep the ad off the air."
  3. ____ "If you think that I'm going to actually answer your question and expose how hypocritical I am, you are out of your skull and ought to be institutionalized."

NOTE - There is no "Option 4.".
Good. I am glad to hear it. Making fake accusations to create hysteria while taking advantage of a major crisis should have their license revoked.

I didn't hear you bitching about it when Facsbook stated doing it over Russian propaganda.

This all happens to be true. He said all of it.
No, I am not in favor of shutting down free speech, except for speech designed to stir up violence against innocent people.

Then you really want to make Trump shut up. Good for you.;)
The odour of "Now don't get me wrong because some of my best friends are _[fill in the blank], BUT ..." that permeates your post is almost overwhelming.

Let's try and make it simple. Please chose ONE ONLY of the following options:
  1. ____ "I AM opposed to Mr. Trump's efforts to keep the ad off the air."

  1. If I knew what the ad was about and what the arguments both for and against removing the ad I could offer an opinion which is more specific than the opinion I already offered.

    [*]____ "I AM NOT opposed to Mr. Trump's efforts to keep the ad off the air."

    Do republicans air ads that should not be aired? I think the possibility exists. Do democrats air ads that should not be aired? I think the possibility exists. Should I give an opinion about an ad I know nothing about and have not be familiarized with all the arguments from both sides?

    [*]____ "If you think that I'm going to actually answer your question and expose how hypocritical I am, you are out of your skull and ought to be institutionalized."

Should I make a fool of myself for blindly signing onto whatever position my political party espouses on this? Absolutely not, and neither should anyone else.

NOTE - There is no "Option 4.".
Last edited:
Then you really want to make Trump shut up. Good for you.;)

Maybe Trump does talk too much. I don't think Biden's problem is that he talks all the time but more that so much of what he says is just embarrassing for the democrat party. Fortunately, this virus lockup has Biden safely out of public view so he will not be doing as much damage to the democrat party by speaking publicly so much.
If I knew what the ad was about and what the arguments both for and against removing the ad I could offer an opinion which is more specific than the opinion I already offered.

Your previous opinion was

I hope America never stoops to the level of atheististic communist nations where one political party controls the media and only allows its own propaganda to air.

Are you now telling me that you simply don't know what was included in the ad that you posted in response to a post that included the ad as a link?

Do republicans air ads that should not be aired? I think the possibility exists. Do democrats air ads that should not be aired? I think the possibility exists. Should I give an opinion about an ad I know nothing about and have not be familiarized with all the arguments from both sides?

Your previous opinion was

I hope America never stoops to the level of atheististic communist nations where one political party controls the media and only allows its own propaganda to air.

Are you now telling me that you simply don't know what was included in the ad that you posted in response to a post that included the ad as a link?

Should I make a fool of myself for blindly signing onto whatever position my political party espouses on this? Absolutely not, and neither should anyone else.

Fair enough, now how about "Should I make a fool of my self by posting an opinion concerning an when you simply don't know what was included in the ad that you posted in response to a post that included the ad as a link?"?

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