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To all of you trying to excuse Vladimir Putin (1 Viewer)


Official disruptive influence
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Dec 27, 2017
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Remember that he can stop any time he wants. This isn't like a tsunami or another natural disaster. This is drive by one person and he can turn it off whenever he's ready.
Remember that he can stop any time he wants. This isn't like a tsunami or another natural disaster. This is drive by one person and he can turn it off whenever he's ready.

He wants concessions. Of course, killing people is not a nice way to get your way. If the concessions are given, that sets a bad precedent. If they aren't, the killing goes on.
Can you please tell us exactly WHO is making excuses for Putin?
Remember that he can stop any time he wants. This isn't like a tsunami or another natural disaster. This is drive by one person and he can turn it off whenever he's ready.
Russia's economy is 3rd world... Their military is a disappointment...

That shows weakness... Weakness is a problem for any dictator...
Remember that he can stop any time he wants. This isn't like a tsunami or another natural disaster. This is drive by one person and he can turn it off whenever he's ready.
Just like a wu han live market caused covid, our slaughterhouses produce Putin, and he can only be thanked for spanking us.

Repent, and become vegetarian.
Can you please tell us exactly WHO is making excuses for Putin?
He's just checking to see if there is any of us who would do such a thing.

He would have been the Beast who ruled Russia at the White Horse (2020-2026, 2030.5).
Russia's economy is 3rd world... Their military is a disappointment...

That shows weakness... Weakness is a problem for any dictator...
And that makes him especially dangerous, like Trump when he was faced with losing the presidency after one term.

In reality these are small, insecure individuals with huge egos ..not unlike the coward Hitler who took his own life rather
than face up to what he was.
And that makes him especially dangerous, like Trump when he was faced with losing the presidency after one term.
Yeah, Trump was so dangerous, that we did not have any wars, inflation, border crisis,.....such BS
Yeah, Trump was so dangerous, that we did not have any wars,

Well, except for the phony "wars" that we had? Crooked donnietrump didnt end any wars, President Joe Biden did.
I stand with President Joe Biden.
Well, except for the phony "wars" that we had? Crooked donnietrump didnt end any wars, President Joe Biden did.
I stand with President Joe Biden.
You can stand with Biden and we can thank you for the mess we are in for voting for him.
Can you please tell us exactly WHO is making excuses for Putin?
I think that would be a call out and against forum rules.

Take a look at some of the various threads on the war and you’ll see the inevitable “but Russia didn’t really start this war” people or the “Russia had no choice” people or the “US makes biological weapons in Ukraine!” Q crazies. I think those are the people the OP is referring to. Are you one of them, by any chance?
I think that would be a call out and against forum rules.

Take a look at some of the various threads on the war and you’ll see the inevitable “but Russia didn’t really start this war” people or the “Russia had no choice” people or the “US makes biological weapons in Ukraine!” Q crazies. I think those are the people the OP is referring to. Are you one of them, by any chance?
in other words , once again , any narrative that goes against your mainstream.

russia did start this war, russia did have a choice, but when an official in the US government states that there WERE biological facilities in Ukraine then it makes me want more information, unlike you who need EVERYTHING to agree with you or you can;t stand it.
Well, except for the phony "wars" that we had? Crooked donnietrump didnt end any wars, President Joe Biden did.
I stand with President Joe Biden.
Sounds good because for sure he is incapable of standing by himself . Literally .

Goofiest so called Commander in Chief ever . Locked out of the White House .

Number one joke topic in the rest of the world .
in other words , once again , any narrative that goes against your mainstream.

russia did start this war, russia did have a choice, but when an official in the US government states that there WERE biological facilities in Ukraine then it makes me want more information, unlike you who need EVERYTHING to agree with you or you can;t stand it.
You’re so easily triggered, it’s almost adorable. :)

By the way do you believe the moon landings were staged? Or that Trump actually won then 2020 elections? What’s your take on Democrats running pedophilia pizza rings? I’m trying to understand which conspiracy theorists flock to which theories. Since you’re a proponent of the “US makes biological weapons in Ukraine!” conspiracy theory advocated by Putin, you seem like a good person to survey.
in other words , once again , any narrative that goes against your mainstream.

russia did start this war, russia did have a choice, but when an official in the US government states that there WERE biological facilities in Ukraine then it makes me want more information, unlike you who need EVERYTHING to agree with you or you can;t stand it.

