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Trump bluffed hard on his State of the Union, and Pelosi called it (1 Viewer)


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President Trump is no stranger to bluffing, but rarely has he had his bluff called so hard and fast as he did by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) on Wednesday.

It was unambiguous: Trump said he was coming, and he was challenging Pelosi to stop him. So she stopped him. And he backed down almost immediately.
Pelosi has more spine than Trump. The House is her House & anyone who wants to get inside has to play by her rules. Trump will have to learn how the Government works.

President Trump is no stranger to bluffing, but rarely has he had his bluff called so hard and fast as he did by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) on Wednesday.

It was unambiguous: Trump said he was coming, and he was challenging Pelosi to stop him. So she stopped him. And he backed down almost immediately.
Pelosi has more spine than Trump. The House is her House & anyone who wants to get inside has to play by her rules. Trump will have to learn how the Government works.

.....he can’t get someone to take the class for him....

President Trump is no stranger to bluffing, but rarely has he had his bluff called so hard and fast as he did by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) on Wednesday.

It was unambiguous: Trump said he was coming, and he was challenging Pelosi to stop him. So she stopped him. And he backed down almost immediately.
Pelosi has more spine than Trump. The House is her House & anyone who wants to get inside has to play by her rules. Trump will have to learn how the Government works.

Is anyone surprised by this? Trump is a bully, and like all bullies, a coward.

His only negotiating strategy is throwing a temper tantrum like a five year old, and threatening to do as much harm as possible if he doesn't get his way.

He really is a pathetic example of a man, such a shame that many American youth look up to this behavior.
.....he can’t get someone to take the class for him....

I don't think he ever took a class in civics. After all, he doesn't like to read.
Is anyone surprised by this? Trump is a bully, and like all bullies, a coward.

His only negotiating strategy is throwing a temper tantrum like a five year old, and threatening to do as much harm as possible if he doesn't get his way.

He really is a pathetic example of a man, such a shame that many American youth look up to this behavior.

And he really has no clue how to govern. Bush was able to work with Pelosi because he admitted that his party got whipped in the 2006 midterms.
I don't think he ever took a class in civics. After all, he doesn't like to read.

....class is in session now. I’m not a fan of Pelosi, but I think she will school Trump.
As I've said many times now, Pelosi is NOT the best Speaker of the House but she is the best Speaker of the House to deal with Trumptard.
And he really has no clue how to govern. Bush was able to work with Pelosi because he admitted that his party got whipped in the 2006 midterms.

That would require some effort on his part, and from what I've seen Trump is the laziest slob in government. Lot's of talk, no work ethic, his parents sure dropped the ball raising him.

President Trump is no stranger to bluffing, but rarely has he had his bluff called so hard and fast as he did by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) on Wednesday.

It was unambiguous: Trump said he was coming, and he was challenging Pelosi to stop him. So she stopped him. And he backed down almost immediately.
Pelosi has more spine than Trump. The House is her House & anyone who wants to get inside has to play by her rules. Trump will have to learn how the Government works.

Of course he backed down almost immediately. He accomplished what he set out to do. He made her commit to something. And she committed in writing. She cannot deny her actions. She can only try to spin them.

And guess what...she gave up her previous pretenses about "security", etc.

More justification for Trump to declare a national emergency.
Of course he backed down almost immediately. He accomplished what he set out to do. He made her commit to something. And she committed in writing. She cannot deny her actions. She can only try to spin them.

And guess what...she gave up her previous pretenses about "security", etc.

More justification for Trump to declare a national emergency.

What does she need to spin? She told the misbehaving five year old no. The misbehaving five year old accepted what he was told. Looks like Pelosi knows what she's doing.

Yeah, just checked, she has a few children herself. Although it has undoubtedly been many many years since any of them acted like a five year old, she seems to remember what to do.
Of course he backed down almost immediately. He accomplished what he set out to do. He made her commit to something. And she committed in writing. She cannot deny her actions. She can only try to spin them.

And guess what...she gave up her previous pretenses about "security", etc.

More justification for Trump to declare a national emergency.
Ohh Neato! You have a copy of this. 5485095C-0E44-4084-9DD4-D04F46F42E7A.jpg
Do it from the Senate.
Or the Oval Office.
Of course he backed down almost immediately. He accomplished what he set out to do. He made her commit to something. And she committed in writing. She cannot deny her actions. She can only try to spin them.

