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Trump Campaign’s Threat on TV Licenses May Be Mostly Bluster (1 Viewer)

Rogue Valley

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Apr 18, 2013
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Trump Campaign’s Threat on TV Licenses May Be Mostly Bluster

Trump appoints members at FCC which controls TV licenses. Broadcasters in battleground states told to stop using ad.


The Trump re-election campaign told TV stations they could lose their operating licenses for airing an ad criticizing the president’s actions in the coronavirus crisis -- a challenge that may be more bluster than actual threat. President Donald Trump’s campaign, in a letter on Wednesday, told stations in five battleground states to stop showing the ad from Priorities USA, a political action committee that supports Democratic candidate Joe Biden. Failure to remove the ad “could put your station’s license in jeopardy” before the Federal Communications Commission, the campaign said in the letter. “Your station has an obligation to cease and desist from airing it immediately to comply with FCC licensing requirements.” Trump has an antagonistic relation with much of the media, which he accuses of issuing what he calls “fake news.” But the president has been accused by some news outlets of making misleading statements and telling lies, including regarding the coronavirus. Trump has threatened retaliation before, including musing about challenging NBC’s license in a 2017 tweet -- even though licenses are generally held by stations, not networks.

The FCC doesn’t appear to have grounds to act against the stations for airing contentious ads, said Jack Goodman, a Washington broadcast attorney, said in an interview. The ad “is core political speech” protected by First Amendment guarantees of free speech, Goodman said. “This is the sort of letter that stations get in political years, day in and day out,” Goodman said. “It’s intended to intimidate.” A license revocation would not be likely under any scenario, said Andrew Jay Schwartzman, senior counselor at the Benton Institute for Broadband & Society. Eventually a license renewal could be challenged before the FCC, but “such a petition would get nowhere.” The Trump campaign said it sent the letter to stations in Florida, Michigan, Minnesota, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin which it didn’t identify. Priorities USA responded to the Trump team’s “intimidation effort” by announcing Thursday that it would keep running the ad and also begin airing it in Arizona, where the group said it plans to spend $600,000 over the next few weeks. “Trump’s super-PAC and now Trump’s campaign are resorting to desperate threats to keep Americans from hearing the truth,” said Patrick McHugh, the executive director of Priorities. “Priorities USA will continue ensuring voters hear the truth.”

The television ad which the Trump re-election campaign strenuously objects to is included below.

It faithfully chronicles Trumps abdication of leadership on coronavirus when America needed leadership the most.


Exponential Threat
The FCC will rapidly find that such violates the 1st amendment and the courts will stop such.

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The FCC can censor 1st Amendment rights.
Trump Campaign’s Threat on TV Licenses May Be Mostly Bluster

Trump appoints members at FCC which controls TV licenses. Broadcasters in battleground states told to stop using ad.


The television ad which the Trump re-election campaign strenuously objects to is included below.

It faithfully chronicles Trumps abdication of leadership on coronavirus when America needed leadership the most.


Exponential Threat

Trump Campaign’s Threat on TV Licenses May Be Mostly Bluster

Trump appoints members at FCC which controls TV licenses. Broadcasters in battleground states told to stop using ad.


The television ad which the Trump re-election campaign strenuously objects to is included below.

It faithfully chronicles Trumps abdication of leadership on coronavirus when America needed leadership the most.


Exponential Threat

Good. I am glad to hear it. Making fake accusations to create hysteria while taking advantage of a major crisis should have their license revoked.

I didn't hear you bitching about it when Facsbook stated doing it over Russian propaganda.
The wannabe dictator continues his attack on the free press and the 1st amendment rights of Americans. Hopefully the constitution is robust enough to thwart him.
Good. I am glad to hear it. Making fake accusations to create hysteria while taking advantage of a major crisis should have their license revoked.

I didn't hear you bitching about it when Facsbook stated doing it over Russian propaganda.

This not lies from Russians posing as fake Americans. It is 100% truthful. There is no basis for censoring it.
Making fake accusations to create hysteria while taking advantage of a major crisis should have their license revoked.

