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Trump admin slaps solar, wind operators with retroactive rent bills (1 Viewer)

Quite possible. But we do know that Trump hates wind farms, especially if they are near his golf courses. November 21, 2016 right after the election he pressures a UK leader to oppose wind farms in their country. Kind of self serving use of his new found power. Don’t ya think!

Trump urged UK leader to oppose wind farm near his golf course: report | TheHill

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I just happen to think Trump is too busy to bother with such a trivial task.
this has the look of simple bureaucracy.
1. was there a lease

2. were the tenants using the property during said lease

3. why werent rents being collected WAY before COVID-19

4. if they are 2 years behind, they should have been out on their asses LONG AGO....covid or no covid

how many here live 2 years free with no mortgage payment or lease payments due?

Why dont you read up on the topic instead of making stuff up?

There was a lease. The government declared a rent holiday two years ago.

Now they’re trying to retroactively collect. At the same time, the same Administration is shoveling cash into the pockets of fracking companies and the pockets of the bankers who sold the junk bonds that the oil men owe on.
I just happen to think Trump is too busy to bother with such a trivial task.
this has the look of simple bureaucracy.

Trump is a very small and petty little man. No detail escapes his fragile ego, or his desire to pander to certain interests he particularly worships (few more than big oil).

This is the guy who went out of his way to have Alexander Vinman s brother fired, for nothing.
Trump is a very small and petty little man. No detail escapes his fragile ego, or his desire to pander to certain interests he particularly worships (few more than big oil).

This is the guy who went out of his way to have Alexander Vinman s brother fired, for nothing.
It is possible, but Trump would have demanded late fees, rather than simple back rent.
I just happen to think Trump is too busy to bother with such a trivial task.
this has the look of simple bureaucracy.

Trump is both all powerful and feckless. He has minute details of the smallest actions in obscure corners of the government but has never read a daily briefing. He's both personally involved daily in two year long legal battles with solar operators and does no work because he's golfing daily.

It's amazing the power some ascribe to Donald J. Trump.
Trump is both all powerful and feckless. He has minute details of the smallest actions in obscure corners of the government but has never read a daily briefing. He's both personally involved daily in two year long legal battles with solar operators and does no work because he's golfing daily.

It's amazing the power some ascribe to Donald J. Trump.
I suspect being an evil genius, and an incompetent idiot, on the same draw of breath, is...tiring!
Trump is a very small and petty little man. No detail escapes his fragile ego, or his desire to pander to certain interests he particularly worships (few more than big oil).

This is the guy who went out of his way to have Alexander Vinman s brother fired, for nothing.

If he is so small and petty, then why do you guys obsess over him so much? The deep state needs to be removed. The resistance from previous administrations against Trump needs to go. He was voted president, not the deep state. The deep state for three years now has tried to override the will of the voters.
Trump admin slaps solar, wind operators with retroactive rent bills - Reuters

(Reuters) - The Trump administration has ended a two-year rent holiday for solar and wind projects operating on federal lands, handing them whopping retroactive bills at a time the industry is struggling with the fallout of the coronavirus outbreak, according to company officials.

The move represents a multi-million-dollar hit to an industry that has already seen installation projects canceled or delayed by the global health crisis, which has cut investment and dimmed the demand outlook for power.

It also clashes with broader government efforts in the United States to shield companies from the worst of the economic turmoil through federal loans, waived fees, tax breaks and trimmed regulatory enforcement.

U.S. power plant owner Avangrid Inc, majority owned by Spain’s Iberdrola, received a bill for more than $3 million for two years of rent on its 131-megawatt Tule wind project on federal land near San Diego, according to spokesman Paul Copleman.
Coal is on the way out & now solar/wind renewables can't catch a break in the pandemic, where power demand has dropped. And in some states if you put solar panels on your roof to get free of the grid, the utility bills you anyway.

The trouble with green energy is that it has never been self sufficient without subsidies from the government. They should be able to pay their rent or go bankrupt.
Solar and wind are nothing but silly ass fantasies for stupid Environmental wackos. Never would be feasible without government subsidies. In other words another form of welfare.

Speaking of welfare how about all those assholes that have electric cars? They get to drive around on roads but don't have to pay for them because they aren't paying the fuel tax that is used to fund the construction and maintenance. More welfare bums.
Not surprising, Trump has gone full in on anything that benefits fossil fuel at the expense of everyone else.

