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To Christianity is Islam and Judaism Heathenish or Heretical? (1 Viewer)

Heretical or Heathenistic

  • Both are Heathenistic

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Judaism is Heathenistic, Islam is Heretical

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Let's just focus on the 72 virgins for now, shall we?

72 Virgins - WikiIslam

Appetising vaginas. Voluptous breasts that are not inclined to hang!
If I didn't know where this came from, I'd think this an ad for cosmetic surgery!

The promises of Islam's god reeks of LUST! It glorifies FORNICATION! It titilliates the mind with lustful thoughts!

How can Jews agree with Islam about the nature of God? Clearly the nature of Islam's god is contradictory to the God of Abraham. SUPPORT YOUR CLAIM! Your word is not good enough.

You insult the God of Abraham.

Oh dear.
ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZaaapppppppppppppppp! Will he survive to post again?

All 3 religions can trace their religious history back to the god of abraham. Jews and christians through Isaac and Muslims through Ishmael, Abraham's sons.
Btw, where in the OT did it say anything about 72 virgins as a reward for jihad? Cite!

It doesn't ..... Where in the OT does it talk about hellfire ....

They may think that. They may even believe that the god they call Allah is the God of Abraham.

The question is: Is He?

Just as much so as Jesus is Yahweh .....

They have Things wrong about God, but Your link making some Connection to some moon God is totally wrong and fallacious.
It doesn't ..... Where in the OT does it talk about hellfire ....
Just as much so as Jesus is Yahweh .....

Focus. You're trying to change the subject.

You made an outrageous claim that Jews would agree MUCH more with Muslims about the nature of God - which I suppose is another bs - which you obviously cannot support.

Islam can trace its roots from Abraham, that's true, through Ishmael. But that's as far as it goes.

You made two fallacious claims by that statement:
Jews would agree with Muslims about the nature of God. How do you know? Just because you thought about it?
The implication that the nature of the God of Abraham is similar to the nature of Allah.

They have Things wrong about God, but Your link making some Connection to some moon God is totally wrong and fallacious.

Never mind pointing fingers as to who have things wrong about God!
Let's just focus on the things YOU have wrong about God - and that's evidenced by your fallacious claim!
Devoid of any logical thinking on your part!

The God of Abraham condemns and abhors fornication and lust. Allah promises a lust-filled fornication romp through eternity - complete with an eternal erection - as a reward! Go figure.

The nature of Allah is contradictory to the nature of the God of Abraham. It is clearly evident, they're not one and the same.
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Focus. You're trying to change the subject.

You made an outrageous claim that Jews would agree MUCH more with Muslims about the nature of God - which I suppose is another bs - which you obviously cannot support.

Islam can trace its roots from Abraham, that's true, through Ishmael. But that's as far as it goes.

Of coarse I can support it.

Both Jews and Muslims believe in a Unitarian trascendant God that cannot incarnate.
That is MILES away from a triune God one person of which is both human and Divine (somehow).

Never mind pointing fingers as to who have things wrong about God! Let's just focus on the things YOU have wrong about God - and that's evidenced by your fallacious claim!

If you want to debate my own theology we can do that .... given Your previous debates With me and Your inability to defend Your position, or deal With my position, or deal With scripture I think it would be a Waste of time.

You posted to a link that made the claim that Allah (arabic for God) is actually an ancient Arabian moon God ... do you agree with that?
Of coarse I can support it.

Well? Where is it?
Cite where it actually says that Jews agree with Muslims as to the nature of God.

Both Jews and Muslims believe in a Unitarian trascendant God that cannot incarnate.
That is MILES away from a triune God one person of which is both human and Divine (somehow).

We're not talking about Christianity right now so never mind trying to deflect. We're just focusing on that particular statement you made. Just think....

The God of Abraham condemns and abhors fornication and lust.
Allah promises a lust-filled fornication romp through eternity - complete with an eternal erection - as a reward!
Go figure.

If you want to debate my own theology we can do that ....

That's what I thought. Your own theology. :lol:
Enough said. That means - no, thanks. I'll pass.
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We're not talking about Christianity right now so never mind trying to deflect. We're just focusing on that particular statement you made.

Yes we are talking about Christianity, I said that Jews agree MORESO With Muslims as to the nature of God than they do With Christians.

That's what I thought. Your own theology. :lol:
Enough said. That means - no, thanks. I'll pass.

If semantic arguments are all you have .... then I understand why you can't debate me from scripture.

But answer the question, the website you linked to claimed that Allah (arabic Word for God) is actually some ancient arabic moon God ... Do you agree?
The God of Abraham condemns and abhors fornication and lust.
Allah promises a lust-filled fornication romp through eternity - complete with an eternal erection - as a reward!
Go figure.