And guess what...she gave up her previous pretenses about "security", etc.

More justification for Trump to declare a national emergency.

How does a refusal to invite the president to the House for the SOTU provide justification to declare a national emergency?
Of course he backed down almost immediately. He accomplished what he set out to do. He made her commit to something. And she committed in writing. She cannot deny her actions. She can only try to spin them.

And guess what...she gave up her previous pretenses about "security", etc.

More justification for Trump to declare a national emergency.

You're probably right that in Trump's childish mind being bogged down, especially by a woman, from giving his big speech qualifies as a national emergency.
I don't think he ever took a class in civics. After all, he doesn't like to read.

I taught Government for 33 years and his sorry bloated narcissistic ass would have failed my class.
Of course he backed down almost immediately. He accomplished what he set out to do. He made her commit to something. And she committed in writing. She cannot deny her actions. She can only try to spin them.

And guess what...she gave up her previous pretenses about "security", etc.

More justification for Trump to declare a national emergency.

A national emergency because he can't give his little speech?:lamo:lamo:peace
Trump bluffed hard on his State of the Union, and Pelosi called it

and now he can give it from somewhere else. maybe he can do a very special episode of the Apprentice and give it there. in an exciting twist, the contestant who loses the clapping contest will have to be his new chief of staff.
Of course he backed down almost immediately. He accomplished what he set out to do. He made her commit to something. And she committed in writing. She cannot deny her actions. She can only try to spin them.

And guess what...she gave up her previous pretenses about "security", etc.

More justification for Trump to declare a national emergency.

How do you tell this stuff to yourself? And believe it? Nancy is giving the pres a lesson on the art of the deal.
Of course he backed down almost immediately. He accomplished what he set out to do. He made her commit to something. And she committed in writing. She cannot deny her actions. She can only try to spin them.

And guess what...she gave up her previous pretenses about "security", etc.

More justification for Trump to declare a national emergency.

As if it's a good idea to declare a national emergency when there isnt one?

Wow, what wont you Followers attempt to justify?
Of course he backed down almost immediately. He accomplished what he set out to do. He made her commit to something. And she committed in writing. She cannot deny her actions. She can only try to spin them.

And guess what...she gave up her previous pretenses about "security", etc.

More justification for Trump to declare a national emergency.

Until and unless President Trump doesn't deliver the SOTU, Nancy's won nothing. If he does, Nancy loses.

She might have had a shot until she claimed security shutdown related security concerns, then booked buses for her Belgian waffle/Afghanistan trip with 70 of her besties. Trump called her bluff.
"I will be honoring your invitation, and fulfilling my Constitutional duty, to deliver important information to the people and Congress of the United States of America regarding the State of our Union. I look forward to seeing you on the evening on January 29th in the Chamber of the House of Representatives."​

"I am writing to inform you that the House of Representatives will not consider a concurrent resolution authorizing the President’s State of the Union address in the House Chamber until government has opened."

  • Trump: I'll be there.
    Pelosi: I can't stop you from coming, but you'd best have a hotel room 'cause it's cold outside.
How does a refusal to invite the president to the House for the SOTU provide justification to declare a national emergency?

Her constant opposition to him...refusing to negotiate, reneging on her SOTU invitation, etc...leaves him no choice but to take the step he didn't really want to take: Declaring a national emergency to deal with the humanitarian/security crisis on our southern border.
Until and unless President Trump doesn't deliver the SOTU, Nancy's won nothing. If he does, Nancy loses.

She might have had a shot until she claimed security shutdown related security concerns, then booked buses for her Belgian waffle/Afghanistan trip with 70 of her besties. Trump called her bluff.

What if the major networks dont air it?
As if it's a good idea to declare a national emergency when there isnt one?

Wow, what wont you Followers attempt to justify?

He has already established that there is a crisis.
Her constant opposition to him...refusing to negotiate, reneging on her SOTU invitation, etc...leaves him no choice but to take the step he didn't really want to take: Declaring a national emergency to deal with the humanitarian/security crisis on our southern border.

She was perfectly willing to negotiate. SHe and Chuck were there to meet with The Donald. He walked in, demanded the wall, they said no, and he walked out.

He wouldnt compromise, wouldnt negotiate. He owns that just like he owns the shut down.

“I am proud to shut down the government for border security. … I will take the mantle,” Trump said. “I will be the one to shut it down.”

Or did you just miss where here walked out of that meeting?

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