He's probably well invested in fossil fuels, or his buddies are.
Trump admin slaps solar, wind operators with retroactive rent bills - Reuters

(Reuters) - The Trump administration has ended a two-year rent holiday for solar and wind projects operating on federal lands, handing them whopping retroactive bills at a time the industry is struggling with the fallout of the coronavirus outbreak, according to company officials.

The move represents a multi-million-dollar hit to an industry that has already seen installation projects canceled or delayed by the global health crisis, which has cut investment and dimmed the demand outlook for power.

It also clashes with broader government efforts in the United States to shield companies from the worst of the economic turmoil through federal loans, waived fees, tax breaks and trimmed regulatory enforcement.

U.S. power plant owner Avangrid Inc, majority owned by Spain’s Iberdrola, received a bill for more than $3 million for two years of rent on its 131-megawatt Tule wind project on federal land near San Diego, according to spokesman Paul Copleman.
Coal is on the way out & now solar/wind renewables can't catch a break in the pandemic, where power demand has dropped. And in some states if you put solar panels on your roof to get free of the grid, the utility bills you anyway.

Well, there's all those fracking donors...

(The gas ones, not the Cylons)

Seriously though, the winners have been chosen.

So republican. Say onto thing do the opposite.

At least he saved some folks from cancer, right?
Cynthia Warner over at Renewable Energy Group thanks you from the bottom of her heart for funding her $4.6 million salary + compensation.

Compensation Information for Cynthia J. Warner, President and Chief Executive Officer of Renewable Energy Group, Inc. | Salary.com

This is why you're not worth debating...you refuse to. Absolutely irrelevant...but you know that. You just couldn't figure out how to answer his question in a way that didn't show your ass... Spoiler: we got to see your ass anyway.
Solar and wind are nothing but silly ass fantasies for stupid Environmental wackos. Never would be feasible without government subsidies. In other words another form of welfare.

You do realize fossil fuel industry gets MUCH MORE of government subsidies than Solar and wind? Links have already been posted on this and other threads.

Speaking of welfare how about all those assholes that have electric cars? They get to drive around on roads but don't have to pay for them because they aren't paying the fuel tax that is used to fund the construction and maintenance. More welfare bums.

I see. Do you have as much problem with fuel-efficient vehicles as well then? Or you are also a welfare bum because chances are you are using a much more fuel efficient vehicle today than you did 10-20 years ago.
You do realize fossil fuel industry gets MUCH MORE of government subsidies than Solar and wind? Links have already been posted on this and other threads.

I see. Do you have as much problem with fuel-efficient vehicles as well then? Or you are also a welfare bum because chances are you are using a much more fuel efficient vehicle today than you did 10-20 years ago.

I hate government and I hate taxes. But even an Libertarian like me knows that if you drive a vehicle on a road and don't pay the fuel tax then you are a filthy ass welfare queen.

By the way, Moon Bats don't know anymore about Economics as they do History, Biology, Climate Science, Ethics ot the Constitution.

Most of what the stupid Environmental Wackos refer to as government subsides to the fossil fuels are legitimate business deductions for expenses (mostly exploration) that all other kinds of other industries get.

Finding oil and getting it to the market place is a very risky endeavor. If the oil companies had to pay taxes on those expenses like the dumbass Environmental Wacko think they should then it would tremendously increase the cost of fuel that would frigging wreck our economy. The stupid solar and wind bull**** will never come close to providing the energy that seven billion people need. Nothing more than an Environmental Wacko wet dream.

Another thing. I am against all government transfer payments. Welfare, grants, bailouts, entitlements and subsidies. That includes any direct subsidies that the petroleum industry gets. It also includes the filthy ass health care subsidies that idiot Obama gave to the welfare queens and the Illegals.
Trump is both all powerful and feckless. He has minute details of the smallest actions in obscure corners of the government but has never read a daily briefing. He's both personally involved daily in two year long legal battles with solar operators and does no work because he's golfing daily.

It's amazing the power some ascribe to Donald J. Trump.

This is actually the pattern he has followed all his life.

He is an extremely vein, selfish, spoiled little man, who had everything handed to him well into adulthood, and never had to take resonsibility or bear the consequences for his bad decisions. Daddy was always there to bail him out. Which he did, right up till the day he died.