Hey RGacky3, come to think of that....maybe you can answer this.....

If God hated fornication and lust so much that He decimated Sodom and Gomorrah, and flooded the earth (whether literally or allegorically doesn't matter), and the OT is filled with dire warnings about the pitfalls of lust ........

........and here comes Allah promising an eternity of fornication, have you ever wondered where that grand orgy will be taking place?

One thing definite as clearly stated in the Bible, it wouldn't be happening in the Kingdom of God.
The kingdom of the God of Abraham, to be specific.
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Hey RGacky3, come to think of that....maybe you can answer this.....

If God hated fornication and lust so much that He decimated Sodom and Gomorrah, and flooded the earth (whether literally or allegorically doesn't matter), and the OT is filled with dire warnings about the pitfalls of lust ........

........and here comes Allah promising an eternity of fornication, have you ever wondered where that grand orgy will be taking place?

One thing definite as clearly stated in the Bible, it wouldn't be happening in the Kingdom of God.
The kingdom of the God of Abraham, to be specific.

It won't be taking Place because Muslims are wrong about the nature of paradise ....

What's Your point ... and why are you dodging the question I presented?
Allah is Arabic for God .... and the God is the same one the Jews worship, the God of Abraham and Joseph and David.

The triune God is unknown to both Jews AND muslims.

Also Jesus is NOT God in the bible, and we know that because EVERYTIME I've presented arguments you've ignored it, everytime you've copied and pasted links, I've responded to those arguments, showed them to be fallacious and you've ignored the response.

Nuts. In the past I and others have buried you with references to the deity of Jesus, and you parse and spittle them away, to no avail.

So tell me - the power to raise someone from the dead - who alone has that power, and where does it originate?
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If religion is so precious explain why there is more arguing over these threads than others? Face it religion has never been founded on facts is hogwash for the ignorant masses.
If religion is so precious explain why there is more arguing over these threads than others? Face it religion has never been founded on facts is hogwash for the ignorant masses.

I have heard it said many, many time that one can't prove a negative. This is probably true with the existence of a god or gods or even Bigfoot. One will not know for any certainty until one dies. It doesn't bother me one iota what people of what ever faith believe in or not. It's their choice. What puzzles me is not that people around the world believe or have faith in different things and religion, it's why some people think it is so important to debunk what people believe in. To take away perhaps that one solid thing that brings them inner peace and helps in most cases make them a better person. This is especially so when one knows you can't prove a negative.

There is a saying in basketball, "No harm, no foul." I think this applies to any religion or faith a person might have. As long as that person is not harming anyone else, what is the big deal? Scientific theories change all the time, yesterdays facts and theories are thrown by the wayside as new discoveries are made. Who knowa what discovery will be made tomorrow and debunk today's scientific facts and theories.

A little open mindedness and respect, tolerance if you will to others and their customs, traditions and believes goes a long way in helping make this world a better place.
Nuts. In the past I and others have buried you with references to the deity of Jesus, and you parse and spittle them away, to no avail.

So tell me - the power to raise someone from the dead - who alone has that power, and where does it originate?

The only source for any supernatural aspect of jesus is the bible which negates any weight it can lend to your argument. You keep asking non believers to accept the stories of the bible without showing any credible evidence as to why the bible is accurate in these matters.
Define dead. I have knowledge of doctors resuscitating people who are clinically dead. And I would say their skills originate in the field of medical science.

I am curious: how old is the earth?
The only source for any supernatural aspect of jesus is the bible which negates any weight it can lend to your argument. You keep asking non believers to accept the stories of the bible without showing any credible evidence as to why the bible is accurate in these matters.
Define dead. I have knowledge of doctors resuscitating people who are clinically dead. And I would say their skills originate in the field of medical science.

You have no clue about the power of God.

I am curious: how old is the earth?

I'll answer that after you first tell me how old does the Bible say it is?
I have heard it said many, many time that one can't prove a negative. This is probably true with the existence of a god or gods or even Bigfoot. One will not know for any certainty until one dies. It doesn't bother me one iota what people of what ever faith believe in or not. It's their choice. What puzzles me is not that people around the world believe or have faith in different things and religion, it's why some people think it is so important to debunk what people believe in. To take away perhaps that one solid thing that brings them inner peace and helps in most cases make them a better person. This is especially so when one knows you can't prove a negative.

There is a saying in basketball, "No harm, no foul." I think this applies to any religion or faith a person might have. As long as that person is not harming anyone else, what is the big deal? Scientific theories change all the time, yesterdays facts and theories are thrown by the wayside as new discoveries are made. Who knowa what discovery will be made tomorrow and debunk today's scientific facts and theories.