Trumps very words. Most Americans don't belong to his cult.

Don't want to hear your stupidity tossed back at ya Donnie? Then stop tossing stupidity at us and expecting us to believe it.
Oh, he's going to try to piss all over the constitution? Trumpists will love that.

The uglier, the better.

Good. I am glad to hear it. Making fake accusations to create hysteria while taking advantage of a major crisis should have their license revoked.

I didn't hear you bitching about it when Facsbook stated doing it over Russian propaganda.

Oh look. The Trumpist is telling an ugly lie on command.

Remember folks: the ugliness is the point.
Good. I am glad to hear it. Making fake accusations to create hysteria while taking advantage of a major crisis should have their license revoked.

I didn't hear you bitching about it when Facsbook stated doing it over Russian propaganda.

Applauding censorship. True Trumpsterism.
Trump Campaign’s Threat on TV Licenses May Be Mostly Bluster

Trump appoints members at FCC which controls TV licenses. Broadcasters in battleground states told to stop using ad.


The television ad which the Trump re-election campaign strenuously objects to is included below.

It faithfully chronicles Trumps abdication of leadership on coronavirus when America needed leadership the most.


Exponential Threat

A very well crafted (and factually accurate) ad.
A very well crafted (and factually accurate) ad.

Didn’t see the ad.

Read the letter.

It isn’t even a veiled threat. It’s outright. Trump campaign threatens that a US President will use his power to enforce censorship on private media.
Trumps very words. Most Americans don't belong to his cult.

Don't want to hear your stupidity tossed back at ya Donnie? Then stop tossing stupidity at us and expecting us to believe it.

I know. Only screaming fire in a movie theater is just for Conservatives not to do. Somehow when the left does it and you correct them its a 1st amendment issue.

Thats why nobody cares what the left thinks anymore. Way to much hypocrisy to deal with.
This not lies from Russians posing as fake Americans. It is 100% truthful. There is no basis for censoring it.

Truthful huh. Like Kavanaugh is an alcoholic high school serial rapist, the Catholic high school kids are all racist, or Jussie Smollet was attacked by white guys with MAGA hats?
Yeah, we know how truthful the left is.
Only screaming fire in a movie theater is just for Conservatives not to do.

Nope, it's just reserved for when there's a fire in a movie theater. Nothing in that add is inaccurate. And applauding the government action against the free exercise of speech...well I guess that level of fascism should be expected from the neo-right these days.
Nope, it's just reserved for when there's a fire in a movie theater. Nothing in that add is inaccurate. And applauding the government action against the free exercise of speech...well I guess that level of fascism should be expected from the neo-right these days.

After the barrage of hundreds of fake left news stories over the last 3 years, you got a lot of balls to post that. But its what the left does.

Oh we didn't call Kavanaugh an alcoholic high school serial rapist
Oh we didn't call the Catholic High school kids racist
Oh we didn't say Trump was a planted Russian asset
Oh we didn't claim all Trumps loans were from Russian Oligarchs
Oh we didn't claim Trump was going to war with Iran
Oh we didn't say The Trump administration cut funding for the CDC.
Oh we didn't say Trump got rid of the pandemic unit at the National Security Council.
Oh we didn't say the Trump administration refused testing kits from WHO.
Oh we didn't say Trump muzzled his scientist.
Oh we didn't say Trump told Governors you're on your own in regards to buying ventilators.
Oh we didn't say Trump called the Corona virus a hoax.
Oh we didn't say Trump lied about Goggle working with him to provide a virus testing website for all Americans

Yeah, we've heard it all before. You guys have such convenient memories. The left lies so much they don't even know when they lie any more. Its about time we hold these lying POS media groups accountable. You don't like it because you think you have a right to make any claim you want without any fall out.

You want to see a difference. Stand in front of a US soldier and call them a punk lying ass. When you wake up bleeding on the street, you learn you can''t just call people anything you want and just get away with it. Its time to give the media a bloody nose. I say shut them down for 30 days every time they are caught knowingly lying to the American people.