After that, Trump lived off the carcass of the apartment house holdings that his father built up. He sold it off bit by bit, to pay off creditors and cure defaults from his bad deals.

I happened to be thinking about that on Saturday, as we drove around the Hudson Yards project. This project had been Fred Trumps dream. And getting the Trump Organizations foot in the door was one of the goals Fred had when he set up his son as the front man for the Grand Hyatt deal. Trump did manage to get a piece of Hudson Yards.

His son had to sell if off. To pay off his bad debts. So, the biggest real estate deal in recent New York history might have been a Trump project. But Donald pissed that away.

Anecdotes from the reporting on Trump projects confirms the clear pattern of Trump indifference to the larger issues. It also confirms Trumps tendency to remain detached, and then wade into things long enough to second guess decisions that were well underway, and obsess over trivial details (and to avenge perceived slights, always a priority with Donald Trump).

A weak, pathetic, petty little man.
I suspect being an evil genius, and an incompetent idiot, on the same draw of breath, is...tiring!

Who said he was an evil genius. Evil may be right, but genius he never will be.

He is a clever parvaricator and a con man. A man who knows how to play to the fear and resentments and racism of an angry white base.
Who said he was an evil genius. Evil may be right, but genius he never will be.

He is a clever parvaricator and a con man. A man who knows how to play to the fear and resentments and racism of an angry white base.
My comment was in response to the comment,
Trump is both all powerful and feckless. He has minute details of the smallest actions in obscure corners of the government but has never read a daily briefing. He's both personally involved daily in two year long legal battles with solar operators and does no work because he's golfing daily.
Solar and wind are nothing but silly ass fantasies for stupid Environmental wackos. Never would be feasible without government subsidies. In other words another form of welfare.

Speaking of welfare how about all those assholes that have electric cars? They get to drive around on roads but don't have to pay for them because they aren't paying the fuel tax that is used to fund the construction and maintenance. More welfare bums.

Since you’re clearly invested in your “Ive got mine, screw you”thinking, and are clinging to a host of outdated talk radio notions, you rant and rave about assholes not paying gas taxes by driving electric cars.

If you’re so angry that “assholes” are somehow taking something away from you by buying an electric car.

You have two choices.

You can pay more and rant about how put out you are on social media (which is what you’re doing).

Or you could be one of the smart people.

Buy an electric car.
Yes. Trump is still an idiot, and a petty one at that.
Perhaps, but it is unlikely that an idiot would know or care enough about the day to day workings of
what all the various departments do, to personally intercede in the decision process.
Why do you hate soybean farmers?

Bio-diesel is a substandard product. Why do you want to force people to use a substandard product? Do you hate working folks?
Bio-diesel is a substandard product. Why do you want to force people to use a substandard product? Do you hate working folks?

Lots of Real American Farmers supply the raw inputs to bio-diesel plants, mostly soybeans. If you are opposed to bio-diesel you hate hard working Real American Farmers. It's really simple.
Lots of Real American Farmers supply the raw inputs to bio-diesel plants, mostly soybeans. If you are opposed to bio-diesel you hate hard working Real American Farmers. It's really simple.

It's a substandard product. There's no moral requirement to use a harmful product just to support farmers. That's stupid.
This is actually the pattern he has followed all his life.

He is an extremely vein, selfish, spoiled little man, who had everything handed to him well into adulthood, and never had to take resonsibility or bear the consequences for his bad decisions. Daddy was always there to bail him out. Which he did, right up till the day he died.

After that, Trump lived off the carcass of the apartment house holdings that his father built up. He sold it off bit by bit, to pay off creditors and cure defaults from his bad deals.

I happened to be thinking about that on Saturday, as we drove around the Hudson Yards project. This project had been Fred Trumps dream. And getting the Trump Organizations foot in the door was one of the goals Fred had when he set up his son as the front man for the Grand Hyatt deal. Trump did manage to get a piece of Hudson Yards.

His son had to sell if off. To pay off his bad debts. So, the biggest real estate deal in recent New York history might have been a Trump project. But Donald pissed that away.

Anecdotes from the reporting on Trump projects confirms the clear pattern of Trump indifference to the larger issues. It also confirms Trumps tendency to remain detached, and then wade into things long enough to second guess decisions that were well underway, and obsess over trivial details (and to avenge perceived slights, always a priority with Donald Trump).

A weak, pathetic, petty little man.

So... what does this have to do with solar operators not paying rent?

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