A little open mindedness and respect, tolerance if you will to others and their customs, traditions and believes goes a long way in helping make this world a better place.

Very well said, Pero. Why should it matter who one prays to? It's how you live and conduct yourself that's important, and I have found that sometimes those who yell the loudest against religion are usually the most mean-spirited people you will ever meet, having little regard for their fellow humans.

Governments throughout history have come and gone, but human faith that there is something higher than us has never changed, and I doubt that it ever will. Every culture throughout history has had deities that people prayed to, and that's a fact. Even the Egyptian pyramids, one of the Seven Wonders of the World, were built to ensure that the occupant's soul had everything it needed to enter the afterlife, and there were always special boxes that contained prayers to deities. Prayers are nothing more than faith that there might be something beyond this life, and it seems to be a universal trait, no matter what the culture is, and why that should bother anyone is a puzzle to me.

Greetings, Pero. :2wave:
Very well said, Pero. Why should it matter who one prays to? It's how you live and conduct yourself that's important, and I have found that sometimes those who yell the loudest against religion are usually the most mean-spirited people you will ever meet, having little regard for their fellow humans.

Governments throughout history have come and gone, but human faith that there is something higher than us has never changed, and I doubt that it ever will. Every culture throughout history has had deities that people prayed to, and that's a fact. Even the Egyptian pyramids, one of the Seven Wonders of the World, were built to ensure that the occupant's soul had everything it needed to enter the afterlife, and there were always special boxes that contained prayers to deities. Prayers are nothing more than faith that there might be something beyond this life, and it seems to be a universal trait, no matter what the culture is, and why that should bother anyone is a puzzle to me.

Greetings, Pero. :2wave:

Very true Pol. It seems some people will always have the need to force their views upon others, be it their religious views, non-religious views, political views, almost anything. As long as someone is not harming others, I firmly believe in live and let live.
Nuts. In the past I and others have buried you with references to the deity of Jesus, and you parse and spittle them away, to no avail.

So tell me - the power to raise someone from the dead - who alone has that power, and where does it originate?

Elijah, Elisha, Peter, Paul, Jesus .... they all rose people from the dead. Of coarse with power from God ....

Also Jesus was raised from the dead ... BY Yahweh, the father.

Galacians 1:1
1 Paul an apostle—sent neither by human commission nor from human authorities, but through Jesus Christ and God the Father, who raised him from the dead—
Elijah, Elisha, Peter, Paul, Jesus .... they all rose people from the dead. Of coarse with power from God ....

Also Jesus was raised from the dead ... BY Yahweh, the father.

Galacians 1:1
1 Paul an apostle—sent neither by human commission nor from human authorities, but through Jesus Christ and God the Father, who raised him from the dead—

Well, Jesus said "Destroy this temple (speaking of his body) and in three days I will raise it up." Jesus claimed to raise himself from the dead. And only God can do that.
Well, Jesus said "Destroy this temple (speaking of his body) and in three days I will raise it up." Jesus claimed to raise himself from the dead. And only God can do that.

I've dealt with that in the past, No where in the epistles or acts does any one say "GOd raised himself" or "jesus raised him self" they say ... the FATHER ... God the father raised Jesus.

so in John 2, he raised himself up, in the sense that after being ressurected by God ... he raised up, he stood up, and appeared to the apostles.

That is unless you (as a trinitarian must do) deny the rest of scripture that says that the God the father ressureted Jesus.

Btw, as to your claim that you "buried me." (which is laughable considering never engaurged any of the scriptures I posted, nor any of the refutations of your arguments). People can check for themselves ... by all means http://www.debatepolitics.com/relig...discussion-logic-man-nature-jesus-christ.html, look at the "burying" you did. :lamo
I've dealt with that in the past, No where in the epistles or acts does any one say "GOd raised himself" or "jesus raised him self" they say ... the FATHER ... God the father raised Jesus.

so in John 2, he raised himself up, in the sense that after being ressurected by God ... he raised up, he stood up, and appeared to the apostles.

That is unless you (as a trinitarian must do) deny the rest of scripture that says that the God the father ressureted Jesus.

Btw, as to your claim that you "buried me." (which is laughable considering never engaurged any of the scriptures I posted, nor any of the refutations of your arguments). People can check for themselves ... by all means http://www.debatepolitics.com/relig...discussion-logic-man-nature-jesus-christ.html, look at the "burying" you did. :lamo

Stow it. Jesus said he raised himself from the dead. Period. Only God can do that. You're busted.

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