The fact that you are against that tells anyone everything they need to know about you.
Nope, applauding stopping idiots from screaming fire in a movie theater.

Is Trump screaming fire here in a theater?


Exponential Threat
i'm starting to get the feeling that a larger and larger majority of Americans are ready to tell Trump to go **** himself.
The fact that you are against that tells anyone everything they need to know about you.

The fact that I'm against the use of government force against the free exercise of rights without due cause tells anyone everything they need to know about me? Probably so. Also that lean that says libertarian probably tells a lot of people about me too.

You applauding the use of government force against the rights and liberties of the People tells anyone everything they need to know about you. And it's pretty much as I stated earlier.
Truthful huh. Like Kavanaugh is an alcoholic high school serial rapist, the Catholic high school kids are all racist, or Jussie Smollet was attacked by white guys with MAGA hats?
Yeah, we know how truthful the left is.

The commercial is nothing but clips of Trump speaking his own words.
Nope, applauding stopping idiots from screaming fire in a movie theater.

When did pointing out another Trump lie constitute “shouting fire in a movie theater”.

The fact that a Presidential campaign would threaten any private citizen or business like that would be appalling to any real American.
The wannabe dictator continues his attack on the free press and the 1st amendment rights of Americans. Hopefully the constitution is robust enough to thwart him.

Well that's pretty questionable at this point. He has strained the constitutional system to its limit. It is creaking and groaning mightily under his weight. Already, some parts of it have snapped and broken, like the senate under McConnell. They have refused to do their jobs and are just there to support him instead of doing their actual job as a check and balance on blatant executive branch corruption. So that part of the system is now completely broken and corrupt. There are some rope strands of the judicial branch still holding the system together. But even there many of the strands are taut and strained to the limit, with some starting to snap and break. He is doing his best to stack that too right now, and it won't be long before that snaps and breaks completely too.

Then you can get ready for American Sharia.
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It is not an issue of so-called "Free Speech." The broadcast spectrum is a public asset. That method of communication was seized by the State in 1934, I believe.
After the barrage of hundreds of fake left news stories over the last 3 years, you got a lot of balls to post that. But its what the left does.

Oh we didn't call Kavanaugh an alcoholic high school serial rapist
Oh we didn't call the Catholic High school kids racist
Oh we didn't say Trump was a planted Russian asset
Oh we didn't claim all Trumps loans were from Russian Oligarchs
Oh we didn't claim Trump was going to war with Iran
Oh we didn't say The Trump administration cut funding for the CDC.
Oh we didn't say Trump got rid of the pandemic unit at the National Security Council.
Oh we didn't say the Trump administration refused testing kits from WHO.
Oh we didn't say Trump muzzled his scientist.
Oh we didn't say Trump told Governors you're on your own in regards to buying ventilators.
Oh we didn't say Trump called the Corona virus a hoax.
Oh we didn't say Trump lied about Goggle working with him to provide a virus testing website for all Americans

Yeah, we've heard it all before. You guys have such convenient memories. The left lies so much they don't even know when they lie any more. Its about time we hold these lying POS media groups accountable. You don't like it because you think you have a right to make any claim you want without any fall out.

You want to see a difference. Stand in front of a US soldier and call them a punk lying ass. When you wake up bleeding on the street, you learn you can''t just call people anything you want and just get away with it. Its time to give the media a bloody nose. I say shut them down for 30 days every time they are caught knowingly lying to the American people.

The fact that you are against that tells anyone everything they need to know about you.

Yeah most of those things on your list are true. Kind of amazing how far down the rabbit hole you guys have followed this guy. When you read about Europe in the 20s and 30s and wonder how the people let fascism happen, even voted for it. Now seeing what’s happened in America for the last 5 years, you realize how easily it can happen. I wonder when all this is over how those than supported Trump will be able to look at themselves in the mirror.

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