It’s been explained. That you refuse to acknowledge that is YOUR problem. You need to quit listening to liars like Tucker.
Sounds good because for sure he is incapable of standing by himself . Literally .

Goofiest so called Commander in Chief ever . Locked out of the White House .

Number one joke topic in the rest of the world .

In which plane of existence does your post make sense?
Sounds good because for sure he is incapable of standing by himself . Literally .

Goofiest so called Commander in Chief ever . Locked out of the White House .

Number one joke topic in the rest of the world .
I love how you put spaces before your periods. It’s so quirky! That’s all I was able to extract from this train wreck of a post.
Remember that he can stop any time he wants. This isn't like a tsunami or another natural disaster. This is drive by one person and he can turn it off whenever he's ready.

Too often men in power only learn later that there is a social inertia attached to starting "great" events like wars and that when they realise that, they have already lost control of such events, so there is little which they can do to reverse course. President Putin has set into motion a chain of events which he can no longer fully control and if he tries to stop the war, it would likely be the end of his presidency, the end of his life and the end of the Russian Federation. I don't think for a moment that Mr. Putin would ever want to stop or deescalate this war, but even by some unlikely turn of events, if he had a change of heart, things have gone too far for him to recall the now-released dogs of war. Alea Iacta Est! (The Die is Cast!).

The death and misery will play out in this macabre spectacle, where human beings are plucked up and squished like gory jelly upon the rerising Tsarist crown of empire emerging from the flames of Ukraine and as their blood anoints the vestments of the next would-be Tsar ascendant. Just to stage-right stands two equally rapacious and ambitiously hungry and lupine monoliths of NATO and the West, waiting for any sign of weakness or lack of resolve to be manifest before they themselves plunge into war for their own reasons; either in Western Eurasia or Eastern Eurasia as their interests and opportunism dictate and as their transnational appetites await satiation. The play will run its ruinous course and we the horrified spectators will be lucky if we can survive this gruesome and atrocity-filled performance so that post-bellum we can once again forget the lesson of history that war is a rabid pack of monstrous beasts which when let loose, can seldom be recalled and releashed. History echoes and it bites hard too.

Be well and stay alive.
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People here are excusing the slaughter of Ukrainian kids and adults.

I keep watching who's doing it. It seems like it's a lot of the same people that supported or excused the insurrection.

I know that doesn't surprise anyone.
Remember that he can stop any time he wants. This isn't like a tsunami or another natural disaster. This is drive by one person and he can turn it off whenever he's ready.

Who is trying to excuse Putin?
Sounds good because for sure he is incapable of standing by himself . Literally .

Goofiest so called Commander in Chief ever . Locked out of the White House .

Number one joke topic in the rest of the world .

Russia's economy is 3rd world... Their military is a disappointment...

That shows weakness... Weakness is a problem for any dictator...

In 1939-1942 the USSR was a weak economy and its Red Army was a disappointment in Poland, in Finland and in defending the Motherland from Axis invasion. That showed weakness which angered a totalitarian dictator then. By Mid-1945 it was triumphant in a ruined Berlin, controlled most of Eastern Europe and was destroying the Japanese military in Eastern Eurasia. Weakness was not such a problem for a dictator.

History may echo if we are all not careful and are not lucky.

Be well and stay alive.
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Yeah, Trump was so dangerous, that we did not have any wars, inflation, border crisis,.....such BS
Only an attempted. coup d'etat. Fortunately Donnie Ducktails has never been great at execution. He was however dedicated to his cause and thus about as harmless as a rattlesnake.

A good case can be made that the reason Ukraine is getting pounded and its people slaughtered by Putin is because of weak and Stupid Bush 43 followed by weak and vain Obama followed by the coup d'grace, unscrupulous Putin lapdog Donnie and the crew of idiot Republicans that jumped aboard the Donnie party boat. It left NATO confused and nervous and the worlds autocrats most particularly Putin convinced they could get away with MURDER. MBS....MURDER. Putin.....MASS MURDER.
Yeah, Trump was so dangerous, that we did not have any wars, inflation, border crisis,.....such BS





Sometimes you have to wonder whether they are dumb as doorknobs or if they are actually working for putin.

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