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Trump Agrees to End Shutdown Without Wall Funding (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Mar 21, 2016
Reaction score
Charleston, SC
Political Leaning
Libertarian - Left

he will back a short-term funding bill to reopen the government that does not include funds to construct a wall along the southern border.

The president said he would sign a bill that would open the government for three weeks. In that period, he said, a bipartisan committee of House and Senate lawmakers will meet to develop a funding proposal for Homeland Security.

As a Democrat, I must say that I'm really getting sick of all this winning.
You mean whining ?
Simple solution...liberal/Demos(such as yourself so boldly) comply or we return to square one.

We don’t negotiate with terrorists.
This shutdown was painful for everybody, but Democrats standing firm means that there is a significantly smaller chance it will happen again. Democrats just need to remember this lesson forever.

If there is a god, today will mark the end of shutdowns.
I'm thinking that if a vote were held today, Democrats would make Pelosi Speaker For Life.
I'm thinking that if a vote were held today, Democrats would make Pelosi Speaker For Life.

Despite the right wing propaganda and AstroTurf efforts to take the speaker position from her, it turns out she’s actually really ****ing good at her job.
Speaker Pelosi quite possibly, in less than a moth, destroyed the Trump presidency. He would be crazy to try another shutdown or to declare a national emergency.

They will send to him a common sense border bill, hopefully with permanent protections for dreamers, and he can sign it or not. But it appears to me that that dude is out of bullets, and his advisers are beginning to worry about a primary challenge for 2020.
Speaker Pelosi quite possibly, in less than a moth, destroyed the Trump presidency. He would be crazy to try another shutdown or to declare a national emergency.

They will send to him a common sense border bill, hopefully with permanent protections for dreamers, and he can sign it or not. But it appears to me that that dude is out of bullets, and his advisers are beginning to worry about a primary challenge for 2020.

trump would have to deal with the Far Right Neo Nazis in his base....They will approve of nothing less than Billions for a wall...deportation of all non white immigrants (legal or not), they'l'l prove to a bigger challenge than Nancy
Speaker Pelosi quite possibly, in less than a moth, destroyed the Trump presidency. He would be crazy to try another shutdown or to declare a national emergency.

They will send to him a common sense border bill, hopefully with permanent protections for dreamers, and he can sign it or not. But it appears to me that that dude is out of bullets, and his advisers are beginning to worry about a primary challenge for 2020.


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