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Trump calls for Fox News journalist to be fired for report on war dead scandal (1 Viewer)

After all your work to persuade the forum that all FOX is, is a station full of liars.

you again?

let's hear one of their prime time propagandists admit Trump called dead soldiers

After all your work to persuade the forum that all FOX is, is a station full of liars.
Fox News is packed with Trump supporters and it is their policy not to make any criticism of Donald Trump. So the single reporter who cited the opinion of the president that American war dead are losers of course will be fired.
Trump displays the temperament of the True Believer. Someone can march with you shoulder to shoulder for 100 days but if they oppose anything of yours on day 101 - you consign them to the bowels of perdition as an enemy.
Fox News is packed with Trump supporters and it is their policy not to make any criticism of Donald Trump. So the single reporter who cited the opinion of the president that American war dead are losers of course will be fired.

FOX will generously correct her comments.

Too many witnesses debunked this story already.
Trump displays the temperament of the True Believer. Someone can march with you shoulder to shoulder for 100 days but if they oppose anything of yours on day 101 - you consign them to the bowels of perdition as an enemy.

Trump has so many in his entourages who say the story is false that it is just a nuisance.
Trump is a mafia.
Fox News is packed with Trump supporters and it is their policy not to make any criticism of Donald Trump. So the single reporter who cited the opinion of the president that American war dead are losers of course will be fired.

Our other hateful networks make life hard on Trump.
you again?

let's hear one of their prime time propagandists admit Trump called dead soldiers


I don't think he said it that way, or about all conflicts. I think he was referring to people who volunteered to go fight in Vietnam. Vietnam was an unpopular war and total cluster fook FORCED upon the American people. I think history has pretty much proven that to be true, and at the time many people knew it then. So sure, some people got "suckered" on that one, but that being said, I don't think the President should be commenting on it like that. Trump's appeal as well as his unappeal, is his lack of a filter.
FOX will generously correct her comments.

Too many witnesses debunked this story already.

come on man, you know damned well it is true

Did you hear what he said yesterday about John Kelly, a 4 star matine general?

Are you OK with that? If so, what kind of soldier were you?
come on man, you know damned well it is true

Did you hear what he said yesterday about John Kelly, a 4 star matine general?

Are you OK with that? If so, what kind of soldier were you?

One who thinks, since he was drafted, his service was a form of slavery.
That is not a decent thing to say on a public forum.

I dont mean the confederate part. The dont listen to him part.

It is not decent to correct a member publicly for stating the bleeding obvious.
Trump has so many in his entourages who say the story is false that it is just a nuisance.

your posts are unbelievable

and what he said about Kelly yesterday did not happen either?

or are you fine with him talking about a 4 star marine general like that?

You never answered me. You are becoming famious for being a message board "runner"
The article has already been checked and is accurate.

CNN Brian Stelter doesn't think so.

“But it is also incumbent on the sources, on the people that are talking to Goldberg, on the people that are talking to other outlets — the president’s denying it explicitly, so it’s put up or shut up time,” Stelter stated.
CNN Brian Stelter doesn't think so.

“But it is also incumbent on the sources, on the people that are talking to Goldberg, on the people that are talking to other outlets — the president’s denying it explicitly, so it’s put up or shut up time,” Stelter stated.

In a country where a president is so powerful and vindictive, sources cannot be expected to openly express what they know. It does astonish me, however, that retired generals who gladly worked for Donald Trump will not even say one word about what he said. Of course, these same generals accepted jobs from Donald Trump who said on TV that he likes soldiers who were not captured. These ex-generals stink to high heaven.
your posts are unbelievable

and what he said about Kelly yesterday did not happen either?

or are you fine with him talking about a 4 star marine general like that?

You never answered me. You are becoming famious for being a message board "runner"

You went from stop hassling noonereal to now you stalk me baiting me.

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